Stolen from imgur rule

I Cast to – 937 points –

And the image/chat was stolen from tumblr, I think?


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Reminder that there are only around 750 billionaires in the US. We can eat them.

Or tax them to hell like they did in the 50s I guess. But I prefer the eating thing.

I think billionaires would typically rather get eaten than lose their gains. Hence the willingness to risk human extinction over number not go up so much.

One of the things that I thought of to help with this problem is, like, what if we figured out how much it costs to meet like all the basics in life - a house (not a rental!), food, soda, internet, heat/hot water - all that stuff. Then add some more, so that people could do nice stuff and enjoy their lives, save for retirement, go on vacations, etc.

Then - now here's the crazy part - we make a law requiring that everyone in the country needs to be paid at least that much money. It would be like a "Floor Wage," or, like, a "Minimum Salary."

If the increase in the cost of doing business didn't eliminate billionaires altogether, I bet people would at least stop giving a shit about billionaires and their gold piles because the rest of us aren't living in debt while they build yachts for their yachts.

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