Trump ‘will not give a penny to Ukraine’ if he wins, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán says to – 266 points –
Trump ‘will not give a penny to Ukraine’ if he wins, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán says

Donald Trump “will not give a penny” to Ukraine if he is re-elected US president, the far-right Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, said after a controversial meeting with Trump in Florida.

“He will not give a penny in the Ukraine-Russia war,” Orbán told state media in Hungary on Sunday. “Therefore, the war will end, because it is obvious that Ukraine can not stand on its own feet.”

According to Orbán, Trump has a “detailed plan” to end the Ukraine war, which began two years ago when Russia invaded.

The US and its allies have supported Ukraine but further US aid is held up in Congress, having passed the Senate with bipartisan support only to be blocked in the House, which is controlled by far-right Trump allies.


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Putin and Netanjahu are so much hoping, praying and just putting all their money on a Trump win, it's so obvious.

The next US election, will impact the world all around, like it may have never done before.

We'll probably just get Biden again but still have a broken house of representatives with a republican majority on half, so nothing will really happen for another four years. Neither party is going to land a trifecta.

No matter what it's unlikely that Ukraine is going to see significant US aid and regardless of the feelings of the public in the US. Israel will be permitted it's continued war of aggression as well regardless of who wins.

imo the only change to the status quo will be if dumpy wins and they actually go with the 2025 plan to turn the federal government into a republican hellscape.

We'll probably just get Biden again

Even if you think that's 100% the case, it's not good to act that way. People who are on the border of voting may not vote if they read that sentiment too often.

Please vote, everybody, even if you think your candidate has a 100% chance of winning.

Come on, my posts have zero impact unless they create outrage and someone is compelled to correct someone who is "wrong" on the internet.

Besides, bad press is still press. People aren't going to have their mind changed by any of us blasting on the internet that dumpy is bad or that water is wet if they don't already believe it at this point. Just not how the internet works, only how internet points work.

still have a broken house of representatives

Maybe not. Four states are getting new, fair election maps.

Just in time for a very rough Senate map. Senate isn't hours of reps, but there unfortunately aren't a ton of probable outcomes without Republican control of at least one law-making entity (plus the Supreme Court)

God the ramifications of this are honestly terrifying and I'm not even a US citizen.

I wish the average American was more aware of these dire consequences. I'm trying to figure out a way to make the most impact I can this year. I write. I code. I just don't know... So many factors to address.