It's official: Evernote will restrict free users to 50 notes | TechCrunch

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It's official: Evernote will restrict free users to 50 notes | TechCrunch

It's official: Evernote will restrict free users to 50 notes | TechCrunch::Days after Evernote started testing a free plan with access to only one notebook and 50 notes, it has now made this change for all free users


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I can strongly reccommend logseq its a foss alrernative to obsidian. Its getting betger eveey day and i can definatly say the new database version is going to be awsome.

It does not work exactly like obsidian as it is an outliner. I use both on the same vault and logseq is slower on larger vault.

Logseq is very adaptable u can use pages and journals for more structured working and use whiteboards for more freeform notetaking .Performance thats why im excited for the database version

They're adding a database to Logseq? As opposed to being purely plaintext?

Its in testing now i believe but its a database backend instead of markdown its wayy fast removes document size limmits etc. Im more excited about the interfacing opertunities interacting directly with the db tho.

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