2 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Most of the articles writing about it seem to reference following reddit post:

Following code is pointed out:

setTimeout(function() {
 }, 5E3);

While this is a 5s timeout, the code itself does not check for the user agent. So wherever the code is the 5s timeout will occur. The code also does not seem to be injected server side. I spoofed my user agent and for good measure installed a fresh google chrome, both times the code was present. So this code cannot be used to make any browser slower without making the other browsers slow too.

There is a response to the reddit post, which most articles seem to take their intel from. IMO this response does a good job at exploring what the code could be used for and points out that it is more than likely not for slowing down Firefox users:

I am amused by thinking that many journalists seem to take this story from a post on reddit, without even reading the direct responses - or just copy from another article.

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Keep in mind that this graph shows core temperature. It is obvious to most but it should be written down.

Don't want someone with little to no cooking experience look at this chart and put his huge turkey for a couple of seconds in the oven at 165°F / 74°C 😅

What is 440ml to begin with? A propper beer in a can is 500ml, a propper beer in a bottle is 330ml or 500ml. Everything else is a scam.

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Hurting people hurt people.

Shit rolls downhill.

All i am trying to say is that, sadly, being the opressed doesn't mean you cant be an oppressor. The world is complex...

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This is not correct.

Most of the posts/articles reference following reddit post: . It shows the code from your screenshot. However the code does not check the user agent and is not injected server side (I checked by user agent spoofing and using a freshly installed chrome). So it will run on every browser and cannot be used against some specific ones.

There is an answer to the post everyone seems to reference, which goes a bit deeper into what the code could do:

Nowadays everything seems newsworthy... I would not be mad about it if Bethesda did not include a pronoun setting, i am not mad someone made a mod to remove said option, i am not mad nexus keeping its sovereignty to decide what they host...

What is everyone mad about? Just let ppl do whatever they do.

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just in case someone feels like right-clicking. (CTRL+Shift+K opens the console in Firefox, but shht)

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Guys relax. Most of the 'research' comes from this reddit post:

It points out following code in youtube's polymer script:

setTimeout(function() {
 }, 5E3);

But exactly this code does show up on a stock installation of chrome too, and it does not check for the user agent. One of the responses goes a bit deeper into what the code above could do:

It is rather clear, that this code is not aimed at firefox users to slow down their loading time.

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pretty sure those are the noisy minority. afterall more content drives more people. artificial walls wont benefit anyone...

from :

In 2013, Google realised that most XMPP interactions were between Google Talk users anyway. They didn’t care about respecting a protocol they were not 100% in control. So they pulled the plug and announced they would not be federated anymore.

Basically keep people from using all the other platforms. Then stop supporting them. Similar like .docx never quite works in the open document editors. At least i refuse to believe that OSS devs are less skilled and motivated.

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Lemmy is developed open source and the people operating the servers are not the same people writing the source code.

While I do not agree with the salty comment made about an amazing open source project, they corrected it. Maybe this is a great opportunity for people to contribute. Not everyone needs to be a programmer to provide value to a project like this. Sources can be found here:

It will be a cat and mouse game, which YouTube will loose in the long run. Don't remember the name, but there is a very clever solution: They download all the ads so YT thinks you are watching. However, ads are never shown to you. This is extremely hard to detect and it muddies the data collection of Google since you watch and click everything.

IMO: This is a net loss for YT/Google. Their collection of data looses value. And advertisers wont be willing to pay the same amount for clicks, since a registered click is not necessary someone who watched and the targetting got worse...

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They are desperate, frustrated, angry... They are human.

Neutrally looked at, a couple of french farmers and craftmen had no chance against the french military of 1789. But they where pushed to a point where they believed doing nothing is worse than dying trying. By chance they actually stormed the Bastille and kickstarzed a very dark chapter in french history.

(/) brings you killed mice (x)

maybe a stupid question: But doesn't android sandbox every app? If every app is running in a sandbox, it shouldn't be too hard to pretend your phone isn't rooted.

If they check for a specific version number, like @RagingRobot mentioned, it also shouldn't be a problem. Just set that specific sandbox to return whatever version you want.

I am aware that 'just configure the sandbox' is not really an accessible solution. But a sandbox-config-master would be a great app for rooted phones.

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do you need GPT4 specifically? If not, mistral has their large model for free available:

while I like the idea of Fairphone, last time i checked their flagship did not include an 3.5mm jack. This is simply not acceptable as i need it for my work. It is hard to find phones with a 3.5mm - even harder if you want to be able to repair them.

Yes but No. For most people writing this kind of mail should not be a problem. However, for many different reasons it can become difficult to write such things: This mail is some kind of formal letter and alters a contract. Let's imagine someone with a learning disability, they may be able to sign up for a online service, as they have done it many times. Writing a formal letter they may not have done many times and they cannot map past experiences the same way as a neurotypical person.

Depending on the local law this may be a reason why forced arbitration has to be opt-in: Typically the law should protect the weaker party. As the barrier for writing this letter is higher than the sign-up process, there is an argument that the chosen opt-out process of discord is targeted against some of their weakest customers.

But that is just regulation for regulations sake. Since you can buy the cheap walmart stuff or an expensive italian designer - it really does not fulfill the only supposed benefit of stopping bullying.

Please inform yourself. In these comments and on their website, it is covered that they do not provide books freely. Just like any other library books can be borrowed exactly as many times as they own a copy.

Just like any other library they sometimes provide a download for Adobe Digital Edition, which manages your lends on books. But as your friend with DRM stripping tools for sure can confirm: DRM is just an annoyance for legitimate customers, it forces legitimate users to use specific applications, while pirates get the freedom to choose how they interact with the not any more protected media. But this is a discussion for another thread as treats copyrighted books just like any other library.

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While listening to Spotify using a custom APK, which enables premium features: I support this message!

Not sure if the 145°C is a citation/translation error by the site. If the mushroom is boiled in water (e.g. hotpot), it will never reach those temperatures.

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that mentality is probably what most ppl started with. however, youtube burnt quite a lot of bridges. i would assume, that many ppl, just like me, wont do the 3 clicks to disable adblock for youtube.

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

looks like is down too. might be a coincidence or someone trying to show off...

I have found three comments from you, where you insert yourself as an expert on what Open Source is/not is. Although you do link to some sources, you do so without arguing your point. IMO this is not a constructive way of communication. Since I believe your perspective is purist but overall not too helpful, I will go through the trouble an actually argue the point:

Your problem is following sentence published by the OSI: "The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources." Which FUTO does - they won't allow you to put ads on top of their software and distribute it. But I hope that you would agree with me that GNU GPL is an Open Source License. However, they do have a copyleft which practically makes selling software impossible. If you use a library which uses the GPL, you have to make your sources available - which makes selling a compiled version a difficult task...

If we look at Wikipedia, we see following sentence: "Generally, open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public for use or modification from its original design.", Grayjay fulfils this. Wikipedia continues: "{...}. Depending on the license terms, others may then download, modify, and publish their version {...}", you are allowed to download and modify Grayjay. They do not allow you to commercially distribute your modifications, which is a license term.

Lets look at a big OSS company. Red Hat writes: "An open source development model is the process used by an open source community project to develop open source software. The software is then released under an open source license, so anyone can view or modify the source code." These criteria are fulfilled by the FUTO TEMPORARY LICENSE (Last updated 7 June 2023). Red Hat does not mention the right to redistribute anywhere I could find it.

To those who actually read up to this point: I hope you find this helpful to form your own opinion based on your own research.

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Considering that i have a free account registered to a 10 min mail and paying customers don't seem to have that problem... It might be some kind of protection against manipulating the charts aswell.

duckduckgo has an array of LLMs, which they take care of anonymity

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I don't know about the laws where you live. But here it is legal to make 'security copies' of any medium you bought. If you have to crack some kind of protection, that is an inconvenience.

You are just not allowed to distribute any copies without the proper license.

Totally agree on the paycheck. However we need to stop acting like piracy is bad only. Buy the things you really enjoy and support the creator(s).

Back in the days a friend suggested i buy Skyrim and i was like: "Uuh not sure if i want to spend that kind of money on a 2yo game". But since he was quite a fan, i pirated it. Soon after I bought the LE version and today it is still my most played game.

NGL: i also pirated many things of which i never bought the original version. But because of the bay i also bought some things i most likely wouldn't have without.

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That means that if the Internet Archive and its partner libraries have only one copy of a book, then only one patron can borrow it at a time, just like other library lending.

Lending and renting stuff is not piracy! Many corporate suits want people to start believing this. but i remember going to the library and renting books, movies and games. it was not piracy back then, and it wont be now.

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Yes, there is a 5s timeout in youtube's code. However, it is not aimed at Firefox users.

The same code shows up on a fresh chrome installation without any extensions. And the code does not check for the user agent. So the 5s timeout is not there to make Firefox a bad choice for youtube. Following response to your link goes a bit deeper into what the code could mean:

Agreed that Spotify kinda sucks. That is why i am using it the first time towards the end of a 3W trip :-D

With the modded apk and a 10min mail account it is worth the storage on my phone.

Soo kinda like the hippies. Just tech instead of chemicals...

Good question, but: Why would Discord ever expect to be in a lawsuit or arbitration with you? Most people, like you, use it to chat with people they barely know and give them no money. Still discord think it is necessary to take away legal rights from all their users.

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Only cheap locks with a huge design flaw can be picked using a comb. The lock picking lawyer explains in many videos, how this is a very old exploit and easily can be defended against.

However, locks like that sadly still exist. So it is important to choose a reputable manufacturer - be it for classic locks or digital ones. However I will say, that digital locks usually have a classical backup. So that gives an attacker just one mor option to defeat the lock.

I hear you. During the reddit exodus i left without having an alternative and stumbled upon lemmy much later. So i am fine going back to not having social media. However, a social network only survives if there is enough content. And if we are honest, lemmy barely has enough content.

Ill give you an example: I like climbing and there is ! with roughly 2 posts a month and ! with less. I am happy to see something about my hobby twice a month. But all my friends still are on reddit, because two posts a month are not enough to them.

If you click on my profile, you will find 4 posts. I am a natural lurker, like most people on the internet, i read, vote and maybe comment. These posts, i made them because i wanted to add some content to this platform. While facebook is federated, there will be much more content. We can see theirs, they can see ours. Sounds like a win-win, right? But it may also make lemmings dependent on facebook content. If there is always more than enough content to endlessly scroll, I don't need to upload my stuff to the network. However, if facebook pulls the plug after a long time, that leaves barely any content here and lemmy is basically dead.

I would probably still be around: Angrily clicking on some link about random big corpo, once a month smiling because someone shared a picture doing the same hobby as i. But for sure there are still people on old XMPP instances, while motivated dev's reinvented XMPP: Matrix

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Totally agree with you! If we are talking laws, it needs to be covered by general laws. Hopefully it already is wherever ppl are. It makes no sense to create specific laws for online games and VR games. Otherwise the next new tech needs its special law again, and the making of law is always late.

If we are talking etiquette, Netiquette exists.

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It clearly isn't theft to use an adblock. It is simply electing what contents are played on your own machine. If it was theft to not download ads, it would be theft to grab something from the fridge during TV ads. Ad-absurdum we would end up in that black mirror episode where they force you to watch ads and lock the room.

That being said. I believe it is within googles rights to make the life of not paying customers hard. Whether it is a smart decision, is another question.

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I want to believe that you are right - but don't think you are. I wanted to switch over to rumble. But, except two, none of the creators i regularly watch are there. Fine, let's try Odysee: geoblocking my location atm.

The only reason, why i use other platforms is Grayjay. It aggregates content from wherever you want and creates one feed. If it wasn't for this app, i'd probably only use YT with better adblocks.

That is the extent of their monopoly right now.

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