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Joined 1 years ago

Look up Wilfried Erdmann, he was a famous single sailor who has circled the world a couple times. He has books on the matter where he speaks about the experience as well as the preparation and what kind of yacht he used. Very well written and interesting if you're into that topic.

It shows that you can do it alone easily enough and that you don't need some crazy high end yacht.

At least the last point is something you can do relatively cheap at most larger lakes or coastal cities in a weekend course. Sailing isn't that hard.

fact, I hope that they get imposed the maximum penalty multiple times

Max penalty would be breaking up Apple. It's even defined in the law. First comes 10% of revenue, then 20, then dissolution (didn't know the English term( Thanks billiam0202) )

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Yeah, living in Germany a OCH is just the way to go. Also it's impossible to find decent content with German audio without having spent years seeding English stuff to get into a private tracker

So, they want to create AI written and narrated audiobooks that use the voices of well known voice actors without paying them for the privilege? How is that supposed to stand in court?

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Surprised nobody said meat yet. Current prices are only possible through gigantic subsidies and the blatant disregard for even the most basic of animal wellbeing and that's not even starting to factor in the environmental and climate damage meat production ensues.

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has led some college professors to reconsider their lesson plans for the upcoming fall semester.

I'm sure they'll write exams that actually require an actual understanding of the material rather than regurgitating the seminar PowerPoint presentations as accurately as possible...

No? I'm shocked!

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Or the rituals I hold in my server room to appease the Omnissiah

Just for them to be axed again when Cheeto or any other GOP troll comes back into office? They need to be actual law and not something set up by the FCC

I would have preferred to have it solvable through policy or something. A giant business, with high earning employees would of course raise the average rent if not regulated. I find it rather amusing, that it actually happened in the game as well without being explicitly build in.

Isn't that also quite the small form factor? I still had the fridge sized copper monstrosities in mind when thinking of quantum computers

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And I'm sure that fine was as high or higher than the profit they made from the data... what, it wasn't?!

That's because the web dev ecosystem at one point decided, that libraries that only offer very minute functionality are acceptable as well as adding 20 of them to your project.

Examples like isEven or leftPad come to mind, which have such high proliferation, that their dev broke half the planets web projects when he broke them intentionally.

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For simplicity sake alone I would say No. As long as services don't share infrastructure (eg. a database) you shouldn't mix them so you have an easier time updating your scripts.

Another point is handling stacks. When you create dockers via compose you are not supposed to touch them individually. Collecting them all, or even just in categories, muddies that concept, since you have unrelated services grouped in a single stack and would need to update/up/down/... them all even if you just needed that for a single one.

Lastly networks. Usually you'd add networks to your stacks to isolate their respective Backend into closed networks, with only the exposing container (eg. a web frontend) being in the publicly available network to increase security and avoid side effects.

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I don’t even know if it’s still an official motto.

It's not

One of my former supervisors told me I was not meeting expectations, but he was willing to work through it with me. We made a PDP(Personal Development Plan) on which I worked hard for a couple months, getting good feedback all the time. When the plan was done we had a final meeting to conclude it and see where I stood. He spent almost an hour telling me how happy he was with my progress and how I exceeded the goals we had set, only to then pull the carpet from under me, telling me how he was in talks with another manager and that he was kicking me off the team. It's been over a year now and I still haven't recovered from that.

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[...] protecting our Right to Repair everything we own.

See, that's the issue right there

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Don't forget the OS built by a megacorp snorkeling up all your data anyways

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I will never buy a Mediatek phone, for the sole reason that there are no custom roms for it, since Mediatek does not publish the necessary binaries as they are supposed to

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We had a guy like that at a company event once. He then wanted us to use our phones to fill a word cloud for his talk, live and unfiltered. Let's just say we were already a bit drunk and laughing a lot.

He was not happy.

Same, I can feel the wrinkles crack on the corners of my eye.

They shouldn't have been collected without a warrant

Standard solution would be grafana + Prometheus on one server and a node exporter running on each pi. You then register the node exporters in Prometheus and use that as a data source for grafana. There you build a dashboard showing whatever metrics you want. It can also show some information about the Docker socket, like number of running/stopped containers and such.

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How would they pressure admins? Threaten not to take their instances data and put ads on it? What leverage has Meta here?

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Not with that attitude

You can do that now with a custom extension list

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This is Jellyfins version of Plex' Plexamp. A music player for your self-hosted media library

As if that is the ultimate goal. Not less death. Less accidents. More money.

I'm pretty sure the author agrees with you. Not every dividend is monetary. He's talking about the long lasting effects to security and how that will "pay out" in the years that follow

Disappointing lack of chrome spray colour

Definitely start with "Good Sir", that's what I learned from years of reading voLTE requests on xda

An engineer makes engines and a sales persons makes sales, right?

It broke containment!

Oh well,... Anyway

They also limit it on other platforms, if you use anything other than Internet Explorer Edge. Since Microsofts browser is the only one to include the Silverlight DRM plugin.

Regretting a decision has nothing to do with consent. Just because you consented to something does not mean you won't regret it or vice versa.

what are you even talking about?

I'd assume you could still charge them the regular way. You'd just no longer get a fresh one, but that just puts you on par with the other EVs

It's not that there are no issues yet, the issue Page is disabled. They don't want people to rain on their parade

Would you call it Piracy if I lend a bluray from a friend? I didn't pay for it and yet I've watched it.

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