You have a magic pill, which de-ages you by 20 years. You can take it once in your life only, so long as you are at least 20. What age — past, current or future — do you reckon is best to take it? to Ask – 137 points –

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the creaking bones and exhaustion hasn’t really started creeping in yet.

Uhhh about that

Well, just saying, what creaking bones I had in my 30s don’t even rate in comparison now

Wife and i were talking about that yesterday. I turned 50 last year and its like my body just decided that everything should brake down all at once.

I said the same thing once I hit 30... I threw my back out once when I sneezed and was like whelp I'm basically almost dead now

Ha yeah had that not with a sneeze but i made a mistake by taking a drink from the fridge, and there it went. Dumb thing is i can carry “heavy” stuff and be fine but i look at a sock wrong and my backs out and walk like a duck for a week.

chuckles I'm in danger

Start doing morning stretches, drink more water, and avoid caffeine after 5pm