
1 Post – 623 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

it was Bidens job to hold him to account

It was the justice departments job.

Hard to feel sorry for the folks that voted for this. Maybe workers should quit and move to a better state where they treat workers decently.

“obstruct and sabotage a future conservative president”

The orange felon is doing quite nicely at killing conservatism, and replacing it with fascism.

Keep them poor, keep them ignorant and profit.

It also opens the door to bribery.

Biden was tired from too many engagements, jet lag and a sore throat. You could see he was tried. On the other hand, the orange felon/rapist/liar had one job - to not be an asshole - he failed spectacularly.

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The guy didn't ace a debate with a sore throat and jet-lag so the media loses its shit. The orange liar has rape and 34 felony convictions- crickets. Nothing new here.

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This just adds to the growing list of journalists that are discovering people in rural red areas aren't going to vote for an asshole after all, MAGAs excepted.

Biden was tired from engagements, a sore throat and jet lag. What could go wrong? This was a made-to-order event for trolls.

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This is not a big deal. The soon to be delivered F-16s will need repairs.

The US has keen, critical national security interests in supporting Ukraine

You just scratched the surface. There are plenty more reasons.

The MSM is owned by big money just so they can use perception as a tool.

Scratch one of orange Genghis Don's campaign promises.

Can we start actually enforcing this please?

No. You can't bind the rich.

This absolutely screams of projection. Besides, testing for, and calling caffeine a drug is beyond insane - a majority of Americans have caffeine in their bodies and are encouraged to consume caffeine, in many cases, for their health.

Edit: Before anyone gets their panties in a wad, yes, caffeine is a LEGAL "drug". Assumed we would be talking about illegal or abused drugs here.

Somehow climate change is will be Biden's fault. Rest assured, Fox news will be on it.

Pope is really out of touch on this.

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Cannon is a partisan hack that needs removed, NOW. She has deliberately ignored the CIPA system used to substitute summations for classified materials.

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So, no laws for the rich and they aren't even pretending.

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So we have reached the stage where criminals appoint their own trial judges, nice. The mob has made great strides.

I was looking at a robo sweeper on Amazon and noticed it was suddenly a Black Friday special - same price.

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Headline should read, "American allies worry the US is growing less dependable, because of Republican House insurrectionists"

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Without a Palestinian state and a multi-national presence to enforce it there will never be peace. The motive for attacks will remain.

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Thomas AND Alito are unquestionably in Donald Von Shitzinpantz's diaper.

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Don't forget he pardoned supreme liar and felon Roger Stone who went on to plotting assassinations.

People will be fleeing famine, uninhabitable areas, rising sea levels and wars. The areas that can support life will grow smaller, more valuable and crowded.

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Not much of a battle over who's the biggest rapist, seditionist , criminal, liar and malignant narcissist though. Funny how the MSM tries its darnedest to equivocate the two.

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This is a huge sign that dishonest shit is going on and these clerks want nothing to do with it. INVESTIGATE, but be aware that Republicans are extremely accomplished at hiding their crimes.

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Of course Tennessee Christians are outraged. The after School Satan Club is most likely way more Christian than they are so there's stiff competition.

When you work for a snake expect to be bitten.

If you just tell them they’re wrong, they have to try and come up with facts and logic to prove theyre right rather than just fight what you said.

This only works in situations where they cannot run back to the cult for overwhelming reinforcement .
In rural red areas most MAGAs have their heads so far up each other's asses that a breath of honest truth would kill them.

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Shooter shooting kids in a school and the cops stand around. Shoot towards a rich guy's building and you are dead, now.

They’re arguing he shouldn’t be punished for it

They are really arguing that all Republicans shouldn't be punished but if you aren't in the club you get the full blast of the law.

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He should have been president.

Hands down. He had the populist vote of independents and many Republicans too. The right of center DNC torpedoed him. They weren't going to allow a center left candidate through. Wasn't the first time either. At the 1944 Democratic National Convention, conservative party leaders defeated a very popular Henry Wallace's bid for renomination. I canceled all donations to the DNC and became an Independent.

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So what's new? The right inserted provocateurs into BLM demonstrations to create violence and bad press. This time their provocateurs prime aim is to alienate Biden voters. It is so easy to lead people.

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Pro-Palestinian protesters said “This community will be the community who unseats Joe Biden.

Yeah, those ranks of "protesters" are riddled with Republican/Putin operatives. If Biden is unseated, say goodbye to Palestine. Israel will have the green light to eradicate the people of Gaza.

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Unbelievable, but then again, who would have thought a gang would storm the capital and attempt a full blown coup here. Guess this is not out of the question here anymore either.

Delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay and delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay, delay, delay, delay, delay delay delay delay...repeat.

This happened because people were lulled into voting for the very people who gave their fair share of corporate profits to the rich. Looking at you, Republicans, especially Ronald Reagan.

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Due to increased hurricanes and flooding we probably need a law that specifies storm drains have some type of safety grate. This isn't that rare either - years ago a friend's daughter died after being sucked into a drainage pipe.

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