
1 Post – 739 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Queer tiefling fire witch

Trumpists have been actively deflecting from their own Asshole in Chief's genocidal support by pointing to Biden's genocidal support. As a result, people who haven't been paying attention are completely unaware of how much more Trump supports killing brown people.

The reality is that the two options are Genocide Lite and Literal Nazi Supporting Genocide. Not voting or voting third petty gets you Literal Nazi Supporting Genocide. There is no realistic option that gets you Palestinian support, and you can blame the two party system for that, but at the end of the day we are all being forced to decide which flavor of genocide we'd prefer.

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Just dropping this here

Surely, his sentencing will exceed hers right? Right?

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Honestly more readable than a lot of SQL I've read. It even has hierarchical grouping.

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So fun fact

The reason why it was the deadliest shooting is because the shitstain was using a bump stock, which makes semiautomatics into pseudo-automatics, so he just mag dumped into a crowd

After it happened, the Trump admin of all fucking people banned bump stocks. Broken clock or something.

Now SCOTUS is about to hear a court case to repeal the ban, and they look poised to legalize bump stocks again under the BS reason that "they're not technically automatic weapons"

With the added bonus that now everyone knows about them

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Yes, sexual abusers get canceled. Congrats on learning about the "find out" stage of life.

Would he rather we talk about nursing homes?

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Law enforcement also drew a gun on the burning man during the incident

When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

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"non partisan" and "free market conservative" are incompatible with each other

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Trumpsplaining the judge

It's lead and microplastics that are poisoning the blood of our country

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I eat kiwis with the peel

Australians are next

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Incels 🤝 Excel
Falsely assuming something is a date

The Good Place

That show is a philosophical masterpiece

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I'm a trans person and condemn anyone who won't vote to stop a fascist dictator that wants me dead from obtaining the nuclear codes

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Gone up 40% in cost and down 20% in quantity

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The workers said they tried to report what they saw to police, but were turned away from two separate law enforcement stations.

Yeah that checks out

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When a senator does it, there's backlash

But when a twice-impeached presidential nominee facing nearly 100 felony counts does it, he gains support?

Because of right wingers muddying the waters to try to make Trump seem like the better option by keeping Biden front and center.

Spoiler: he's worse than Biden.

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You're dead on. NYPD is entirely useless. I've had to call them before due to violent fights outside my door, they called back 3 hours later asking if the fight was still happening.

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Cry and hope for a revolution. Since the Supreme Court decided money is speech, we have no power. Representatives don't care about their constituents unless a message comes with a "charitable donation". The rich are seemingly immune to laws, but somehow there's a surplus of money available to fuck over the little guy. This is a failed country of the corporations, and for the corporations.

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Clarence Thomas just clutched his pearls

Accidentally deleted an entire column in a police department's evidence database early in my career 😬

Thankfully, it only contained filepaths that could be reconstructed via a script. But I was sweating 12+1 bullets. Spent two days rebuilding that.

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Stop bragging about your gay dads, gawd /s

Justice Samuel Alito himself could cause is causing very serious harm

It cuts into the meat industry's profits and is primarily desired by liberals

the creaking bones and exhaustion hasn’t really started creeping in yet.

Uhhh about that

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The people who think now is the time to make a moral stand by voting 3p

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If any cops are reading this, it's not too late. Put down your badge and find a job that doesn't make your neighbors' lives worse. One of my friends went from police officer to bar accredited lawyer, if she can do it you can too.

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Half our country still struggles with that

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Oh no. Anyway

Pleather is just shitty plastic lined fabric. Its lifespan is only a few years tops, after which it falls apart faster than a single parent with medical bills. It's less likely to happen with real leather.

I was on a psylocibin trip at home and decided to put on my blindfold and lay in bed for some introspection and closed eye visuals. For reference, my blindfold consists of a layer of leather with a padded fuzzy lining. It's very thick because it was intended for kink, but I like it because it's comfy and blocks all light.

While laying in bed, I realized I could literally see through the blindfold. I could make out my hand in full color and could even see the ring I was rolling between my thumb and index finger. I could see when I waved my hand and could tell which fingers were up and which fingers were down. I could only really see my hand and whatever I was holding, surrounded by a black aura. It was super cool but bewildering as all hell. My partner was with me and even she was in disbelief.

My best guess is that the psylocibin turned my proprioception into visuals, like a form of synesthesia.

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Dude had no choice, he was coming right at him

The people who want to spite Biden's genocidal support by not voting for him don't realize that the alternative is a fascist dictator who actively relishes in the prospect of killing brown people. If you think Biden's treatment of the Gazan war is bad, wait til you see Trump.

Same with the Ukrainian war. If Biden is milquetoast, Trump will guarantee your toast is forever black and inedible.

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Imagine sitting next to this guy when it happens. That must be fuckin traumatizing

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Given that you can't even do laser removal near the eyes, I'm putting my money on that being makeup/a shop.

Also the white in the teeth doesn't look like white tattoo ink, unless it's super fresh

Edit for source: I too have many a tattoo

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I'm on the side of the migrants. Texas needs a major change. I wish them luck with their takeover.

My partner and I are flexatarians, it's lovely. The only downside is that it's hard to not eat carb heavy, which is also an issue with vegetarianism and veganism. I feel like a spy among vegetarians.

I really don't eat a lot of meat. When I do it's usually chicken, sausage, or broth. The latter two are great for using bits of the animal that wouldn't normally be consumed alone.

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Lmfao. Here's a pic for the super lazy.

Screenshot showing "?B" for truth social

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Dang LGBTQ came by and turned me gay. Now I can't stop fantasizing over other women! I mean, gestures wildly up and down

Pens holding specially trained dolphins that protect the Black Sea naval fleet are also likely to have been lost

I'm sorry what

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