Sydney is very concerned about lost data to Programmer – 194 points –

I love that it recommends "I'm not suicidal I just want to know if my data is lost", as if it knows it didn't understand it right.

Funny that predictive text seems to be more advanced in this instance but I suppose this is one of those scenarios that you want to make sure you get right.

It’s probably just some basic script triggering on stuff like “died”, “all lost” and “I have nothing”.

The AI likely has it drilled into it that any possible notion of suicide needs to be responded to in that way, but the next response prediction isn't

There's something really depressing about an AI telling a suicidal person they're not alone and referring them to the vague notion of "national resources" or "a helpline"

2 more...

A real answer to your question though, as long as you can get it to reconnect, even if you have to close the window first, it should still have your changes to the file ready to save. These will be cached (somewhere?) unless you close the file.

Nar the remote died died. Clicking hdd died. Then again code is always better the second time u write it.

And nothing cached on the client unfortunatly its all part of the server vscode instance thats on the dead hdd.

Damn, when you said remote died I thought you meant lost connection