6 Post – 653 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I love all the people here on the piracy community who are paying users of spotify. Almost like piracy isnt an issue if the alternative is more convenient. Funny that huh.

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Who would have thought that the stagnation in development means people don't want to buy a new phone for a 2% better camera every year. I recon we gonna see anti repair hitting new heights tho cos u gotta squeeze money out of people somehow.

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Not trying to victim blame here but what kind of idiot parent lets an underage child on the internet unrestricted. Like godam what do u think goes on online.

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The executive payroll

I worry for the future generations that cant debug cos they dont know how to program and just use ai.

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Is the fediverse starting to get rolled into the mainstream content farm. Might help our cause and get more people on the bandwagon.

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Finally someone with some friggin balls

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I really want to see it crash i hope all of wallstreetbets shorts them into next year.

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I bet he makes more money as he isnt getting fucked up the ass by a deliver company

Nvidia is not gonna be happy lol they developed cuda to corner the market and build a monopoly based on their own framework get fucked nvidia lol.

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I mean china is already sending them to concentration camps doeant get much worse than that. But it seems nobody cares.

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So sexism is outrage performance art now?

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Now we are free of reddit we need to separate NSFW and NSFL. Not sure if allowing both on the same post should be allowed but we defiantly need to have both as options.

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Are these the charges that where dropped? Is one not innocent untill PROVEN guilty. Of cause its a catch 22 u go and extradite him to have the case then he ends up in the US awfully convenient that. Also gotta point out how convenient it is that anyome who fucks with the alpabet bois gets accused of such crimes.

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I can strongly reccommend logseq its a foss alrernative to obsidian. Its getting betger eveey day and i can definatly say the new database version is going to be awsome.

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Of ur moving fast enough the doppler effect.

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One word "email"

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This is so good they cant stop them without stopping all religions from being in school. Genius move lol.

Well i see a future for very profitable prompt injection.

Im so glad i moved away from windows ages ago.

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Not suprised. Also not suprised they have been handing this data over to law enforcement for years now. Its no just to track down people whove taken said test but also people who are related even distantly. The fbi estimates they can use dna evidance to single dowm the possible people to 2 or 3 out of the entiriry of the us

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Wow the dead internet theory gets more real by the day

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I thought all patient data was confidential stop trying to frame a privacy issue as a trans issue its only going to polarise and divide an audiance.

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He clearly hasnt thought this one through. Biden can just order that trump be execjted by a hitsquad and have complete immunity lol. Ohh u dont like a political opponent and u are still presedent just execut them.

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Let me guess its a miniscule percent that was included by mistake. And its been used as justification to prevent u running your own model but its safe for large corporations to run them?

Ohh no our preciouse monopoly on addiction is being undercut. Would someone think of the poor tobaco companies struggling to keep the lights on.

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We need Bernard Sanders.

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Not a good look but then again the uk wanted to legaly mandate a real identity linked to online avtivity so they always have been a little authoritarian.

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What we need to do is have a copyleft licence for all federated content so anyone who uses it for any purpose (data minibg ai etc) must make it opensource and federated then they can come do whatever they like good luck profiting if u cant own the servuce or the content.

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Literally nothing is unusual if u do it enough times.

Every service that joins the fediverse the more terrifying the fediverse becomes to the big tech companies.

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For the love of god fix ur mobile css

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Lot of profit in selling body parts

Its really not braindead at all. Well if ur goal was to invade a smaller neighbour and didnt want them fighting back that is.

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Wow i love the normalisarion of resteicting parts of the internet. Its almost fitting nineteen eigty four was set in london.

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Hmm its crazy that almost like rampant consumerism isn't the most efficient thing to do

Did bro claim squatting rights lol. He might acually win.

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Seems to be working unfortunately.

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So what does the bill actually say are they gonna try use it to kill foss ai models?

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