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Joined 13 months ago

Two different, incompatible chat services exist - Discord and Matrix. This allows users of either service to post to a channel that has been connected on each side and messages are basically cross posted between the two, allowing users on each service to almost chat like they are all on the same channel despite being on two different chat services.

I would start by checking for any sort of errors in your system logs, such as /var/log/syslog or using dmesg -w. In my experience, Linux is almost universally faster than Windows.

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I wish that I, as the server admin, could opt out all of my users from this on their behalf. Shit like this should be opt in and it is seriously fucked up to enable by default, porn or not.

Grays Sports Almanac, 1950-2000 edition

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“ok, now add a metric shit ton of swearing and further belittle parsers who can’t deal with tabs.”

The fields where you can’t paste a password or any other types of data like credit card info absolutely kill me. It’s doing the exact opposite of adding any level of security and it’s just infuriating.

My favorite recently is my company has TOTP 2FA but you can’t paste the 6 digits. You have to type in one digit at a time, each being its own box. Paste fails in every browser I’ve tried. It’s just a shitty user interface.

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While true, I feel like there is less “filler” content in my feeds, just probably because of how recently I’ve curated them. My reddit subs were a hot mess of 10 years of subbing to things with never doing any sort of mass sweep of things I’m not really finding value in.

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Funny that predictive text seems to be more advanced in this instance but I suppose this is one of those scenarios that you want to make sure you get right.

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Honest question - is GitLab really that different of a vendor lock-in over GitHub?

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Kubernetes so that it can peak already and then die off.

Disclaimer - I make a living on k8s based solutions and I’m over the stupid complexity for little benefit. It’s like expecting everyone to be a “10x” engineer or some shit when reality is that most of us are just over here sniffing glue.

People need to be held accountable for their actions. Right now, politicians and those in powerful positions, such as CEOs of the biggest companies, are given way too much power and influence with a complete lack being held responsible when shit hits the fan. Worst case for most of them is that they but their way out of their problems. It’s pathetic and it shows how the system that was supposed to prevent this shit is broken.

At some point though I feel like if someone would be using Dropbox for 8k videos, they should be wondering if they are using the right solution for their needs. I would say ~absolutely~ (edit: maybe) not.

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If a service you use does not offer TOTP but implements their own 2FA through another method, you have no choice to use it though.

I felt like I wanted to be part of the solution by stopping my usage of reddit. I didn’t want to continue to support a site I fundamentally disagree with on how they handled their monetization strategy by screwing over so many people.

At this point, I no longer doom scroll reddit or even lemmy and it feels good to not waste my time doing so.

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Well I didn’t have that on my bingo card.

For the ultra lazy, typically me but I do love cooking some good steaks so it’s worth the effort, I’m assuming this is it:

I really don’t want a president, any president, with that sort of debt that they owe because I don’t trust them to not do unethical things to get rid of the debt.

Check out Plexamp, the Plex music streaming client.

I uninstall apps from my phone that have ads that prevent the experience from being decent. I understand then need for ads but if you force me to regularly watch 30 second ads? You’re gone.

And even if they could get $240k the first year, the chances of people abandoning an extension because they are now getting spammed with ads/spyware seems like quite a factor. If my ad blocker started reporting my browser history, I would be dropping that thing like a bad habit.

Does Terre Haute still have that smell? Been a while since I’ve been there but when my wife was in school at ISU, I distinctly remember that funk of the wind was blowing right.

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I keep hearing about this dude’s issues coming to light and getting worse yet I see no path to change. Amazing how such simple gaffs back not even that long ago could disqualify people from things like running for public office but now people have just normalized being a piece of shit.

People who are not tech savvy and let’s face it, that’s most people. Ask random people on the street if they know what DNS is and you’ll have a lot of people not having a clue. Maybe more will know about ad blockers but my parents, for example, would have no idea if it weren’t for me installing an ad blocker on their systems.

At first, I thought this was getting voted down because it was some random insensitive comment but the video in the news article that someone else shared looked like he was doing aerial maneuvers - maybe not a barrel roll, hard to tell as it just showed the plane pulling up out of a steep dive and barely not clearing the water but the eyewitness specifically called it a barrel roll.

You would be surprised. If you haven’t tried to run a LLM on Apple silicon, it’s pretty snappy but like all others, RAM can be a significantly limiting factor unless the model is trimmed down to do very specific things to reduce the size.

Look at this guy who doesn’t have billions he made from the 90s and 2000s to rely on!

I also used to run into this when flying for work I would have paid for wifi on a plane flight but my mobile device isn't able to get their text or push notification because I only paid for my laptop to have wifi. Used to drive me crazy and then I just stopped working while on flights because of dumb policies.

I would also second Hugo which I use for my personal site and blog which I haven’t updated for a long time. Nice thing is that it has a minimal footprint of needing to watch out for updates unlike something like Wordpress which was known for being vulnerable stable if left unmaintained. It’s mostly looking out for old themes with vulnerable javascript.

Another popular options is Jekyll and I honestly can’t remember why I picked Hugo over it but if you don’t need dynamic content, why make things more complex?

Maybe I’m applying too much of my own personal use case for how I use tools like Dropbox then. I’m using it for documents I actually want synchronized between devices, with a cloud backup and history. I suppose if you’re looking at it for a cloud storage solution, ignoring the desktop sync aspect then I can see where that makes more sense.

I just have a hard time wrapping my head around using cloud storage for such large files being an optimal solution but then again if storage cost is the biggest objection, unlimited storage sounds like it’s removing said objection and you don’t have much choice if you’re working as a remote team so great point, I hadn’t thought about it like that.

Even F1 doesn’t take on any fuel during pit stops these days.

Based on a few DNS lookups, I see that Okta likely uses GSuite. Would it still be possible the block non-work related Google logins at the firewall level? Seems that would complicate things quite a bit.

I found exercise that I actually wanted to do. For me, this started out as cycling. I enjoyed being able to go places and see things. I used to just cycle casually with my family but when the COVID lock downs happened, I would go on 30+ mile bike rides. It was nice to get out, see things and the roads were pretty empty around me so I could go just about anywhere.

The biggest problem with that around here is that it gets really cold during the winter so I started doing a combination of cardio, hand weights and basic exercises like pushups, etc to just get my heart rate going and sweat a bit. I do have an indoor bike trainer but I don't enjoy that quite as much because it's just sort of boring compared to being out and seeing scenery.

I was sort of stuck at this weight of around 190, which by the BMI charts is a few pounds overweight for my height. This last fall, I was challenged by my sister in law, along with her other siblings, to run a half marathon. I used to play soccer and I used to run for a good while in my 30s - it's how I stayed in shape back then and was able to lose a good bit of weight. So I started running and I found it to be really easy, probably because I didn't have to fight through the getting winded - it was mostly my leg muscles getting used to running. Now I run around 30 miles a week, even in the cold. The only thing I struggle with now is taking care of my knees and leg muscles as that's the biggest issue I run into that could prevent me from keeping it up. I've been running since November and am down to 180 and I feel great.

Now food wise, I mostly just try to be generally aware of going in excess for anything that is just sugar or a food that calorie dense but not providing nutrients. I try to keep fruit around the house. if I think I am hungry, I ask if I am hungry enough to eat and apple or a plum - something like that and will do so if I am. I still snack on stuff like pretzels, crackers, etc. I eat things that aren't healthy for me but I try hard to not go overboard on anything.

What’s the problem with just not using the portion of the service you do not wish to use? For almost everyone, the integration with email for the calendar is what actually makes it function, where you will be interacting with other people. Most people who want to create a new, unique calendar will just create an additional one in an existing account if they want a separate calendar for a certain purpose.

That’s what I do with my wife for events that we both need to know about. So we have a calendar that is just our stuff and we both subscribe to it (or more like she has the calendar shared with her from my account) but she has permissions to add/remove things. Is there some reason you need a completely separate calendar on a unique service? I feel like we are missing something about your use case to actually be able to understand what you are trying to do.

I use Gitea myself and when the big dust up about the backing company came up, I didn’t feel like there was a big enough reason to migrate away from Gitea. Just because they could do something wasn’t enough of a reason for me. Sure it’s great that they are running a fork that I could switch to but I currently don’t see a reason to switch as of today.

How does Okta not have systems like support systems like what was breached with the credentials behind a VPN as well? A system like that really ought to be on a secured network. We have so many systems at work that are VPN required and it’s mostly those where sensitive data lives.

The best time to plant a tree build a nuclear power plant was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

Sounds like the perfect recipe to become like the next Google+ though

The part of this poat that I found most interesting was the 2px presentational grey line.

I user homer. Really simple, basic config and it looks nice. The stats are pretty cool for certain integrations and are easy to add - I’ve added a few myself for services that didn’t have them. Only issue is slow PR review.

Seems that it comes down to Apple adding a USB 3 controller in the A16 A17 chip where the A15 A16 did not have one embedded. They’d otherwise need to have an external controller to add support in the non-pro phones which is easier said than done when dealing with a phone. Annoying but understandable at least.

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