Texas governor pardons ex-Army sergeant convicted of killing Black Lives Matter protester

Optional@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 400 points –
Texas governor pardons ex-Army sergeant convicted of killing Black Lives Matter protester

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Just a reminder that this murderer killed a libertarian active duty army Sargent veteran airman that saw police violence as wrong. Abbott is celebrating the murder of a soldier killed at home.

Edit: I incorrectly identified Garrett Foster's honorable service.

He's celebrating the murder of a "liberal" dissident, which cancels out any and all positive qualities in the MAGA fascist mind.

Moreover, he wants far right murderers and those who aspire to be far right murderers to know that he has their back, "when the time is right."

The GOP is both a criminal enterprise and a seditious terrorist organization, and they intend to seize the levers of power by force very soon.

he wants far right murderers and those who aspire to be far right murderers to know that he has their back, “when the time is right.”

It's a powerful message for aspiring far right murderers, and yes they plan to seize power using deadly violence next time. Look for it. Be prepared.

I think you have the facts slightly wrong. According to wikipedia Daniel Perry, the man being pardoned, was at the time an active duty army sergeant. Garrett Foster, who he murdered, was an Air Force veteran.

Yeah and in texas army outranks Air Force. If you want a government sympathetic to airfolk you want Ohio or Nevada.