Spotify does not support travel? to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 158 points –

I mean fair enough, i use this version of Spotify and don't pay them a single cent:

But if I was a paying customer i would be pretty pissed opening Spotify the first time on my 3 week travels and seeing this crap :⁠-⁠O Funnily there isn't even an option to change the location as suggested. Neither in the modded app nor on on FF mobile.


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I love all the people here on the piracy community who are paying users of spotify. Almost like piracy isnt an issue if the alternative is more convenient. Funny that huh.

Streaming service companies take note

Streaming service company later: Scratch that...

No greedy executives want to squeeze out eveey last penny.

You missed a comma

No, greedy executives want to squeeze out eveey last penny.

Wouldn't want you to look like you were defending greedy executives

They were already trying to ruin it with Tidal exclusive albums

Funny enough I just ditched Spotify premium since their apps for every platform I use are far and away the buggiest apps I'd been using regularly, including open source apps. I started using InnerTune instead to get free unlimited streaming on mobile and the funniest thing is, the app works better than Spotify. Bigger library too since it pulls music from YT. Quality probably suffers but IDK, willing to make that trade for no subscription fee

yeah to talk about the best spotify premium at Gratis i think they are really good

Its insane to promote paying services over pirating like this in a piracy forum. Kids what went wrong? Why are you like this?

If the services are fulfilling the needs that the customers have, no piracy is needed. There are some issues, like this, but for the most part, Spotify is quite good currently.

This is your own moral and ethical understanding of piracy, but this is a forum that centers around piracy. It makes sense to start a discussion about views and what not, but it doesn't make sense to promote paid services over piracy in that way.

Why do I get the feeling you might be younger than the average age here? Maybe missing an /s?

Just like how a community centered around recreational drugs is going to recommend against taking drugs if it puts your life in danger, or a python community telling you to learn C if you want to do embedded programming, or a hammer community telling you to use a screwdriver on a screw.

Those are some of the randomest and funnyest examples lol. And they make sence bravo

You can see yourself that those examples don't align very well with streaming music right?

Why don't they? You're saying that a piracy forum has no place for discussing anything that isn't promoting piracy. I'm telling you that it does, because the topic of piracy includes the topic of when one should or should not pirate.

OP clearly states in the post they are using a modified APK to get premium access without paying