
34 Post – 1074 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

People only remember the first hour. All the good shit happened in the second half anyways, lol.

Playing outside a lot more, which was really fun. Hit the beach or swim docks and jumped off the highdives. Went camping. Bike adventures, etc. Lots more physical toys like nerf, Lego, beyblades, etc. CD music players, cassette music players, or MP3 music players, depending on the era.

People on the metro buses would read the paper to pass the time, listen to music, or read a book.

Back then, you could rent videos or games at a rental place, and there were many more physical hobby shops (there still are, but for live stuff, like aquariums now). Malls were a lot more alive and were true third places. Though even back then, I found people gorging themselves in a materialistic frenzy rather...distasteful. People still do it, just via Amazon and fast fashion online.

The biggest things I remember were how chill people were, the ubiquity of newspapers, smoking and cigarette holders outside, a lack of really any graffiti, and people being incredibly chill and a bit more open. There were also like, zero bike lanes or rail, so everyone drove everywhere.

It's a completely different game vs undertale. It's like comparing Dota 2 to DiRT rally, haha. It's worth going in blind, and the post-game is extremely good and very replayable (and adds new content).

Inscription is fucking awesome. And you don't really need a mouse, so it can be nice for flights, or if you want to play one-handed for some reason.

The post-game is SO GOOD.

It's one of those rare videogames that makes non-gamers ask "What is that?" And then "where can I buy it?"

Not currently, but I might temporarily move back with family as my lease is ending soon, and I want to save money for a house or condo. I also would rather not sign a lease on a small place, and be stuck with a tiny 1bd studio apartment when my fiancé moves in with me. But I also don't want to throw a ton of cash away on a 2bd unnecessary.

I wish rent wasn't so insane. I blame most of the companies now using algorithmic rent to control vast swaths of housing here.

Once I switch jobs and really know where my new career is taking me, I can really start looking at the housing market. Praying for a good housing crash, or a dip that causes Black Rock and the other investment firms to panic sell all their real estate ❤️

Fuck yeah Ukraine. We love to see it :)

Copying a post from a separate thread, but I think it could have been worse. Did he kinda fuck up? Yeah. But he actually talked about his plan going forward, and his achievements in the past. Post below.

Yeah, FWIW, Biden actually talked about expanding stuff like drug price caps to save the government shitloads of money while also saving Americans money as well. Stuff like taxing people making over 400k a year only, lead pipe abatement, funding the ACA more, giving Ukraine the aid it needs to slap the dogshit out of russia, etc etc.

If I had no idea about either president, at leask I know what Biden's future promises are and what he told us he got done in the past four years, even if he did have some sections where he kind of mucked up like this kid did.

Trump, while sounding more coherent vocally, was entirely all over the place with Afghanistan and immigrants bad (no plan?), and somehow he's going to win the war in Ukraine and bring the WSJ reporter home, for free, before he's even elected in just under five months. Oh, and apparently, he hopes he won't die before then, though he didn't sound so sure about that last night.

If I was an uninformed voter, I'd be like "Damn, biden is old, but at least he has a plan and a good team judging off his pretty amazing track record" capping insulin at $35 a mo instead of $400 is fucking awesome, not to mention the other drugs too. The massive investment in the US economy was also nice. Battery plants in Georgia, chip fabs across the country, fixing infrastructure cia the bipartisan infrastructure plan...all great stuff.

Watercooling holes. That said, I've never seen anyone use them. Mounting external rads is a bitch. They take up space. Most people just buy a watercooling compatible case.

To be fair, buttsex is like, the greatest once you get the hang of it.

I recently thought about that, but realized that if America falls, it will totally screw Europe, much of South America, and probably Canada. Russia and China both have hopes to colonize Europe and many of the countries surrounding china.

In short, I think it's best I stay here and vote for all those countries that depend on us and can't vote in our elections. Keeps everywhere else stable and safe by extension.

Work would freak out if I accepted a gift from a client. I'd probably be fired. Yet somehow, this is okay for servants of the public.

Don't forget to vote this November. We are stuck with these dickheads until they die or retire because we fucked up in 2016 and Trump installed these assholes in rapid succession after McConnell refused to let Obama seat a justice. I'd also really appreciate more of the capped prescriptions Biden has done, paying $35 a month instead of hundreds for insulin. If he can cap some other medications, we will be one step closer to universal healthcare.

Wow, if I was a customer, I'd be dropping them immediately even if I didn't pirate. That is sketchy as hell.

Will that achieve anything?

Yes! Various countries implement a "traffic light" style health meter that is legally required to be on the front of packaging that also gives a little subtext to say what causes it to be yellow or red (least healthy). So it will say stuff like "excess sodium" or "too much sugar" which actually does work. People don't even realize that some staples are considered UPFs because of preservatives (Tortillas), or are otherwise unhealthy (too much sugar and preservatives in 'health' cereals and yogurts).

This allows people to find staples that do not contain shocking amounts of sugar, preservatives, or highly processed options within the same category. It's worked when implemented well :)

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They are for watercooling, but you are right that people don't need them. OEMs just add some holes or a random reservoir mount and then bill a case as Watercooling Ready™️, even if it has like, space for one 120x15mm rad, lol.

I really liked the part where he was trying to assure people that he probably, mayyyybe wouldn't die in office, and ended by saying "We knock on wood wherever we may have wood" lmfao

The only way it could have been whiter is if they started arguing about how spicy ketchup is, lol.

2,000 people is a ton! Sounds like a really good event. Looking forward to their next one :D

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Yeah, it doubles his AoE from his Netherlands flag chest blast. Also blinds a target for a day.

The headline makes it sound way worse than what happened. Dude is fine, just reopened a surgical wound with some bulging.

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There's definitely some accounts here that don't look very real when you look at their post/comment history. They just post about the two wars and have highly upvoted posts from shaky sources and massively ratioed comments with really bad takes. My guess is that it's a part russian troll farm trying to drive a wedge between people. The account was eight weeks old, too.

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There are usually safe ones as well, just some that might need to be frozen instead of left out.

Fwiw, I always assumed tortillas were just like...flour and water and a bit of fat. Had no idea they had preservatives because I never paid attention to the label until I saw an article on surprising UPF foods in the NYT a few months ago. I'm more careful with my consumption of them now!

Cows and bears. Both put the wumpus on you if your dog irritates or frightens them, especially if they have their kids still with them.

Pretty sure Iran adopted "Axis of Resistance" already. Least they already know what side they are on.

Really getting sick of people deciding to just like...starting shit instead of focusing on constructive competitions like science or space races to other planets. Why do people feel the need to kill the shit out of each other and subjugate their population whilst climate change is bearing down on us? :p

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The decline is threefold:

  1. Agriculture is getting significantly more efficient. You don't need 300 people do backbreaking labor for 12 hours a day in the beating sun anymore. We have automated threshers.

  2. Industries are shifting. We generally moved away from manufacturing and an extraction-based economy. (Though the former is recovering, thanks to Biden's awesome investment plan)

  3. jobs are moving to cities, where there are more schools, hospitals, high paying jobs, and may be more resilient to climate change.

Personally, I'd never ever consider moving anywhere rural for the aforementioned reasons, but also because rural americans are against my type family, and I don't care to be the queer pioneer family for them to realize we aren't so bad. I also never want to drive a car for a half hour+ for basic supplies or to see friends. It's too lonely. We have rail and ebikes here. I can get to the store or a friend's in less than 10 minutes.

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Palestine: Same-sex sexual activity is technically illegal in Gaza. The provision was introduced by Britain during its mandate over Palestine, although there’s little evidence that the law is enforced today.

No, it is still not safe if you are queer. They tortured and executed a Hamas commander via firing squad for being suspected of being gay.


Hard to quantify, but stuff like PrEP (a drug used to prevent HIV infection) has probably saved a staggering number of lives across the globe, same with the yearly influenza vaccines.

For a more personal one?

I'd say the innovations to bikes, which have been staggering since 2000. Downhill mountain bikes have had staggering changes that make them lighter, faster, stronger, and way more stable, and they look dramatically different to their 90s counterparts. Stuff like dropper posts, modern full suspension, tubeless tires, disc brakes, and massive cassettes make them incredible. You can roll over a cantaloupe-sized rock at 20mph and the bike will just take it without you being ejected over the bars.

Ebikes have totally changed the calculus in hilly cities, even in flat ones to some extent. Being able to effortlessly bike 45 miles and not be totally thrashed the next day is such a gamechanger, it's actually beyond belief. My car has been largely collecting dust because most trips day to day are under 45 miles. And it takes pennies to recharge vs $90 or so to refill the tank.

Bikes already help take tons of cars off the road worldwide, but ebikes could really help extend people's ranges, particularly if they would normally drive otherwise.

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Aren't people sick of war? The last thing I would want is another war tearing my country apart. Lebanon has had terrible things happen to it in the past. Just...chill. Nothing good will come from war.

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Ah, it was a charter school. That explains a lot. :P

I fucking love gender neutral bathrooms because I like being alone, and large groups get hung up on them, so they are always available and clean.

At my highschool, there were only gender neutral bathrooms (and one women's bathroom that I assume was vestigial)

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Good christ. Wash your dick, get your HPV vaccines, and don't smoke. That sounds like a fucking nightmare if you need your urethra relocated.

One of the images that has haunted me for years was a big protest over an important event that warranted a serious discussion and protest. But in the middle of it, someone broke into a nearby restaurant and made off with an entire cheesecake. Broad daylight, right in front of news cameras, their pale-ass face giving no fucks in the world.

Fucking opportunists. They used to come every year and trash parts of the city during protests. Whenever they'd get arrested, they'd always be from neighboring states, never locals. It generates a massive amount of ill-will and casts legitimate protests in a bad light.

Regardless of outcome, though, the most important thing we can all do is vote. Get everyone you can to actually turn out for local elections, state/province/territory elections, and national elections. Protesting is another tool between voting.

Tbh, I probably would have started with something a bit less complicated than those games.

Portal 2 would have been a better option, IMO. Something with relatively simple controls and not super enemy-focused.

I think there are many great filters, but I think one of those filters is fighting over limited resources and wars. Perhaps limited to humans/earth, but I doubt it. Nukes, dropping rocks from orbit, and theoretical (but possible) weapons like black hole bombs are all going to tempt irrational beings to take someone's stuff.

We have to be extremely careful that we don't accidentally trigger a weapon that is going to kill or dramatically cripple our civilization before we become a truly interstellar species. There is so much to learn out there, while so many people are currently focused on the wrong things such as minor conflicts or what children aren't allowed to learn.

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Same, but cars in general now. I used to look forward to driving, but now I'm sick of it. Biking and ebikes have made going places fun again :)

If project 2025 gets implemented, he won't have to worry about voting again anytime soon.

John Oliver made a funny and stomach-churning video on it, which was probably one of the most horrifying videos I think I've seen. Reminds me of some of the diseases that cause such horrible organ damage, even if you survive the disease, your organs are permanently ruined. The MILF manor parts were also...interesting, lol.


This is literally why we have apex predators such as wolves. They help clamp down on the old and the sick so that prions (mad cow disease) does not spread to other species or humans. It cannot infect wolves.

When you kill off all the apex predators, like when Montana governor Greg Gianforte authorized the massacre of 100 wolves, you see explosions of extremely dangerous diseases and land degradation as deer damage tree roots, gardens, meadows, streams, and farms.

Not only that, but killing members of wolf packs causes their families to fall apart and everyone to scatter. That means wolves alone. Which cannot hunt pack animals which require coordination. So then they go after the easiest meal: dumbass farm animals who have zero survival instincts and whose ranchers no longer employ people to look after the herds in great enough numbers like the olden days. The cycle then perpetuates, as mad-cow contaminated soils spread and spread....

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Oh god, the poor person who shat themselves into the international headlines. That's one for the books. Poor bastard.

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Starfield won the innovative gameplay award? RDR2 won labor of love award? Some of these winners are extremely strange.

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What a waste. Regardless of his political affiliations, it's sad that someone got bullied so hard that they decided to take their own life. It's what we fight for in the LGBTQ community and beyond- so nobody feels that their life is over if discovered. Nor should it be a big deal, regardless. It's what we've been fighting for since the Lavender Scare, and we'll keep fighting for a general sense of normalcy for everyday Americans, regardless of political orientation.

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Seventy four lashes for not wearing a piece of cloth on one's head. That will permanently scar her entire back of her body. I hope terrible things happen to those that tortured her.

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