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Joined 1 years ago

Is this house loss?

Cool. So what’s he gonna do about it? Or was this it?

73 more...

Thanks a lot, dude. Gonna be hearing about this from the right for forever

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You know how when you are falling asleep but have an embarrassing memory jolt you awake? Or when you are driving and have a memory that makes you suddenly scream?

The shitter will never have internal peace. I can't imagine much more of an embarrassing situation. Poor guy

28 more...

I just don't want to anything anymore

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The Great Internet Recession™ has begun

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Most men have no idea what they actually like. I'd be willing to bet most wouldn't be able to identify light mascara even if they saw it applied

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I tell people I'm a software engineer but in reality I'm a config file engineer

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The takeaway for me as a leftist is that this indicates how dogshit Biden is but also how much more infininately dogshit Trump is.

We really are in the dogshitiest timeline

I guess it's cool that a few on the right are finally agreeing with progressives that Biden isn't the "radical leftist" that the fearmongerers have been pushing for the last 4 years.

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I wish we lived in a society where not everything needed to be profitable. People deserve treats and sucks to have things that made our lives better go awake because shareholders demand money

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All of these people voting for him are gonna quickly disavow him when the wheels of time turn and history looks down upon them with universal disgust

Hard was find people in Germany who openly admited to supporting a certain party once that party was destroyed. Thank God for social media, people won't be able to use cheep excuses for being held to account

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Hate to break it to you but you are the person who mentioned horse cock

Can't wait for the day that sexual orientation and gender identity are finally not considered "political"

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Whoever told him the world was gonna roll him was pretty sharp

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Could you imagine if they actually somehow lost the speakership, even if just for a couple of days? I hope dems play dirty and do some sort of vote on a day when there are some Republicans out. It'd be glorious shit stirring

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Honesty, this is going to be way way way more humane than lethal injection. I'd prefer the state not have the power to kill it's citizens but if they are going to, I want it to be painless

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Homonormotivity is the goal of the gay agenda. We are making great strides

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One must bring the water to a boil slowly. Now how are you going to have your mortgage paid for? Looks like youll need to delay your Vail ski trip or, heaven forbid, combine it with your Aspen trip

The finacial courts do ocassionally do really funny things. Like forcing Musk to buy Twitter and now making Rudy sue Trump

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The mortality rate for people attempting to travel this way is 77%, according to the FAA figures.

I’m surprised it’s not higher

He's such an egomaniac that reproducing is a kink for him. Imagine being one of those kids and knowing your dad gets off at your very existence while him also caring so little about you other than your genes

Anyone else smelling burnt toast and struggling to use their left arm?

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You don’t hold your talking peanut butter?

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This would be an awesome album cover

Unfortunately the president gets security clearance inherently with the position. It’s kind of like asking the King/Queen to get a drivers license when those are issued “at their pleasure”.

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IPv6 was a mistake. We should have just added an addition octet

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I'm so callaced to click bait ads that taking a moment to actually read one has me just confused

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My serial killer trait is that I use vi instead of vim cause I'm too lazy to type the extra character. Tho if for some reason, vi tab completed to vim, I'd probably use vim

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The onomonopia I hear is PONK

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Also, your face is too small for your head

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If it actually drives, I'd pay a few hundred just for the fun of making cyber truck shitposts

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It's not fair of you to expect our cops to be compitent! It's against their nature

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Finally, the one joke being used for good!

I don't often actively root for tech to fail. Even if it's something g dumb, it can pave the road for something down the road. However, I'm here for the failure of this because it's been so nebulous.

I don't know how to explain it, but this kind of feels like when people were trying to make products where the main hook was blockchain and they seemed to have worked backwards from the tech to a product to the problem being the last thing considered.

As far as I can tell, the only advantage this thing has that a smarter smart watch can provide is taking photos and videos. So maybe there is something there that is worth exploring. Who knows, maybe if apple or Google released this with robust integration and a reasonable price, maybe it could have some potential to have a use case. Maybe GoPro might want to explore the form factor? All that said, none of the things that I think have potential has nothing to do with AI which is what they think is feature #1.

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Think I’ll do a biblically accurate cat girl cosplay next year

[edit] be nya afraid

I can see a situation in which I'd be into it but not sure being dismissed and ignored would be my kink

In the full article, it said they kept the guy in the bathroom till a few minutes before landing. I'd absolutely refuse to leave the bathroom till it's been deplaned

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Exactly. I hope they do it and see that nobody actually cares because every hates Biden. The majority of people just hate the GOP drastically more.

Their confusion will be delicious. We already see them not get it when they are confounded that they don't see Biden flags, Biden caravans, or rallies. I love Fetterman's response cause it's such a good reflection of how most people feel.

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According to the Whitehouse, this has not been reached yet

Thank you for asking this. I'm against ethnostates regardless of the ethnicity and am genuinely curious to hear OP's response