Google develops selfie scanning software ahead of porn crackdown

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 173 points –
Google develops selfie scanning software ahead of porn crackdown

Google develops selfie scanning software ahead of porn crackdown::undefined


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Wow i love the normalisarion of resteicting parts of the internet. Its almost fitting nineteen eigty four was set in london.

Not sure what it's like in the UK, but some countries block all porn websites. To all ages.

We are headibg down a fucked path and its gonna damn hard to unfuck it

Or, people will get more technologically savvy on average as they try to find their way to easy porn!

Porn always wins.

Im sure they will im more woreied about how the government responds to that tho? U need a licence to use a vpn ban tor how far are they willing to go in the name of protecting the children?