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Joined 6 months ago

Your vulgarity and call to violence are quite convincing, sir. Mayhaps you moonlight as a bard?

Went way downhill after the conde naste acquisition.

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Who said bots aren't also spitting out trash Lemmy content? Seems to be the case to me

Now I can really see what I'm serial killing!

Anyone who bought into the don't be evil story / marketing is being willfully naive. Like all the big tech companies they're basically intelligence fronts. Big tech is big brother. You don't even have to look hard to see how intertwined with the CIA / NSA Google had been from the beginning. Furthermore, Snowden's exposure of PRISM made it clear that it wasn't just a few grants early on, it was setup by design to limit govt liability yet allow mass surveillance to go on unabated and the entire launch of Gmail is yet a single token example. Don't trust big tech.

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POTUS bringing up the MEATUS

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After COVID a lot of people seem to act skeptical but we need to get serious here. I've heard this strain could be extremely virulent and there's no telling how soon effective vaccines will be produced without any kind of emergency use authorization. If you're reading this, schedule an appointment with your doctor ASAP. Better safe than sorry. Mask up indoors always and make sure not to touch anything in airports and public bathrooms.


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The term "organic" is actually regulated by the USDA though, unlike "natural"

Good point. I'd like to hear more on this. Seems to me like the strongest electrical infrastructure would be a federated system as opposed to fully centralized. We also wouldn't lose acres of otherwise untouched land that way.

Apple sucks.

Meaty Erection Around The United States

Lol slavery

Well that's ironic, because it is being left to private manufacturers, and they are moving towards interoperability anyways

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I too confuse basic anatomy such as face and stomach. There's hope for us yet!

Your brain is pea sized indeed, because any nominal amount of wondering should make you realize it has to be taken on a case by case basis. Otherwise we should just make everything legal, no?

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It was those damned churches staying open during COVID

Naw, so Apollo was built with curtain rods and used candles for thrust

Exactly. NASA has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no God, the earth is a ball, we can trust our governments and large institutions, and manned space flight was a '70s trend back when the economy was better. We still have them to thank for Velcro and Tang my dudes

Funny enough I just ditched Spotify premium since their apps for every platform I use are far and away the buggiest apps I'd been using regularly, including open source apps. I started using InnerTune instead to get free unlimited streaming on mobile and the funniest thing is, the app works better than Spotify. Bigger library too since it pulls music from YT. Quality probably suffers but IDK, willing to make that trade for no subscription fee

This guy's in for a serious delight

Right. We missed our chance when Hillary didn't get in. I can't see why people imply she's dishonest.

Seriously. Of all the things I associate with conservatives, normal isn't one of them amirite??

Rebar is a god damn conspiracy against the youth my dude

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It appears to be a team of software engineers moonlighting as a tech support team for a Chevy dealership. Checks out to me

Exactly. Happy to see it go.

Yo man this is like, deep thinking bro

You're definitely not gullible right?

You know it's real because it looks so fake

You could remove the icon and put a picture of a keycap on it to denote it as a meta key

Well all that technology was lost so they had to build it back again. It's a painful process

Survival of the fittest. Evolution does not value truth or mortality, so for example secret rapists are a highly successful adaptation regardless of the morality of the action. If evolution is a correct model of reality, this pesky religion and moral agency will diminish with time. True progress. Maybe we can start counting the years from the big bang instead of that Jesus event or w/e!


As a misguided act of gratitude

Can't wait to get my first AliBaba Web Services certification

Your shrink renders video frames?

Democrats are better

Make so much senses

I'd rather start saving my trash, thanks

I won't tell your parents. Have you tried slipping extra materials in their bible?