Congressman ‘Caught on Camera’ Pulling Fire Alarm to in Apparent Attempt to Delay Vote to Avoid Shutdown

Flying to politics – 732 points –
Congressman ‘Caught on Camera’ Pulling Fire Alarm to in Apparent Attempt to Delay Vote to Avoid Shutdown

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It's the thing Republicans can't understand though: he's "our team" but we don't care and the appropriate charges should be pressed.

I mean technically he didn't actually do much.

IANAL but didn't he obstruct Congress?

Wow I hate that acronym!

False alarms are against the law regardless of it being an attempt to fuck with Congress. Which is probably why an aid wouldn't do it for him. They knew they'd at least lose their job, and possibly get fined or have a few days in jail.

I for one LOVE that the not a lawyer acronym sounds like an Asimov porn parody 😂

But if he did it to give the representatives the opportunity to read the bill they were about to vote on to make sure that they’re not being tricked by the Republicans — then he was supporting Congress

Hello anal I'm dad.

More seriously, it seems like it'd be a pain to prove, since he has a (shitty) excuse.

In some jurisdictions, false reporting of emergencies is illegal. Not sure about DC or the halls of Congress.

The proverbial false yelling of "fire" in crowded theater is literally one of the test examples for limitations that should be placed on free speech because it is so dangerous.

Profoundly stupid. Your hapless opponents are creating all the bad press they can for you. How did he possibly think this would help?

Okay so apparently he did it so the senate could actually read the bill they were signing as there was no time before the government shutdown so that adds interesting context at least.

Yeah I think he should probably get a stern talking to from a fire marshal and punished if he does it again