1 Post – 255 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Six months later, with a new unit and new firmware, I’m feeling a bit better! Not good enough to give it my full recommendation, but enough to raise its score to 6 out of 10, which we define as: “Good. There are issues but also redeeming qualities.” But while the laptop’s more stable, most of my other annoyances are still kicking.

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“Their data” HA.

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Funny that they keep calling him a hunter… hes not a hunter hes a psycho who get a stiffy from kicking something thats already down. A real hero /s

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I have to post this again sorry

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Maybe they should check why they dont want kids anymore and fix that. But than they would have to change things for the better for the young ppl and not burn them out, so probably not gonna happen soon.

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“….the plots are already booked…” like its a fucking vacation

These fuckers are building this world to their liking with there social shit and whatever else. And guess who is the first to run from there own creation. These fucking asscocks are the biggest fucking cowards there are.

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Wow, thats Macro-transaction

Artificial, yes. Intelligent, no.

Cant wait for the documentary in couple of years on how he/she fucked their lives.

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Jesus eveyone is warmongering like there is literally no tommorow. Every little shitstain of a wanna be dictator wants war and the other dickwads are happy to reply in kind. What the fuck. If all those cuntspores want war. Put them on a fucking island and let THEM fight is out and leave the rest of us the fuck alone and with our daily lives….fucking hell…at this point im more like. Ok just drop all those fucking bombs and just let it all die out… fucksake Or let build those mars rockets as fast as we can and shoot them over there where they wanna live maybe then we can still make earth a reasonable place to live. FUCK.

Sorry rant over.

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Also all the things they (reddit) claim in this article i call BS. Specially so close to the ipo.

Wauw. American cops are really scared of..everything aren’t they.

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So she claims to be a christian but takes ppl to a stripbar and make them eat banana out of pussy and fondle boobies and so on? Sounds very christian to me….

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Probably??? Really??? Probably….?? Fuck off the word is Definitely!

Isnt that around the same time black people were not allowed to do uuhhh well anything? Bit weird

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Wasnt it only for us residents? Gdpr is european

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Just checked my old empty (now) account i didnt get such an email and im european. Maybe they do a send all in steps or something and see who bites. Anyway if ppl want to file a compllaint here is a link with countries and departments to file a gdpr complaint:

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Well then they should fix that. But that would hurt the profits

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I saw a docu i think about smash bros. from nintendo, very cool docu serie btw, and the guys that organized the first tournaments got a letter or something that they where not allowed to organize such tournaments (mind you just fans playing the game in a bigger room nothing more) because, and here it comes, the game should not be played like that! Wtf.

(Ah yes The Smash Brothers 2013)

Sorry not a swift person but isnt she just saying to her fans, you should register to vote and vote because its importent? Wish psyops was that simple.

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Thought that was New Zealand, since thats only on maps 50% of the time

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2% what the…. My income above 50k is taxed 48% i think. Wtf 2%

Edit: yes i know the difference, but still…

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“Prepare for a war that we are gonna start”

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Only the gas? Not the killing? Funny….”religion”

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Is this a single player shooter? I thought it was multi player? And theres nothing wrong with single player shooters “in todays market” look at jedi fallen order great game and singlr player. But a shit game is a shit game single or multi.

Yeah nobody saw that coming

Oh no a democratic speaker

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If i go into conspiracy mode i would say record labels (they tent to have small peepees when it comes to, well everything) or some DICKtator country that doesnt like archived text of some sort.

Warrior… hahahha wet paper towels with guns.. big fucking mouth in a group or when its a baby with a waterpistol but running in the other direction when it gets really serious. Kinda like trump running in a burning building to save the kiddies Hahahahahaha yeah, no.

Why would you pirate a movie and then pay for subtitles? Makes no sense.

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Jezus has gaming come to this. An announcement for a trailer of an announcement dor a maybe release? Or teaser… fucking hell

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“Final sollution” oof thats just….wrong

That guy should stop doing….well ALL the drugs.

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So youtube is now basically an advertisement channel with some user content in between.