456 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Hey, y’all! Just another random, loudmouthed, opinionated, Southern-fried nerdy American living abroad.

This is my lemmy account because I got sick of how unstable kbin dot social was.

Mastodon: @stopthatgirl7

If they aren’t liable for what their product does, who is? And do you think they’ll be incentivized to fix their glorified chat boxes if they know they won’t be held responsible for if?

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So you think these companies should have no liability for the misinformation they spit out. Awesome. That’s gonna end well. Welcome to digital snake oil, y’all.

I saw someone describe this as Trump’s Kobayashi Maru - if he goes, he’ll get destroyed again, but if he doesn’t go, he’ll look like he’s afraid of her.

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I am just so, so tired of being constantly inundated with being told to CONSUME.

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For those of you who don’t know Fahrenheit:


170F-180F-> 77-82C


109F -> 43C

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The community came together to deliver a well-deserved ass whooping.

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The US shifted from a veto to abstaining, which is as close as the US is likely going to get to voting against Israel. That’s actually a huge shift, as soft as it might seem.

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Yeah, but old racists don’t like seeing Black people on screen, and that’s what’s really matters, doncha know.

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Cops really do lie about everything.

How are they so bad at this?!

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I’d have played it day one had it come out on PC. They’re the ones deciding to cripple sales.

Since I’ve got to wait at least a year - possibly two if they decide to do a timed Epic exclusivity - there’s no way I’m paying full price and will wait for a sale once it’s on Steam.

Why on earth would they put cameras in locker rooms?! That vague “safety and security” Is not going to cut it as an acceptable reason.

This wouldn’t fly as a reason to put cameras in women’s locker room, and it shouldn’t fly as a reason to put on in men’s, either.

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You’ve highlighted what is definitely a major problem with the Fediverse - all it takes for you to lose all the hard work you’ve done building up a community is the person running a server to pull the plug with no warning.

I loved kbin social - I started out on there, and only moved over to lemmy because it was getting too erratic and it was impossible to find out what was going on. Being able to move is a great thing, but if you miss your window to move, you’re SOL.

Admins definitely need to be willing and able to have the reins over to someone else if it’s getting to be too much, or to at least let people know in advance if they’re planning to shut down. Communication is key.

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Good to know you like censorship.

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Jfc, that poor kid. Everyone failed him in the worst way.

There was a time when Boeing was famous for its quality. Then came corporate greed and having to please shareholders over everything else.

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Yes. When people were in full conspiracy mode on Twitter over Kate Middleton, someone took that grainy pic of her in a car and used AI to “enhance it,” to declare it wasn’t her because her mole was gone. It got so much traction people thought the ai fixed up pic WAS her.

If only we didn’t live in a dystopia and that was what this was for.

He is completely incapable of keeping his big mouth shut.

The only problem with the Democratic Party is that not only is it run by geriatrics who are out of touch, all their advisors are also geriatrics who are out of touch.

Shockingly, when you actually finish, polish, market, and release games, people buy them! Has anyone told Microsoft this?

It’s a problem when it’s defaming someone.

Narcissists will never blame themselves for their screw ups.

The thing is, selling off the amount of Tesla stock that he’d need to to pay off the debt would cause Tesla stock to plummet, leaving him significantly less wealthy and putting Tesla in danger. So even though he technically has the money to pay them, he functionally doesn’t.

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Y’all gotta stop listening to Elon Musk without the world’s largest block of salt.

The stroke may well have been part of it, but he honestly told us who he was when he pulled a shotgun on an unarmed Black man out for a jog, all because he thought he’d heard gunshots and assumed the man was running away.

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They gauged a little too much and boasted about record profits a little too loudly, and now have to deal with backlash. Too bad, so sad. 🙄

It’s a completely deserved win. It’s one of those games that I want to start playing again before I even finish a play through.

The problem is that it stopping them at all to even ask for a picture is legit cutting into the time that their clients have paid for. Geisha and maiko’s time is paid for in set blocks of time, and the clock starts ticking from the moment they leave the geisha house and start walking. The longer it takes them to actually get to where their appointment is, the less time they have with their clients.

Nah, it’s people are legit a-holes to women walking down the street. They’re harassing maiko who are literally just walking to work. People are grabbing them, pulling out their hair ornaments, getting in their way, etc. it’s been a problem since even before the covid lockdowns.

It came out much later here than it did in the US, and you still can’t buy it directly from Valve - you have to go through an authorized third party. But I have seen the Asus ROG Ally in electronic stores. I’ve only seen the Steam Deck at one place, and I think that store has an arrangement to sell it exclusively. I haven’t been out looking in a few months, though.

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Legit, I did not know this until I read this article, either.

Aren’t those minor roles exactly how people get their start in voice acting and start building up their resumes? Actors have to have a place to get their start, too.

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It’s honestly upsetting to see.

That’s a really stupid hypothetical because why would a Chinese company give the first shit about “white replacement”?

And the devil has enough advocates.

It’s not that you “found the Musk fanboys,” it’s that sexual assault jokes are neither funny nor acceptable.

A sundown town. They’ve made a sundown town.

Gaiman is one of my favorite writers and I actually have stuff signed by him, so…yeah.

Sure bro. Suuuuuure.