2 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Marketer. Photographer. Husband & dad. Lego, Minecraft, & Preds hockey fan. Movie buff, but pls #NoSpoilers!

Also Also Also Used to be @pwnicholson on IG, FB, TW, etc

They did it once, then did it again and not only is it still just a fine, the fine didn't even go up. Given inflation since then, the fine actually went down in real terms.

That'll teach them for sure! /s

I think that's the basic premise of the Star Trek hypospray. Pressure pushing in medicine rather than a needle.

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I initially read that as "Florida scrambles to get retired teachers to return to combat."

Which isn't really wrong either.

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If that's real, that would be after he was struck, right? The bullet is to his left, and he was shot from his right

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They'd still be appalled and try to stop him given their strong moral code. And given that they'd be at full strength they'd probably find a way to stop him and reverse things faster than they did in OTL

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It's been done before (though not intentionally at first), at the Salton Sea.

And the results weren't that bad (granted possibly a smaller scale than some are imagining when they forecast doom).

But the problem is any deserts are deserts for a reason: lack of rainfall and/or natural inflow from rainwater upstream. The result is that you have to keep pumping in tons of water and/or rely on agricultural runoff which is nutrient-depleted and usually full of chemicals.

Read the rest of the linked article for what's going on with that one.

She's worth $28 billion. Unfortunately she will miss $100 million like the rest of us would miss $50.

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I assume someone somewhere decided that it was going to net a profit (after already sunk production costs and yet-to-be-spent promoting costs and other obligations) of less than $30 million.

So if given the choice between hoping it maybe makes $20-40 million in net profit vs a guaranteed $30 million as a tax write-off, that's easy math for the number crunchers.

I have no idea but they could also have decided they didn't want to spend to promote it. It costs a fortune in money up front to promote movies these days, even after the movie is 'in the can'. Money is getting more and more expensive with interest rates going up, so financing even promotional costs is more expensive.

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You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose.

Or my favorite variation: You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't wipe your friends on the underside of the car seat.

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I wish this were more implausible, but at this point I'm getting worried.

That's what the saying means. It doesn't mean perfect isn't good. It means perfect is great, but don't let it stop good.

Roadrunner & Coyote. Tom & Jerry (mostly, there was some weird talking occasionally). Shaun the Sheep. Pink Panther.

Lots of examples of famous main characters who lead shows with little to no dialogue.

There are also characters like Snoopy and Gromit who are silent characters in shows where others speak, but there are long stretches where they do their own thing with no dialogue.

Plastic fibers would be covered under microplastic concerns, and organic fibers (cotton, wool, etc) are easily broken down and don't stick around in your system.

Plastics don't ever go away. They hang around, and we're discovering they hang around in our bodies too. Organic fiber stuff can be easily broken down or passed through your body.

Sitting on the floor and building whatever I wanted with the, maybe 800, Lego bricks I had.

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I can't think of an Avenger or even sidekick who I would put in the bottom 50% of the earth's population. Even the dumbest are probably in the top 10-15%.

Edit: I didn't really think of GotG as "Avengers", but yeah, Drax and Mantis are probably gone, unless they're somehow smart for their species. Or unless emotional intelligence is enough to save Mantis. I don't know if we ever find out enough about Groot to know, but I'd assume he's in the top of his species. I still think everyone else survives (Hulk survives via Banner, or at least Banner survives).

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Or what has been called one of the most historic and tumultuous years of a century (1968)... Yeah.

Now I gotta look up 1973. Never heard it mentioned in this context...


  • Roe vs Wade
  • Vietnam War officially ended, US pulls out of Cambodia
  • OPEC oil embargo started
  • Wounded Knee occupation
  • Major flooding of the Mississippi River
  • New tallest building in the world (Sears Tower)
  • Nixon goes to China and US opens official office in Beijing
  • Battle of the Sexes tennis match
  • Secretariat wins first triple crown in 25 years, smashing records
  • "The Miller Test" for obscenity is established by the US Supreme Court
  • Two notable commercial airline crashes with fatalities (both in Boston, interestingly)
  • Egypt and Israel sign peace accord
  • Much of the Watergate scandal played out in 73, though Nixon didn't resign until August of '74

Every decade after the 1920s has been special for cinema for the generation that treasured it.

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Pixel phones have been too big for me for a while. They won't fit in my pockets comfortably and I don't want to have to stretch to reach the top of the screen. Come out with something 5.75" tall or less and I'll re-engage.

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That is a notable change from "we're just double checking things on the Starliner, which we think we can fix. We expect them to ride it home soon" that has been the message for a long time. Now it's "we're looking at all options".

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Find people to talk to. If you can multitask taking to them while doing something, do it. But if you can give a good conversation some dedicated time it helps.

There's 'serious' talk like a therapist, but even just basic 'whatever' talking with friends and acquaintances helps me get out of my own head.

Most of the people you're thinking about as a problem haven't read the Bible either. They'd think the stuff Jesus said was commie, bleeding-heart, socialist stuff (because it is)

Did you read the article or any others about it? Human creativity is the heart of copyright law. If humans didn't make it, no copyright. At least under the latest ruling.

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Exactly. Early Marvel was deeply about character and their depth and character flaws that made them interesting. Thor, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, and especially Tony Stark were interesting and complex personalities. (Bruce Banner and Clint

The stories in recent Marvel products are fine. Mildly interesting serials. Ok popcorn fare.

But the character development has been getting more and more lacking. Even Thor has been reduced to 'dumb blonde'/'dumb entitled rich kid' gags.

I think that's part of what makes Loki one of the only really interesting outings for Marvel recently. He stayed reasonably conflicted and complex.

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They technical don't make airframes or doors either (and still don't until their buyout of their supplier goes through).

At least in the USA: You absolutely can control the distribution of your likeness if it wasn't taken in public.

Photos of you in public can't be controlled because you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public. If someone takes a picture of you privately, even if not for commercial purposes, you can absolutely control the use of that image unless you release it.

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My thoughts exactly.

So given the median savings in the USA is about $8000, it would feel like $25 does to most of us.

Their claims are based largely on building artificial islands which extends their 200 miles from the coast claims (by aging more coast). This US claim isn't extending coast (so no control of the water column or surface), only continental shelf and mining rights

In some jurisdictions, false reporting of emergencies is illegal. Not sure about DC or the halls of Congress.

The proverbial false yelling of "fire" in crowded theater is literally one of the test examples for limitations that should be placed on free speech because it is so dangerous.

Profoundly stupid. Your hapless opponents are creating all the bad press they can for you. How did he possibly think this would help?

That's the great part about Lemmy - just switch instances or roll your own. No need to complain about heavy handed mods!

Baroque classical

Is there another one besides the one made in 2008? That fits your description of people walking out and it being French, but clearly that's not where the rating system came from given that ratings started in 1968.

It's 5.75" tall, so no. It's as big as I want to go. I'd love something a bit smaller to be sure

As a professional marketer and advertiser, that's not correct.

What keeps them from doing it is that most high-dollar advertisers don't want their ads/brand appearing next to NSFW content.

It's probably more difficult for Reddit to filter out NSFW ad impressions rather than just let ads appear anywhere. But advertisers demand it, so they have to do it to get the dollars.

On the lower end of specs, cheaper, but rock solid, I've really liked my Galaxy Tab Active3. Even had a really good built in pressure sensitive stylus. Works well for quick sketches (not creating masterpieces)

You can basically roll your own private one with Plex running PlexAmp. You can even share it with friends (or family or whoever... Based on your interpretation of the laws in your area)

It's not decentralized, and you have to bring your own music, but it's something.

I held on to mine for so long, but after they stopped getting updates, I bailed since the S22 wasn't massively larger.

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Makes my phone overheat and drain battery when using wireless AA, which is all my car supports. When I'm in a rental and use wired AA: no problems.

Galaxy S22 with Nova launcher getting rid of the Samsung UI and making it note pixel-like.

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