Sam Bankman-Fried Calls for Shorter Prison Sentence, Citing Autism to Not The – 154 points –

Lawyers for the FTX founder say he wasn’t motivated by greed but by a desire to better the world through philanthropic giving

(sans paywall courtesy of the only reason I have a bluesky account)


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Even if it's true, fuck you for weaponizing your neurodivergence.

  • sincerely, an autistic person

Weaponised autism dont say that too loud thw americans might start recruiting

There's fewer weapons more powerful than a large group of autistic people with a common goal. I'm joking, but also wholeheartedly believe that.

The common goal bit might be hard to achieve.

As a parent of someone on the spectrum that tried to help them maintain a DnD campaign, I can't agree more. 🤣

Yeah, he pulled basically the same bullshit months ago with his ADHD (made a big legal deal about taking a fuckin pill at some point during the day to the extent that his legal team and the judge got involved in a matter that should be handled entirely between Sam and whoever his doctor is - clearly a my BrAin iS WEirD So tREaT Me sPEciAL tactic, which I have encountered before and find uniquely aggravating), which I personally live with, so I 100% get you.