11 Post – 1358 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

There are real world performance benefits to ram being as close as possible to the CPU, so it's not entirely without merit. But that's what CAMM modules are for.

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That's extremely dependent on the use case, but in my opinion, generally no. However CAMM has been released as an official JEDEC interface and does a good job at being a middle ground between repairability and speed.

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If you allocate it right, you can add 200GB of swap space and then that 4GB of RAM will feel like 408GB!

It's extremely obvious with words like "terrorism" and "anarchy". In the 1910s to describe her actions in court, a radical feminist stated her actions were not anarchy, but terrorism. Imagine defending yourself by invoking terrorism now.

Since you have been deeply involved in immigration activism

Also fair. I'm an activist that helps immigrants find working class power, not an immigration activist.

I didn't know that was a requirement for getting a visa. When it comes to heads of government, I think about what my CEO would do and work off that. It works most of the time, but clearly not every time. It does recontextualize things for me a bit, but not enough to stop me from being absolutely pissed at the current administration or the ruling. I think we can both reach the agreement that the way immigration is about to change is total bullshit and needs a complete overhaul.

I'm not going to keep the numbered thing up, because a few of those answers are good enough for me.

I don't think the headline is wrong, I think this headline is indicative of the problem with headlines in general: they fundamentally can't provide appropriate context. The state department does have the unrestricted power to separate spouses now, in a very narrow context where the non-citizen is not in the US (for now - we know where SCOTUS and Trump want this to go). Yes, it could have been better, they always can be. I've only seen maybe a handful of perfect headlines in my entire life, and most have come from the Rolling Stone. I don't think this slant is any worse than mainstream headlines, and miles better than anything that would come from conservative media. I think the reaction is that as a country, we're used to these angles coming from the right so it feels wrong for there to be leftist critique in news.

Why would it matter either way if the lawyers report directly to him or to the DOJ? The DOJ is still administered by Biden's handpicked appointee. This decision is inextricably linked to Biden's administration. We don't need to know if this is what he wanted in his heart-of-hearts, we just need to know that his administration is why we now have this majority ruling in the first place. The lawsuit would not have existed if the State Department didn't try to fuck with people's lives.

Still accurate, the amount of joy from a handful of upvotes beats thousands of updoots from the other place

Don't forget to toss in some finely chopped onions

Well this is a firehose of bullshit.

  1. What part of the article is factually wrong?
  2. What specifically gives you the feeling that the article is unreliable?
  3. Why does it matter whether or not the lawyers representing the state department work at the state department?
  4. Why should tattoos of any kind be an indication of whether a non-citizen spouse can get a visa?
  5. How exactly does the headline mischaracterize the ruling or the majority opinion?
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This decision deeply undermines precedent and established law. Sure, he might have announced a "keep families together" campaign, but his administration pushed the issue and has granted the state department the ability to deny visas to people legally married to US citizens.

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We're reaching a point of having multiple "everything" problems. Housing is one of them. An everything problem is when several different socioeconomic crises result in it's own specific crisis, and can likely only be solved if the solution also addresses the other issues too. Capitalism plays a huge part in the housing crisis, but so does climate change, wealth inequality, systemic discrimination, the opioid crisis, and so much more. All that to say, shit's complex and addressing any of these other problems will give some amount of relief for the housing crisis, and vice versa.

Turns out they're legit, and partner with lgbt+ organizations. Unfortunately a lot of the lists I saw for other queer friendly companies are pretty localized to microbreweries. So as usual if you want to support lgbt+ companies, look local

Why does your version of climate change mitigation include intractable suffering from the poor and minorities?

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Thermonuclear annihilation

Frolick whimsically to the edge of the enchanted forest

For those curious but don't want to bother opening the link:

  • It was in North Carolina
  • The engineer was critiquing NC infrastructure
  • A NC agency said he needed a permit to criticize their infrastructure
  • The judge correctly determined that it was a violation of our first amendment rights
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I think this framing is extremely disingenuous in the title. It's the same kind of bullshit that resulted in the misframing of the McDonald's hot coffee suit.

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And this clause will give unity some fun lawsuits for those old versions

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Maybe it's time for a state to start a nonprofit insurance fund? Insurance companies exist only for profit, which is antithetical to the point of insurance.

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Just a reminder that this murderer killed a libertarian active duty army Sargent veteran airman that saw police violence as wrong. Abbott is celebrating the murder of a soldier killed at home.

Edit: I incorrectly identified Garrett Foster's honorable service.

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Phones should be turned off or left at home anyways when protesting. Here are my 10 commandments for engaging in protests:

1: never bring your wallet/ID. If you need to buy things, bring cash

2: either shut off your phone or leave it with your wallet. Recording police violence can be useful, in that case get the aclu app, a burner phone with the app, or an action camera

3: never speak to police under any circumstance

4: you can beat the charge but you can't beat the ride

5: bring water, it's more useful than for just drinking

6: bring hats, sunglasses, etc to avoid being identified by the state if it gets violent

7: wear good running shoes

8: know your rights, both federal and local, and when to use them

9: take out any contact lenses in case police use tear gas

10: stay aware of your surroundings; listen to picket line enforcers/community organizers

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you and your unborn child will die, for the life of the fetus.

Republican healthcare, everyone

Very nice. If anyone here works at IKEA, just know that unless you unionize those things can disappear just as easily.

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Seriously, fuck Pearson. My professors knew this is a common problem and always told us to get screenshots if this happens to correct the grade

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God I'm fucking tired of this type of hypocrisy. They want her to ignore that republicans have systemically attacked democracy in Wisconsin, but they think that if she gives a ruling on the case it would be "undemocratic". I hope no one falls for this shit.

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bullshit. cis- is a latin prefix that means "on this side of". So for example, the Roman region Cisalpine Gaul could reasonably be interpreted as "the part of Gaul that's on our side of the Alpines". The prefix trans- is the antonym meaning "on the far side". Transalpine Gaul was the part of the Roman empire on the other side of the Alpines. When related to gender, the only way cisgender can be read in any context is "their gender aligns with their sex". There is no way that could ever be reasonably be interpreted as a slur.

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I'm fucking sick of these laws. Since when was the "party of small government" all about creating literal nanny states?

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Yea, I bet he wished he could have illegally crossed state lines with a firearm he wasn't legally allowed to have again to protect himself from these organized students

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Even if it's true, fuck you for weaponizing your neurodivergence.

  • sincerely, an autistic person
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I'm in the "Z-lennial" group, it's mostly just the cost for me. Why would I spend $20 on 2 drinks at a bar when I can get a 12 pack for $16 and play terraria with my friends?

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Ah yes, when he held the extremely influential and prestigious governmental office of checks notes former vice president

18% of all working people in the US are under non-competes. This is a huge deal.

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How do they define "antisemitic acts"? There have been widespread protests in support of Palestinian civilians, which goes against a ban in place since the attack by Hamas. Are they going to use vague definitions to revoke citizenship for people protesting against the genocide of Palestinians?

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I'm imagining Firefox creating a clientside file called government-blocklist.txt, with the understanding of "don't touch this file, you scamp 😉"

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Because the facts and law side with Texas

Lol no they don't. Paxton knows that. Federal agents always have jurisdiction over the border

Due to the bail system, jail also serves as punishment for being poor.

But the most important part of the best meme ever is ROFL

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Let's hope for the best case scenario: she actually did have covid and spread the virus to other totalitarian ghouls

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I've been told that I'm a good leader. I refuse to get into corporate leadership and instead use those skills to organize unions

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They're public employees. Their privacy is non-existent while on duty. There is actually no reason for police radios to be encrypted. The only reason police feel even a modium of responsibility to the public is because they are able to be constantly watched by citizens, and their unencrypted comms is an important part of that.

ETA: I get what you were saying and adding onto it, not trying to contradict

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