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Because why should self proclaimed billionaires face consequences for their actions and statements. /sigh

To people acting like everyone ends up in debt on purpose, feel lucky that you’ve not had financial disaster strike. Means can change in an instant, and what you thought was a huge safety net can be gone to a bad accident or hospital stay as quick as you can blink.

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If a business wants a particular outfit to be worn then they should provide the uniforms in their dollar.

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50s. Getting back to one’s 30s you’re still old enough for people to take you seriously, but the creaking bones and exhaustion hasn’t really started creeping in yet.

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Keep in mind, the last PowerPC (G5) chipset used was 64bit, and all Intel chips used after late 2006 were 64bit.

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“Oh thank you for letting us know so we can verify that all five have been opened up. Wouldn’t want to miss one”

But I can binge streaming services and then cancel without multiple hundred dollar fees. And I can use the same app for Uber no matter what city I’m in.

So… I get things aren’t paradise but let’s be clear they’re still largely covering a lot of folks needs.

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Did they live through the same pandemic I did? Because I distinctly remembering that “simple” advice apparently being too confusing for a huge portion of the population.

The advice these days on computer security is simple too: Use a password manager and let it make a unique password for every site and don’t tell anyone your password.

Of course in the tech world we immediately have a lot of sites that make that impossible, frequently starting with the ones that should be the most secure, your banks and your phone.

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Finally. Took them long enough.

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Approach programming with the same seriousness that you’d expect a programmer to approach your field with. You say yourself you just want it to “do the thing, conventions be damned”.

Well how would you feel if someone entered your lab or whatever and treated the tools of your trade that way?

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The reality is that we need laws that force them to either to continue to offer affordable support or publish all the specs and documentation when they drop support. Vendors shouldn’t be allowed to do otherwise.

I wonder how they’d enforce that exactly since none of those companies are likely to have a contract with Unity that says they’d pay anything like that. Their distribution contracts are with the studios… and the studios, if they keep their subscriptions would be the ones contracted with Unity. Good luck telling MS or Sony that your little indie company bound them into a contract with your engine vendor.

Racist tries to explain why they’re not racist by doubling down on racism

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When places talk about how they’ll be “the next Silicon Valley” this is one of the reasons none of them have actually managed it. In CA people in many cases can take a good idea that their employer doesn’t want and do something with it themselves. In most other places it will get so tied up in non competes that it’s not worth the effort to even try.

And it’s not just tech, here in Colorado we recently had a restaurant try and shut down another restaurant simply because the newer place’s chef had worked at the older place. They settled but it’s so entirely ridiculous that it could have even started court proceedings in the first place.

Not me. I’m motivated on making sure myself and all my loved ones get to continue to vote. Stopping Trump and voting for Biden just so happen to line up for that.

Well it’s a valid concern. So I should fucking hope so.

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Machine learning tool used by people too lazy to do their actual job accuses everyone else of using machine learning tools.

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Well, just saying, what creaking bones I had in my 30s don’t even rate in comparison now

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Cool, maybe they’ll make a Marathon game then 😂

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It’s like the complaints about student loans, his administration has repeatedly tried to do something to help and has literally had the Republicans sue the aid out of existence!

Biden wasn’t my first choice but even I can see the daily articles showing that his administration is trying to do something about these things and being blocked at literally every single turn.

Jokes on them, now not only is there no reason to search for anything, but there’s no reason to go their site either.

So, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this, my EV (a Polestar 2) charged to 80% gets a theoretical 220’ish miles range (I’m basing this not on the EPA range, but the calculated range in the car based on my driving habits). Now I say theoretical because I’ve never tested it all the way with my largest trip since I’ve owned it being about 70 miles one way. My average “long” driving days are only 50 miles round trip, and an average day where we take the car out is only about 12 miles total in the day. I’ve had a single time where I haven’t charged in my garage at night (on a 110v nonetheless!) and that was the 70 mile road trip where I parked in a garage with a charger so figured I might as well.

Now I bring all this up because I know I’m not alone in this. Sure my driving doesn’t represent everyone but it’s also not singularly unique. Even if this car loses 10% of its range it’s not going to affect my use of it. I know everyone thinks that everyone else does daily long commutes and huge yearly road trips, but that is only a subset of the population (maybe it’s you! I don’t know). But this constant discounting of EVs because they don’t meet some bar for certain groups is disingenuous. They already meet the bar for vast groups of people, and if your daily usage is super high odds are there’s an EV out there that can meet it, even after a drop to 90% years down the road.

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Pretty sure a company with nearly a $3 TRILLON dollar market cap can afford to spend a few billion just trying things for kicks if they want. It doesn’t make it a failure, it makes it R&D.

Work it out yourselves as adults not a trap on the waiter. Meanwhile as adults, the invitee has the right the claim the bill, otherwise split it. There are rare exceptions and you all should be mature enough to sort that out through conversation.

Exceptions: if a friend is unemployed or having trouble and I’m not I’ll always offer gently to pick up the bill. Don’t fight if they refuse. There’s a few friends where we alternate for historical reasons There’s one friend who helped my family in a way I don’t consider ever able to pay back, they know in advance that they don’t pay for meals if they’re with us. Because it’s simply the least we can do.

“I have a mole?!”

“I got mine, the rest can fuck off” says yet another famous asshole

People keep getting messages the app and iMessage the protocol confused. While never written that way (as far as naming goes), I’ve seen nothing to indicate that the EU isn’t just saying that Messages the app doesn’t just need hooks to allow third party apps to integrate into the one interface. It’s about adding more bubble colors as it were. So stuff like WhatsApp would just pop up in the same feed over whatever protocol it uses.

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I mean, you do understand that this money isn’t just vanishing right? It’s being spent on people, manufacturing, materials. It doesn’t just vanish into nothing.

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FHA loans need 3.5% last I checked. So her $12k wasn’t far off for a $500k dollar place. Yes they also require PMI for a bit, but better putting money into something that causes gains for yourself than for a landlord. As this article so clearly proves.

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I would rather they fund NASA to the fullest, and nationalize SpaceX under them.

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Copyright isn’t forever, in fact it’s whole purpose is to be of limited time. The earliest uses of Micky Mouse have now fallen into public domain because that time is up.

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You seem to be trying to lump all problems into a single one-size-fits-all solution. So let's address things one at a time instead.

If you drive more than my car's range can handle in a day, don't buy the same car as me. There are EVs with much higher ranges, or quicker charge times, and many other variables. There's very likely one that has the range a given person needs (cost we'll leave as a distinct other issue, but only because by the time ICE vehicles aren't for sale any more the much higher ranges on EVs will also be much more affordable).

If you live an hour away from civilization, then unless you also have no electricity (in which case, EVs are not for you... but as others have said, just keep the ICE vehicle you have, there'll be a used market for decades), those folks are going to have an outlet or be able to install an outlet to do charging on. The "hour away from everyone else on the planet" people are not the same people as the "no garage, not even a parking space" people.

If you live in a city (no garage or parking space, that likely means a urban environment), you're going to have chargers you can swing by once a week to fast charge (city people rarely have the long commutes that rural folk have), heck in my own urban environment we have some cheap ($2/hr) city owned parking lots nearby that have fast chargers for free as part of parking there.

By 2030, you'll have a robust market of used EVs, and likely a few on that market that are both much more affordable, and can check off the boxes needed for a given individual. Will every EV work for every person? No of course not, but that's not true of ICE vehicles either.

The town is responsible for the employees they hire and the behaviors they allow.

As I tell my kids. There’s no reason to like the game, and spend your entire lives doing what you can to change it for the better, but while you’re doing that, and to change the game, you’re going to have to play it as best you can.

We’re not going to change to a utopia overnight, it has to be one little change at a time and people have to work to get to the place to make those changes first.

The people did decide already, when it got included in the constitution.

“Cannot afford to because any place you’re allowed to be charges for the privilege now”

Heck, right now, in this same Lemmy:

All about how Biden’s administration is expanding the Federal TItle IX protections:

The Biden administration on Friday will announce changes to Title IX, expanding protections for LGBTQ+ and pregnant students while overhauling controversial Trump-era guidance around how schools handled sexual assault cases.

And here people are acting like they do nothing.

Did we magically become a far left utopia? Of course fucking not. But Biden has been far more effective and progressive than I ever expected of him having grown up watching him. Does everything take far longer than it should? Yep, welcome to politics where one side is trying to tear down everything (quite literally) as it’s being built. Are things as progressive as I’d like? No of course not, but they’re frequently more progressive than I expected. That’s the unfortunate truth of how things get done.

And for all the people who are basically saying “I voted once and all my dreams failed to come true”, welcome to your civic duty. Vote the best way you can every election, especially local ones, and realize you’re trying to guide things through your entire lifetime not just 4 years and done.

People should get their news for things like this from local government agencies. Say RSS right on the government sites. If people even need to go to social media for it then the government is dialing in its own duties.

Nope, because every time another one raises the price we cancel it. It’s working out quite well

1password protects against this by combining the password you choose with a cryptographically random 128bit “secret key”. That one isn’t getting brute forced easily.

They document their vault security highly and it’s worth reading through.