0 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The future is nothing but a cloud of infinite possibilities

You re-downloaded your media to get better quality files.

I re-downloaded my media because I misconfigured Radarr.

We are not the same.

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Half Life 3, confirmed!

-every MBA everywhere.

Fixed that for you.

So what I’m hearing is that when I set up a browser “I’m from America”, and when I set up Windows, “I’m from Europe”?

How long before he's offered some extra spicy tea?

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We had the chance to stay at an airbnb when our house was being worked on.

We found that most of the places around us were trying to compete with Hotels on price.

Which is fine. Except that the hotels had more/better amenities… for the same cost.

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According to Squeenix, what was the last game that actually managed to "meet expectations" according to them?

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Also, pro-tip: When configuring Radarr (or Sonarr for that matter), be sure to define a recycle bin.

I woke up the next morning with all my media wiped. That was in June/July. I'm still recovering.

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Mantis Shrimp when?

I don't consider myself immune to ads. I do consider myself to be resistant to manipulation, however.

Or simply release a patch that disabled only the online portion.


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Was up for ~24 hours when I decided to drive two hours to go to my parents house. This was a mistake. I had spray water at my face to keep my eyes open to drive. Made it to my dest. without incident. Never again.

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I’m pretty sure that’s a state-by-state thing. I’m also pretty sure that some states already have some term limits.

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I can say that having only one rental... is not enough. We have started the process to sell our rental as we were only making < $1500/year on it. It just wasn't worth it. But if we had had around 3-ish rentals then maybe it would've been better as they could better support one another. We charged a lot for rent, but, after taxes, insurance, near constant repairs, and now the threat of not being able to secure insurance (due to companies leaving the higher risk area that we were in,) it just isn't worth the hassle for a single home rental unless it is next door to your own house, and you are doing the repairs.

My take is that 1-2 houses still isn't enough. Especially if you're trying to replace active income generation (jobs and such). Nobody needs 40 units (that would be it's own property mgmt. job), but one or two is most certainly not enough. I could probably get by with the income of ~10 if a property mgmt company was supporting me.

The problem isn't that people are trying to make money off of rentals, it's that people are trying to make too much money off rentals by raising monthly rates to rent-trap level, and low-to-non-existent repair-rates.

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Just picked up Kenshi.. becasue I'm a masochist.

One of things that I like most about it that it isn’t algorithmic. When I crash for the night, I look at the most popular over the last 12 hours, and then… I’m done.

This is what people are referring to when they talk about junk in orbit.

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  • Dwarf Fortress has entered the chat.

It would also force out politicians that might actually be effective.

Yep, power companies love solar power, until they don't.

CHEKOV: We've picked up a minor energy flux reading on one dynoscanner.

TERRELL: Damn! Are you sure? Maybe the scanner's out of adjustment.

I feel like no executive should be able to exercise their stock options while they still work at the company.

Neverminding that we have to scan the cards to even begin scanning the (soon to be our) stuff.

Pot/Kettle black…

That's a good idea.

My story took place 20 years ago. I have never driven that sleep deprived again.

Hmm, I use Spotify to stream a wake up mix (approved by my SO,) to an Amazon Echo via Home Assistant. Currently, I know of no way to stream arbitrary music files to an Echo. And I know of no consumer grade device that can accept the command to "Shut your cake hole" when we're tired of listening to stuff while being compatible with HA. This is ... inconvenient.

Eh, that’s a mitigating circumstance.

As an aside, and this is all an incredibly “first world” kind of a situation, but I’m not sure how you address the bitterness of some circles (like maybe this thread?) toward the layer of people who got ROI on hard work: I’d also be a proponent of limiting legacy wealth and eating billionaires. I was in college for 15 years at a state school and worked 10 at a university before I made big boy money and got stuff on my own. Not everybody who has some extra money got it by lucky birth or by exploiting the masses and I’ve still got loans to pay, why not own some houses for people like past-me to rent and make a little extra for the effort? I guess it’s easier to see it this way from this side of the problem.

I usually handle this by reminding people-at-large that landlords are not the problem. "Rent-seeking" landlords are the problem. I'd imagine that given the ARR-mindset of some of the larger players also contributes to the negative stereotype. Where the goal is not "Providing a Service", but instead it is "Building Capital", that's where I start to lose interest.

I too, feel that if your annual income is greater than 8 zeros, then you should get a plaque from the IRS saying "Congratulations, you've beaten capitalism this year, now go outside and touch grass." and everything above that is used to actually better society. This is what progressive taxes that were reduced 40 years ago were intended to do (Source: Effects of Reaganomics).

I mean, it's like they've never seen it done before.

I'm pretty sure that the GOP keeps a list of things that the Dems do expressly for the purposes of nullifying it the next time they have the chance. It may take them 50 years, coughRoecough but they just keep at it.

Imagine where we'd be if all that energy was turned to a more productive endeavor. Like, well, anything really.

Monthly Active Users.

Queue the "1 of out 10 dentists endorse this product." messaging.

I use an iPhone because I need two things to just work, and my phone is one of those things. (The other is my car, but that isn’t super relevant here.)

I'm using a Conbee2 + Zigbee2MQTT for this exact reason.

Not OP, but this is good info. I’m going to be doing something like this over the course of the next few days, and these are good details. Thank you.

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Does telegram allow for local lan only messaging? If not, how does the bash script send the message to telegram?

I’ve landed on running uptime-kuma on my network, and when I get the “service restored” messages I know that I had an outage last night.

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My own take on it is that it's, hmm, not really bad design, just unforgiving.

When you see that you're about to make more than X number of changes, Stop.. verify with the user, then move forward.

I've been using the hotio image for qbt. It's working pretty well.

Yep, part of the 11-year club as well. I stopped browsing on mobile when Apollo died. I still browse on old.reddit in a browser, but I've found about 60%-70% of the content on here that I was looking for over there. So, not too shabby.

It’s pretty good once you wrap your head around what it’s doing. Took me a little while to figure out. It also allows custom HTML embedding.