
17 Post – 422 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Have they removed the sail part of the blades?

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Carpet for your only whole $99 room only

Omg the amount of sneaky coke ads I saw on that site was insane

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I'm not particularly enamoured with that man and his sheep

Neither are wearing seat belts

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Post history can be a useful tool to help determine if someone's asking questions in bad faith

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Matt Le Blanc:

"...I guess you’re keeping the 20 bucks you owe me.”

This is exactly the kind of humour Perry would've appreciated

Right? Credit where credit's due

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The futuristic world of 2033 will be very different from our current primitive one. Humans will be seven foot tall with thumbs as long as fingers. Mars will have been fully terraformed, whilst there'll be hundreds of vast floating cities on Venus. A Dyson swarm will encircle the solar system just beyond Neptune's orbit. Humanity will communicate telepathically as one with AI. We still won't understand cats.

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...what slight?

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Toilet paper

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I bet the people who were executed weren't happy with it

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For a moment a thought the thumb+thumbnail on the face was an eye, and it made the whole thing look really Picasso-esque

Because you can't get them to love you

Surely the speed of the tomahawk depends on how hard you throw it?

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I think you've (somehow) read the opposite sentiment in that comment

Not that person but I always enjoyed helicopter, because it's broken down into helico and pter

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*Fake crying

Damn. Disability notwithstanding, your life sounds pretty fucking sweet (although sorry to hear about your dad's passing)


But that one always brings out the smug responses about how they shouldn't be watching the game for free, totally (and purposefully) missing the point

For real. If someone could SCTUALLY (oh look another issue. It fails to work out the word if the first letter is wrong far too often) *ACTUALLY answer this question I'd be halfway happy

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Five to 30 stings a day?!

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IMO: β€”

  • Being a very shitty boss

  • Being transphobic when he has a trans daughter

  • Calling that rescuer a paedophile

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The initial question is so stupid that I'm wondering if it's a troll. 99.9% of even hardcore fans of both would obviously take the ten million fucking dollars.

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Lol @ the photoshopped (or MSPainted) red eyes and teeth

shaking off


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20 years is a looooong time when you're 16. They've lost their entire young adulthood and then some

It's an exaggeration, albeit with merit. Tbh the whole film's pretty surreal. Funny as fuck though and worth a watch

Why does the rosette have a backwards 1?

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When she says "don't" and when she says "stop".

Who, actually, believes society is better off for caging this man??

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This meme has a 'haha, wouldn't that be funny' quality to it, but for real though, is it a possibility?

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and Musk sycophants

You already said chuds

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It is

Don't let Big Microfibre tell you otherwise

I mean β€” despite our own collective apathy, and want for oil-based products β€” the answer is still unironically yes

Mid-shaft hairs.

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It's incredible they knew how long it'd be until Jesus was born that far in advance

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