Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads to – 1285 points –
Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads

Roku is exploring ways to show consumers ads on its TVs even when they are not using its streaming platform: The company has been looking into injecting ads into the video feeds of third-party devices connected to its TVs, according to a recent patent filing.  

This way, when an owner of a Roku TV takes a short break from playing a game on their Xbox, or streaming something on an Apple TV device connected to the TV set, Roku would use that break to show ads. Roku engineers have even explored ways to figure out what the consumer is doing with their TV-connected device in order to display relevant advertising.


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Just because they patented it doesn't mean it will happen. Sony patented this evil idea.

We are not far from “please drink verification can”

error! user is attempting to steal lemmy premium™

If Sony patented this idea, does it mean nobody else can use it until it expires? Good guy Sony always looking out for us

I kind of feel like starting a non profit that solely creates patents for evil ideas with no intention of ever licensing them

I think you can still pay to license patented technology for commercial use if the patent holder is willing. Just because they haven't used it yet doesn't mean they won't though!

If McDonald's needs a surefire way to make me not go to a McDonald's ever again, that's perfect.