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Joined 13 months ago

It's only cancel culture when it happens to fascists.

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She could save us all a lot of time if she just told us what cheating exactly would be prosecuted. That way we'll know what to indict her and Trump for.

Don't bother, if they can't leave a message, you didn't want to talk to them.

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It's about time someone did. War is just violent economics. Taking away Putin's income will cost him the war faster than killing Russians.

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Honestly only a million is a weak number. Three or four would have been good, six would make me think democracy might survive. The 2020 election was over $14 billion, and we've had strong inflation since then.

Getting people pumped to support Biden is like getting excited about plain toast. We best start acting like it's our first food in a month.

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And if leading a riot into the capital to overturn an election counts as insurrection, then anyone could be taken off the ballet!

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My bet is still nine votes before we get a new speaker. At the end of the day, they're all just haggling about price. McCarthy knew that, so he agreed to whatever price in order to win. Now they all know that part of the price is also betrayal. With a party that's been purging everyone who isn't loyal, they don't know how to handle that.

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Text messages have to be turned over for those pesky subpoena's. Can't be leaving evidence laying around.

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Anti-trust lawsuits only happen when companies forget to pay their politicians.

It's not the language. ChatGPT is about as useful as a decent code manual. It won't actually solve any problems for you, but it can show you the general format for doing so.

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People are flying Trump flags in every state, and this dumb fuck is afraid of flying his blue line bullshit. That's not a news article, it's astroturfed crap that AP should be ashamed to publish.

Pretty sure it's a campaign message. Throw lots of 'oh look Taylor is destroying the environment with her jet' noise around the interwebs to try and discredit her voice against Trump. It's a PR campaign designed by toddlers.

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If not for Reagan, then Newt never would have been elected. Id not for Nixon, then Reagan never would have been elected.

It a continuous line of fail that goes back to the founding of the country.

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Kinda sensationalist when we've known about cold welding for as long as the space program at least. Metals bond in a vacuum because there are no oxygen molecules to bond with their surface, when that surface is abraded. It makes for one of the bigger challenges in space, bearings that don't seize up. Along with the even bigger challenge, an air tight bearing that doesn't seize up, or leak.

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Every car flooded with salt water is a fire waiting to happen. Either a literal fire, or a fire sale. Salt water does horrible shit to all metals.

This isn't anything new, the GoP has been trying to destroy the government since Reagan. Every one of them signs that stupid pledge to Norquist.

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So they're trying to distract from their Hunter fuck up, by creating a bigger fuck up?

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Sure, we're just going to need 50 million or so new affordable houses, and to double the trade costs of all international goods and commodities.

If you think gas is expensive now, wait till they have to move all the shipping and refining.

Ah, so the GoP spoiler party is in full swing still I see.

Every republican for the past 40 years has pledged to destroy the federal government, then sits around and pikachu faces when their bullshit brings the government to a halt.

Don't worry about it, you're washable. - Dad

I was a germaphobe kid, and my dad was a mechanic. Oil and grease horrified me until for some reason that quote just stuck with me.

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Famine, disease, collapse, or war. Those are historically the only ways inequality of anywhere near this level has been rectified.

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This just seems like a stupid time to be pressing legislation like this. I don't even disagree with it myself. I just think it's idiotic from a political perspective. The Dems can see the GoP struggling with the fall out of Roe v. Wade, and they still want to step into this fight now?

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DeSantia new guard is intentionally selected to be ready to act against liberal cities. He's creating the blue print for modern gestapo.

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They're called laser printers. Ink is for idiots, especially if you only print once in a while.

That's kind of like all it would take is for Putin to leave Ukraine for the war to end. Sure it could happen at any time, but that's not the reality we're living in.

No one will like the outcome. Revolution almost never results in a better living standard in the lifetime of those involved.

That's not to say it's the worst course of action, just recognizing the down sides.

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It's entirely rational when you're building a cult, to only bring in the most loyal to your control structure.

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This would be tossed out the first time it's challenged. It's entirely for show, as usual.

It's an election year so they're throwing crap like this out to play to the victim complex voters.

Now try to get them to pass a minimum age for marriage.

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I still don't get why anyone is buying inkjet printers for the past 20 years. It makes zero sense to me.

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Just waiting for that sea level rise to kick in. There's plenty of anchorages that are still too shallow for my boat.

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So how much closer does this put us to a space elevator? Assuming mass production and fiber creation was even possible.

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Now I lay me down to sleep, the chaos take my soul to keep. If I should die, before I wake, the Lords of Chaos my vengeance to take.

Or Joe Pesci, he gets shit done.

The bribery potential of those officials violating the laws they're publicly supporting is the problem.

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I'd explain, but he does it better.

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Another round of Trump is likely to be a permanent problem. They're done with democracy, and their base is fine with that.

I'm a bit more curious where the missing heart went, and how it got where it is now.

Fitch called it a month ago. You can't have a credit rating if you can't agree to pay the bills.

So after 5 or 6 dozen law suits that failed to show any evidence of election problems, he suddenly has a detailed report on it that he's withheld for how long now?

Wouldn't that make him an accomplice?