You have a magic pill, which de-ages you by 20 years. You can take it once in your life only, so long as you are at least 20. What age — past, current or future — do you reckon is best to take it? to Ask – 137 points –

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50s. Getting back to one’s 30s you’re still old enough for people to take you seriously, but the creaking bones and exhaustion hasn’t really started creeping in yet.

the creaking bones and exhaustion hasn’t really started creeping in yet.

Uhhh about that

Well, just saying, what creaking bones I had in my 30s don’t even rate in comparison now

Wife and i were talking about that yesterday. I turned 50 last year and its like my body just decided that everything should brake down all at once.

I said the same thing once I hit 30... I threw my back out once when I sneezed and was like whelp I'm basically almost dead now

Ha yeah had that not with a sneeze but i made a mistake by taking a drink from the fridge, and there it went. Dumb thing is i can carry “heavy” stuff and be fine but i look at a sock wrong and my backs out and walk like a duck for a week.

chuckles I'm in danger

Start doing morning stretches, drink more water, and avoid caffeine after 5pm

Ugh I turn 30 today, I've had a bum knee for like 15 years and now the arthritis is starting in my thumbs 🙄

What on earth did you do at 15? Were you that guy that jumped off the 10 foot roof and landed legs locked in rainboots? :p

I threw a head high kick in a kung fu tournament and landed weird, it's never been the same. I probably tore something but I didn't go to the doctor on account of the fact I'm American, but I manage the pain pretty well with medical marijuana and walking barefoot, at least in the warmer months.