From the moon's perspective, any cow that jumps is over it to – 86 points –

Can a cow actually jump?

I used to have a job delivering bedding material for cattle. When I would unload they would often gather at the back of my semi truck and jump and dance around headbutting the material as it was falling out the back like enthusiastic dachshunds. It made me a bit nervous getting out of the truck in case one accidentally crushed me.

Happy cows are a little scary but hilarious at the same time.

There was girl in my country that wanted a hores to do those jumping courses with, her parents said no. So she trained one of the families cows to do the jumping instead, it worked marvellously.

I remember hearing that Elephants are the only land animal that cannot jump.

Could be a fake Snapple fact, so feel free to investigate further!

Not the only land animal, but it's true they can't jump: 100% super reliable source.

Mainly linking that site because this line kills me:

The tortoise cannot jump because it lacks agility and speed.

Only land mammal, perhaps?

At least some species of mole and pretty much all species of sloths are physiologically incapable of jumping, so I don't think restricting it to land mammals would make a difference in this context.

I don't think snakes can either

That's what a lot of people think until they are 3 feet away from one and suddenly find it attached to their leg!

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