Giuliani doesn’t want to sue Trump for $2m. His creditors might make him do it anyway to politics – 376 points –
Giuliani doesn’t want to sue Trump for $2m. His creditors might make him do it anyway

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The finacial courts do ocassionally do really funny things. Like forcing Musk to buy Twitter and now making Rudy sue Trump

It was funny seeing him Find Out after Fucking Around with them, but it's considerably less funny now that it's Truth Social 2.0

Yeah it was looking like Twitter was going to collapse for a few months... But now it's obviously not going to.

Having the most money in the world helps with even the worst businesses, unfortunately.

It kills me because so many of my peers devote so much time, love, and energy into community-based businesses that struggle to stay afloat. Meanwhile these fuckers stay enriched while running absolutely despicable businesses, only because they have so much seed money to start with.

They should simply have had their parents run an emerald mine in an apartheid country.

I keep telling my brother this but he won't listen

And then those chucklefucks claim the rest of us are beholden to a meritocracy when they just called on mommy and daddy to give them welfare.

Remembering that time Elon put a reward out for anyone who could prove his daddy was rich and his actual dad responded

Fuck Around and Find Out

Please please please can we leave this phrase back in Reddit

I bet the reason Gulliani doesn't want to sue Trump isn't loyalty. It's because he knows, deep down, that any attack on Trump is going to be seen by the MAGA hats as a threat. Nuance isn't their specialty.

Gulliani knows he's going to get death threats if his creditors sue Trump.

Even funnier

Nah. I don’t want anyone to get death threats.

Yeah I don't want it to be threats either.