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Joined 11 months ago

10 years ago if someone had told me that in the future the tantrums of a billionaire petulant manchild would decide what features are available in your already paid for car I wouldn't have believed them.

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I'm pretty sure the haunted Victorian pencil that is Jacob Rees-Mogg said that the UK not having universal USB-C was a "Brexit benefit". God help us all.

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His legal basis is that he thinks he's right

Well he's not exactly known for taking warranted criticism well...

Oh god he'd actually do this and employees would have to try to get the weakest CPU possible so percentage utilisation would be higher.

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Maybe I'm wrong but I always took it as a metaphor for class. At one point Skinner literally calls linguine a rat. Also Skinner wanted to turn the restaurant into a frozen food empire...

Somehow it's up

[Insert Tom Scott Video Here]

This is very bittersweet living in the UK. But still obligatory fuck Apple.

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Not entirely the case anymore. Libreboot switched to a blob reduction policy in order to support more hardware. Hopefully this will bring things forward quite a bit over the next year.

On behalf of Britain - please don't

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The hardest choices require the strongest wills

AMD has been putting a lot of L3 cache on their consumer CPUs. The 5800X3D has 96mb of L3 cache.

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Isn't it pretty much expected? There was a massive boost during the API controversy then it dropped off as the number of active users stabilised. I don't think Lemmy will immediately replace Reddit like people want it to, just a slow gradual migration of communities. After all the migration from Digg to Reddit took years. I've got no doubt that Reddit will make more dumb decisions that will push more over to Lemmy.

Honestly I just want communities like /r/framework to move over and some UK subs like /r/frugaluk and /r/casualuk then I'm happy.

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Same. I just didn't have any use for signal after SMS removal. Yes I know SMS is insecure but I was stuck. Either you use a separate secure app and magically convince everyone else to use it whilst falling back onto a separate SMS app anyway (for those who don't use the encrypted app). Or alternatively you just have to use a mainstream app like Google Messenger with SMS plus RCS.

At least when signal supported it I could migrate family to signal and then our communication would be encrypted and they could still message everyone else over SMS. It meant a large portion of my messages were encrypted. After SMS removal everyone I had on signal just quit so there was no one to communicate with. Trying to get people to use multiple apps was like herding cats.

I'm currently on anger and it's all about to come crashing down

Leah has said some dumb stuff but I think this particular separation from the GNU project was the correct decision. The dogmatic no blobs approach wasn't working, it is better to reduce/minimise the binary blobs and support more devices imo. Don't agree with their previous actions though.


Wait GrapheneOS supports Android Auto now? That's a game changer if true as it's the only thing holding me back.

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And used a GPS tracker on their vehicle so they could advertise sexual ads on Craigslist at their house. Wtf.

Truly the darkest timeline.

IKEA is therapy

God the ramifications of this are honestly terrifying and I'm not even a US citizen.

Golden dogs are best dogs

Just get a pentium 4 and open outlook 2016

Nintendo Routing and Switching