Is it just me, or is there a new trend for male singers with an artificially pitched-up voice? to – 14 points –

Songs like this

Or this

Or anything by Oliver Tree. I don't watch short-form videos on any of the platforms anymore (tf I quit that doom-scrolling habit) but I can't help but think Tiktok is behind this.

Edit: funnily enough yet another one just popped up on Spotify


I think this is has been around longer than TikTok, but quite likely that helped popularize it in its current form and make it become trendy.

Hip hop has been pitching up vocal (samples) for a long time.

Nightcore has apparently existed for 20 years and become more popular in recent years, like when I first heard of it. It uses pitched up/sped up vocals as a key part of the sound.

A lot of the pitched-up lyrics you find in vocal samples are a remnant of the times when pitch and speed were locked. You literally couldn't speed a sample up without raising the pitch.

The first singer sounds female to me and the second one is over 5 years old, hardly a trend.