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Joined 1 years ago

Are you sure it's not just the podcasters that put ads on thier pods?

I have had Spotify premium basically seance launch and haven't heard a singel ad from them seance.

But I have never really listened to any pods.

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That is surprisingly tame by ancient Greece standards.

Well one of the best scam hunters on YouTube lost his account to a scam. So not really a waste of time, trying Lemmy.

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I just want to say I totally understand medical stuff taking forever and you just being told to wait for this, and then wait for that, and then wait for this thing, and then wait some more.

It absolutely sucks, but what to do about it.

I hope you get through it soon. I'm coming up on 4 years of going in circles and waiting.

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Shaken, not stirred.

Now I don't like your tone. Your probably one of those people, who vote for the other party.

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This is this years version of Reddit recap or what exactly they call it. They give you some statistics from the past year, similar to Spotify wrap, or at least that's the meaning of it, I haven't gotten mine to work sense they started a couple of years ago. This year I haven't even gotten one.

As someone not from the US. What in the world are you guys doing with your grass that makes it need watering and gets ruined by dog pee?

I have lived around dogs my entire life and never seen any grass get miscolourd by their pee.

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While I don't like the address bar on the bottom, I always support more options for stuff, especially cosmetics.

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He said 5 minutes, not 5 hours.

But whatt about radium dusted clothing, they have such a healthy glow too them./s

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This is even better if you weren't born until far after 1979.

I imagine by air, but hope it was by ground and that there is a video of that one.

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That reminds me of the time a young lady asked, in a very US centric sub, about how to get away from her abusive parents and how to legally keep them out of her life.

The only problem was she forgot to mention she lives in like Iran... So yeah when that piece of information came out the advices change quite quickly.

With my very limited understanding of it, I believe Discord was something mostly for "as we are down so much, you can get updates here if we are down".

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The only think worse than no solution is the "I found the solution on my own, thank you guys" and than they don't tell you the solution.

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Because they weren't the ones that got to buy Activision and Bethesda. If they were the games would still have been exclusives, just for Playstation instead of Xbox.

I can also see them keeping out of legitimacy instead of switching. Like you can have just .uk nowadays but everyone is so used to the .co that it looks weird and unofficial if it's not there.

From the place I still use as they didn't move, I haven't seen a single mentioning of Lemmy, fedivers, black out or anything close. Makes sense as those communities didn't even try moving.

In one of the subs I did notice a quality decline and it moving a bit from, people talking about shared experiences with a medical condition, to being babys first experience with medical condition, but it has moved back even so slightly, but the average age seems to have gone down.

The other one for a game. I can proudly say is just as low quality as before, but I stick around to give tech support, even if it of the absolute most basic nature sometimes, and keep up with updates, bugs and community fixes.

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What are you protecting your feet from when relaxing in the living room? Is your coffee table regularly attacking you.

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I really can't stand Damian Wayne I just find him annoying and bratty.

If anyone has any good story recommendations with him I would like to hear about it.

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I seen that too. It has become especially apparent on a small sub I still view as it didn't really migrate.

It went from people in their 20s discussing shared experiences with a medical condition, with the occasional high schooler dropping by to ask something. To babys first experiences, with condition. Absolutely filled to the brim with 13-17 year olds.

I'm fine with them being there and asking questions and talking, but not when every post and comment is just more teenage drama.

I seen a similar thing on another sub, while that has always screwed younger then the first, it definitely feels like it dropped like 5 years in average age.

Lovely stick 9/10 might even be a 10/10 but I couldn't quite visualise the length.

If you have a switch New super Mario bros U deluxe and Super Mario 3D World, both let you play as Peach and Toadette and you can do local co-op so you and her can play together.

Someone dose seem to stopp EA from doing it though, as they somehow managed to develop a worse launcher then their old one.

But I really don't think that someone was Steam.

I don't think those people want revenue to exist, as in everything and all should be free forever and always.

I am all on that. I do know one parameter is not to much details, as you need to be able to see it in quite small scales.

Yeah my first job was under a bridg, not bad decent pay and few regular costumers, but since I got the opportunity to work remote, business is booming, millions of costumers and you can get some really high paying gigs.

They are speedruns of Elmos letter adventure, Clash of clan, Club Penguin and baking an actual real life pizza. So I don't really think speedruns should dictate replayability.

A truck, like they are huge if you are humansize, imagine how absolutely gigantic it would be from an ants perspective.

Other stuff includes, motherbords, insids of mechanical watches, really small toys, eyes of different needles, sand, oil paintings, small syringes, a water droplet on a flat surface, microscope samples, Lego sets and a movie at the cinema.

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Fallout 4 I have around 450 hours in it, and like 10 are in character creation and 400 are in settlement building.

I have not meet the Institute, I have had two run in with the Railroad, I have defended Far Harbor when you first arrive, I have meet Virgil ones and I have never been on board the Prydwen. I did get to some big fight in the Automatron DLC after you build the brain bot, but I have now idea if it was the last or not.

But I absolutely love the game to bits and can roll play in it for hours.

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Definitely, the biggest offenders was a youtube ad that was of a girl in front of a computer, like a streamer drinking out of a metal bottle. It was completely silent, it went on for ages and there was absolutely no brand names or anything like that at all, it wasn't sexuall or risky. It was just the most average girl, drinking from the most average metal bottle, in the most average room. No words was spoken, nothing was shown, it was so weird.

And unfortunately, those are the ones most difficult to find alternatives for.

There is unfortunately a lot of assholes that lack basic reading comprehension around, sorry you had to deal with them. Best of luck in the future.

As where I live you pay for the gas after you have filled it up and you hold in the pump handle the entire time, with going inside to pay and return when it has finished pumping being impossible. So yes it is quite hard to imagine how people can forget it., it would require some skill to do that here.

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That is such a logical thing, when you think about it.

I can guarantee you that someone out there would have loved you version.

I'm going to guess either because it starts with dic or because you can look up dirty words on it.

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Coming from another place that regularly gets 6 feet of snow and where it is cold as fuck. I perfectly understand him, the cold suckes. I strongly dislike anything below 10C.

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While I haven't seen any of those communities on Lemmy yet, but what about communities that crosspost but for the completely different reasons. Like a post from "We love X" getting crossposted and made fun of over at "X is stupid". Those two really shouldn't be sharing up and down votes, and when we are at it what about downvotes? That makes bringing and bullying extremely easily and how would it be handled between places where one has down votes and the other have them turned off.