
6 Post – 528 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Forty years later, Rojem had no illusions of mercy. He’d seen 124 people escorted to the death chamber.

Waiting for your execution - seeing the others go.

40 Years long.

Finally DNA comes to the rescue, but resentenced to die anyway.

WTF is this torture?

On the other hand, grandmaster flash is still and will remain unbeaten.

Miss Quito has a nice sound to it.

Replying in the wrong level again, sigh

Yeah, they are actually just seeing how far they can go by now. This is a direct "Fuck you" right in our faces.

And it's even played out perfectly, all cliches and circumstances check out.

At least 10 more minutes

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It did not change. Same Baby.


I had to watch the video and read your post several times until i got it.

It's very early and I haven't drank my coffee yet, but damn, Kim Jong Un's guy has the legendary reverse smile.

I always use Read Mode when any paywall comes up. For 90% of tries, i can read the whole article.

Also in a more pleasant manner, big lettering and no ads:

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This really is the way

That's all i think about when i see this guy and I'm not even British.

Yes - video is there.

First thing that came to mind. Just "clothes" will be lots of stuff disappearing.

On the right and left nacelles.

That's exactly how I'm feeling right now, after working +20 years for a company that's looking for the cheapest way for them to get rid of me.

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Paraphrasing Mary: "Every lie he told, all the energy he spends lying, is in order to hide who he really is." "The more people confront him with the truth, the more he will get out of control and fight back"

This is genocide by the book. After almost 2 decades of being kept poor & isolated, comes in an ultra modern army to do exactly what?

I'm German and anti Hamas.

Where's the fight against Hamas taking place, btw? There should be footage of destroyed Hamas stuff or some dead Hamas Soldiers to be seen, or am i missing something?

Israel has been bombarding for days

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Or the gym ball a few years before

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This is so fucking sad

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A few days ago it was revealed that he told a jewish marketing guy from adidas, to go kiss a foto of hitler. Just doing Kayne things, nothing special.

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After overcoming the shock ( This article is more than 2 months old! ) /s

This is really bad and sad. The beautiful cheetahs may not be among us for long.

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I was there once. It's the elusive "Outdoors" everyone talks about. Ngl, would like to visit again, but the stress...

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The new American Dream::undefined

It will be either too much water or no water.

Edit: i just went to check how my country is doing water wise:

Germany is one of the regions with the highest water loss worldwide. Since 2000, the country has lost 2.5 cubic kilometres of water per year. In the years 2019 to 2021, record low groundwater levels below the long-term lowest groundwater levels were recorded at the measuring points in many places.

Seems we already know


Apparently the 16 year old, whom she punched several times in the face, was only trying to separate the fight she was having with her partner.

This "sweetheart" shouldn't work in any institution associated with children.

But how? This would be like 1.65 mass shootings each day ‽

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Putin and Netanjahu are so much hoping, praying and just putting all their money on a Trump win, it's so obvious.

The next US election, will impact the world all around, like it may have never done before.

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This will probably happen on a global scale. The southern hemisphere will be too hot at some point.

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He knows, but he just can't hold it back... His urge to say something is unhinged, even if he knows that'll maybe cost him more money.

Extra dumbass

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There's something satisfying about it.

OP's username does not check out, these are actually Cool news

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It always almost reads like the rant of a toddler, certain points, like when he goes Y'ALL GO TO HELL! ( Edit: I'm phrasing here ) I think he screams out in real life all the words he writes in capitals, while writing the rant.

Even the way he lists all the "bad people" throughout his rant, it's all in all pretty infantile, but also petty and fucking creepy. It's so unreal.

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You just unlocked a very unpleasant memory of picking up small glass pieces with my hand. Like you said, big mistake and the worst was that I didn't notice it was cutting at first...

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It seems more and more like a requirement.

My family lives in the neighboring state, Santa Catarina. The whole country is pretty shocked by this. There were also floods here in Germany, in Italy and i read about some more happening around the same time.

The normalisation of this in their circles is so sickening. It goes on since ever and will continue to go on, without any attempts of any kind to finally address this for the problem it is.

We're not talking about a slap in the face ...

This year really wants us to give up any hopes of "make love, not war" for humanity, huh?

I can't imagine the sheer horror of being at home and slowly getting aware of that noise getting louder, the screams. The panic realizing you were spotted and the simultaneous worry for every one you love.

Many hostages must have witnessed loved ones being murdered, only to be dragged away alive.

Russians invading Ukraine with all military tradition and Hamas invading Israel in the most terrorist fashion as it gets. Why is that what happens technically the same?

Why do they turn into fucking animals?

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Yeah, i don't understand why this isn't more of a topic, whenever there are discussion about damages caused by Musk's takeover...

Mostly for USA, Twitter was something you could rely on. Hurricane? Twitter had the latest and most helpful information in no time.

Even the government's Amber Alert was tweeted officially. When Twitter was suddenly behind a login, there were weeks where access to life saving information was blocked.

Also, all kinds of groups around the world were organized around Twitter. One could say Twitter would have been able to organize revolutions.

Musk, the clown, manages to draw all the attention to his bullshit behavior, while the death of twitter is probably met with great joy by some important people we never hear much about.

Actually, i can't really tell, if Musk is doing this, with the intention of fucking Things up or if this is really what he believes to be a good take on handling his Twitter arc.

I wish, we had less Trump & Musk poisoning our lives with their vulgar existence.

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I tell myself that landing on Reddit, because of a search result is different than logging in on Reddit and subsequently browsing Reddit.

Using their app is on another level.