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Nah, her behavior lined up with the values she’s always displayed. She’s trash, she acted like trash. Shrug.

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Is that why he smashed his cruiser into a truck at a trailer park last week, sent the truck flying, and brandished his gun at bystanders? Aw geez, no wonder then, he must’ve been just so stressed out!

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Because the Soviet Union was a communist dictatorship, which the GOP hated (the communist part of it, anyway), and modern Russia is kleptocratic oligarchy, which the GOP loves. Easy enough to tease out, really.

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Cool. Vote third party. We’ll get Trump (or one of the other authoritarian dominionist clowns in the car), who will end up pushing for a nuclear attack on Gaza while dismantling every institution we have here, meager as they are, but people still need them. Then in 2028, don’t vote at all because you will probably lose your right to do so. At least you voted with your ~heart~<3 though, so have a nice cup of tea and give yourself a hug.

We do not have a system in place where your idealistic protest can do anything other than make things worse. Fix the goddamn system, put people in power on a local level who have a chance, and work up from there. Fuck outta here with any Jill Stein horseshit.

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He knows that as soon as he retires, he dies. He’ll probably die in office, but not as quickly as he would if he stepped down now.

He can’t die now. He has so many more lives to destroy.

[shrug] Ehh, just more ways for these idiots to grift one another and fuck each other over even more.

And they accuse the left of dealing in identity politics.

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I won’t believe it until the Audi he’s driving in the photo is replaced with a Ford Tempo that he’s borrowing from his roommate at the flophouse he has to live in, scraping by by selling junk through an MLM scheme because that’s what’s most apropos for him, the boot-licking Paul Bearer-ass-looking motherfucker

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They may start off as edgy teenagers, but there’s that whole gazing into the abyss thing you have to worry about

Start one, call it lemmeigh

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Repealing the fourth amendment will be a plank on the GOP platform

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Had Trump never gotten the stupid idea to run—which was what put him under the microscope—in the first place, everyone, from the top down, would have been fine and could have kept their respective grifts going well into the lich-esque ages they’d have inevitably reached because these scumbags live for-fucking-ever.

Part of me is glad they’re being brought into the light like the cockroaches they are so they can [potentially] face justice, but another part of me thinks that whatever victory the American citizens gain in this will be a pyrrhic one (metaphorically), and we’d have been better off had we never heard of any of them from the outset.

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Abbott: “uhh, nuh doy, they’re prisoners, you do the crime you do the time” [puts on cowboy hat, does wheelchair line dance, fires six-shooters into sky]

Absolutely nothing will be done about this and DeSantis is trying to one-up them by baking non incarcerated people alive

SCoAZ: [bans abortion]

AZ GOP: [freaks out over upcoming electoral bloodbath] “we do not agree with the draconian measure that the Supreme Court has taken”

Also AZ GOP: [freaks out over maga chud response to equivocation; immediately upholds ban]

My thoughts exactly. Furthermore, if they moved it to April 2026 and Trump—in the darkest timeline possible—won the election, the trial would be canceled altogether.

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Poor education? I thought that was the GOP’s goal, like not even joking?

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Just makes me think of this:

Wow, only $400 for a thing in a videogame? What a goddamn bargain, sign me right the fuck up!

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So… it’s not because she was going to lose a race that she only won by ~500 votes last time despite it being a GOP-leaning district? Ohh, damn that Berg from Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place

Not just Operation Overlord (which I’m betting this jamoke doesn’t even know), but all kinds of military operations were postponed due to weather and other reasons. It’s how strategy works. I assume the extent of guy’s military expertise stops at shouting racist slurs while playing COD, and I even say this as a not-actually-an-expert type of person.

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And then they think they’ll be part of the vanguard when the power vacuum opens up, and will give way to a glorious socialist utopia. Guess what, turbo, you’ll be up against that wall too, and it’s just going to be roving gangs of authoritarians.

It’s not even that the protagonist is a woman, the Boer said that he didn't want to play GTA V because he just couldn’t kill police officers

He’s a fuckin’ virtue-signaling wiener who needs to be given a swirly; I doubt it’s even true but if it were, he’d use the same reason not to play any of the Wolfenstein games

That’s when you respond saying “fine, NKVD then, you guys are like the Soviets”

See what the assholes say then

I guess it also warrants asking, what good, if any, did Reagan do for America?

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Yeah, and Trump doesn’t seem to have one of those either. But I chalk that up to the brain worms more than anything else.

He forgot to mention all the people just giving you drugs to get you addicted

Fuckin’ D.A.R.E.

Benny “Dry Humping Only” Shapiro is calling it an attempt to silence Musk and an attack on free speech

These guys never showed up for fifth grade civics

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His truck’s a piece of shit too, that’s big important here

Why can’t teachers get respectable side jobs like mine did when I was a kid, like bagging groceries?

Seriously though, she was highly regarded by her colleagues and students and was awarded Teacher of the Month, so clearly she was doing things right and it appears that she was able to keep both sides of her life a comfortable distance from one another. They’re throwing the baby out with the bath water in a time when good teachers are harder to find, we can’t afford to lose more of them.

Hey @elonmusk Why Cant People Roll Cole In There Telsa’s? Your Not A Real Man If Your Not Rolin Coal —@RealPatroit1776

@RealPatroit1776 looking into it —@elonmusk

I want to know what “other” is that is also clobbering CDs. Can’t say it’s streaming because it’s physical media. The article mentions that half a million cassettes were sold, but that doesn’t really answer the question. That “other” takes up a lot of space relative to CDs so I’m pretty curious.

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Nah, I think his brain damage is from all the K he’s zooted out on

Psh, nice shameless plug for your community bro

…to which I’ll subscribe as soon as I can

That Dolphin was No Angel!!!!!!!!!! Stand for are Cop’s and Kneel for are Cross!

Isn’t protest supposed to make things inconvenient for people and to make them uncomfortable? I agree that local small businesses should not be wrecked because that just makes you the bad guy, but if people are able to go about their day without having to make any adjustments, then is the message being properly conveyed?

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A selfie?

But yeah, that’s all he’ll do, except throw a ~cissy~ hissy fit that he’s being victimized by the EU

Who the hell cares, so long as it leads to some fundamental changes

If it is adopted we can refer to it as babby's first socialism, right before the c-suites are rightfully purged and execs replaced with the workers on the floor

[1] What’s to say that someone getting an abortion isn’t god’s will?

[2] How can anyone really claim to know what god’s will even is in the first place?

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Correction: Trump supporters will likely run out of legal defense funds by summer

Trump isn’t running out of anything, unless you count whatever hall leads to the bathroom, in which he won’t make it in time

Basically a manifesto asserting that everyone with power is colluding to mount a fascist coup d’état on America; Bush v Gore was a fake double team to get Bush the presidency, The Simpsons is some kind of propaganda meant to dupe us into being slovenly dopes forced into doing the bidding of billionaire overlords, um, I think there was some accusations levied against the Epstein victims for being pawns of some greater scheme, et cetera and whatever. Oh, also a crypto Ponzi scheme.

From the limited info I heard, he was a normal, decent guy, but he had some kind of psychotic break a couple of years ago after his mom died; that said, if anyone has more/better information, please feel free to correct me.

Staring at Seymour right between his steamed hams