
3 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's almost as if ignoring a problem, doesn't make it go away.

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As interesting as that would be to happen, in reality, there's just going to be a bunch more people going without pre natal care.

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They lured people into spending money on getting awards. Now they are not only removing the award system, but going back and retroactively removing awards that have already been given out, effectively taking peoples money and not providing the service that the money paid for.

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This is the same way they worded the abortion bill. Completely vague.

The problem is that when women took the law to court to, not even overturn the bill, but just to clarify the language and situations in which the bill applies (concerning medical emergencies), the texas ag office immediately stayed the courts ruiling that doctors could use "good faith judgement," kicking the can further down the road till next year.

The state claims that the law is explict in these situations and that the doctors are at fault for misinterpretating it, which is BS. The language is vague and they want to make sure it stays that way so they can apply it at whim.

I was not a previous sync user, but it seems to be a beloved app. Although...

I am somewhat surprised at the use of personal data in the privacy policy.

I understand a guy's gotta make a living, but with all the hype, I'm not sure I expected this.

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It's such a double standard for the large majority of these people. It's God's will that a baby should be born to suffer and die, but it's not God's will that they die of a heart attack, diabetes, or a simple infection.

If they really believed in God's will, they wouldn't be seeking medical care at all, for they were destined to suffer and die as well.

It's despicable, what they are imposing on these families. If you believe in miracles, put yourself in the hands of your God and wait for one yourself, asshats.

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"They were put there by a man, in a factory downtown..."

In my doomer brain...

It's just a preview of what's to come if the far right takes over, for every woman that is unfortunate to come across a man that is all in.

They'll reverse no fault marriage, and then when you marry the guy (either because the guy pulls a bait and switch, or you don't really understand what your agreeing too until after the fact) you either comply or get beat into submission, with no way out, while you pop out babies

This is a handbook, not a fad.

I'm sure I'm wrong and it's a bunch of women that don't want to work...but if it's not, it could turn into some scary shit.

This. No one realizes that your probably not gonna make it to 100 in perfect health. If your body doesn't go, it will be your mind. Either way, it does not sound appealing.

If nothing else, the arthritis has gotten so bad, you wanna off yourself anyways.

Hard pass.

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it doesn’t come at anyone’s expense’.


And the nice compainon blog explanation.

the whole situation makes more sense.

There are already some southern states that will test and prosecute for miscarriages, especially if they suspect drug use is involved.

Brittney Poolaw in Oklahoma was the most recent publicized case of this, but at least 1200 cases have been recorded in the past 20 years or so.

But, now that so many states are banning abortions, and by way of that abortion drugs, we'll absolutely see a huge uptick soon enough.


You get some gear. It's nice, but heavy...then you realize there's so much lighter stuff out there.

$100/lbs later your congratulating yourself that your base weight is 15lbs until you add food and water, and you realize that your pack still is too heavy. You finally shave off another 2 lbs by buying all new luxury items at $30-$50 a pop, and getting a lighter stove.

Then winter comes, and that 4 season, dyneema tent looks mighty appealing. Not to mention you need a better rated sleeping bag (cause that hammock ain't gonna cut it) and a pad, a better puffy and fleece, crampons, maybe an ice pick, and another stove that works in the cold...

Edit. Damn it, I forgot I need new shoes...even if I wanted to brave it using my summer pair, those trail running shoes are destroyed over the course of 1 season.

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Beside the obvious don't reddit, it happens alot in the kbin (web app) and lemmy apps too.

I've taken to stopping to randomly copy my comments to the clipboard, or if it's an extra long response, writing it in a different app and then copy pasting it.

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Thank God there are others who have found these stupid captchas. I thought i was being flagged as a boarderline bot when nobody knew what I was talking about and assumed something completely different.

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I feel like I spent to much time in the sun today...

Why is nobody talking about this?

It would also eliminate the need to pay time and a half overtime on the seventh consecutive day of work for people working at least 40 hours a week,

Am I missing something here. Do these people get paid overtime if they work 7 days in a row, period, as long as they work 40 hours a week? Or does this mean if you work over 40 hours and 7 days in a row, you do not get your overtime pay for the 7th day, even if that puts you over 40 hours?

While i understand many people dont work 7 days in a row, I'm unclear as to why eliminating overtime pay, in any capacity, isn't a bigger part of this story. I understand breaks are important and it's not right to take that away, for various reasons, but to eliminate any form of overtime pay is also a big WTF. Idk, this isn't a thing in my state

And then there's this:

The bill, if it becomes law, would require employers to pay workers while they are eating instead of giving them a break.

Are they supposed to eat their sandwich while working? The break is only as long as the employee is actively eating? If there's no break, how are they eating, at all?

Idk. Not like its unusual for me to be dense, but these things really make no sense to me.

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I think alot of people are baffled as to why the Democrats aren't doing the same, or at least aren't comming up with some way to stop it from happening.

The idea is that they take the high road. They don't want to be seen stooping to the rude tactics that the Republicans are using. But, in the end, they just end up advancing the Republicans agenda even further, although at a slower pace.

It's frustrating, and somewhat suspicious.

I read somewhere that we are going to set up solar panels in space convert the electcity to radio radios, beam it to earth, then convert it back to electricty.

To anyone that wasn't Nikola tesla, that just sounds insane.

Stay at home mom is one thing, but was she subservient and obedient?

There's a difference between a woman staying at home to raise kids because it makes financial sense, and what these women are peddling.

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The tactics they used to fight abortion, worked damn well, in their opinion, so on to the next group of people on the list.

After they're done oppressing trans people, they'll move to the next group on the list.

There will always be list. That is how they unite their base of backwards brainfarts.

Good. Nowadays, theres a degree requirement for so many fields that didn't used to require one. The most competent workers I know, don't have degrees. All the new people with degrees have no clue what they're doing, yet they get paid more and are treated better. It's painful to watch the best performers get passed over, while the people with degrees are held on golden pedestals while they actively drive production into the ground. Especially, when their degree isn't even for the field they're presently employeed in.

While certain jobs should require degrees, there's a huge amount of positions where practical and hands on experience would (and should) trump a degree, any day.

That toaster cat shitting rainbows!

Edit or the beep beep frog with the schlong

Edit edit: guess that last one was a whole video...not a meme

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After Fukushima there was a pretty widespread movement to get rid of nuclear power.

They probably definitely wanted it closed. To bad they didn't guess the likely alternatives that would take its place, an push for that too...

If a good friend or best friend tells you a ridiculous secret, don't under any circumstances, no matter how much time has past, no matter how silly the secret seems, don't tell it to anyone else, ever.

I learned this the hard way...it's usually a test.

I used to work at a vet clinic. Almost all the cats with new urinary blockages ate fancy feast, cat chow, or some similar Wal-Mart brand.

I would feel bad even feeding feral cats that crap.

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I feel like anything produced by AI should be somehow watermarked at the source. At this point there's only a handful of companies. It wouldn't be too hard to have them all insert something into the final product that is easily identifiable. Something like a microscopic signature in a corner, with model info and date produced...idk. Not anything that ruins the image, but something that can be seen by anyone, if looked for.

If nothing else there should be a large push to inform the public of telltale features to look for (i.e. too many appendages) to help them determine if it's created by AI or not. While not fool proof, if it can discount even a portion of the misinformation, imo, it's worth an effort.

To me, it seems irresponsible of the companies running the AI to just unleash it upon the world without training us humans to understand what we're looking at. Letting us see how realistic everything is while letting us know its been produced by AI, at least helps us to comprehend the scope of the matter and adapt to the situation at hand. Esp for those who don't fully grasp what AI can and cannot do.

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Taken with my phone. The sky was overcast. As if smoke was radiating out from the sun.

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Aww. Guess he made nice with the guy he pissed off.

This is so gross.

You mean the s?

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It's almost like you started reading this Time Article but never finished.

Or maybe this sciences times article

While the consensus is out about whether or not or attention spans are really shortening, most sources say whatever is going on, isn't permanent...yet.

We still have the ability to unplug and find something that's truly interesting to us, something that we care about, and focus on it. We just have to find it, and then, actually do it.

This is why my company sent me a webcam. It makes so much sense now!

Its probably an unpopular opinion considering the comments here, but I think it should be said that maybe it comes easy for alot of people, but being a cook at a fast food joint like Dairy Queen or Culver's absolutely takes a certain amount of skill. Skill not every person has, or can learn.

When a place is busy, takes a certain process of thought patterns and organization to keep track of all the different ingredients on the griddle, what stage they're at while cooking, while ensuring everything is cooked in a timely manner.

Sure, many people can succeed at learning these skills, not everyone can. It is a skill, and honestly, it's slightly upsetting to see people think it's as easy as breathing, when it's just not for some people. If it were actually that simple, you'd never have to check the bag to make sure they got the order right before you drive off and there wouldn't be videos of fast food workers being mistreated for giving some jerk fries instead of onion rings. Ever.

Imo, although there is overlap, both jobs require some skills that different than the other. Typically, surgeons perform, at most, a handful of types of surgery (per surgery), on 1 or 2 people at a time. They know what surgery will be preformed ahead of time, so they can prepare, and there's a typically a set procedure for the deviations or complications that may arise. Successfully improvising is what sets a great surgeon apart. And, if all is going well, they have teams that can stabilize the patient for an extended amount of time. Fast food workers are assembling multiple orders with multiple foods in minutes. It may take a surgeon years to learn proper surgery, but it doesn't mean they have the skill or mindset that is required to flip burgers.

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Or when you order unsweetened, but you still get sweet anyways...

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It probably wouldn't hurt for you to start carrying an emergency bag around in your trunk on outings like this. It doesn't take up much room and could safe your life. Some food and water and something warm (clothes, sleeping bag, or both) could really go along way, esp if rescue can't come immediately and it's really cold out there, or you need to hoof it out.

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Wait yalls had that many windows? These look nice. Ours looked like someone gutted a corrugated metal double wide and put a divider wall in the middle to make 2 "classrooms." There was 1 larger window on the backside, and 1 door in the front of each room.

No one ever reports on the reoccurring environmental violations that have occurred at his austin area boring company site, typically related to the discharge of wastewater (industrial, and otherwise) and erosion. Though, to be clear, theres no raw sewage in the streets or anything like that. The citations are always "resolved," but a few months later, a new round is issued. He gets another slap on the wrist, and then goes about his day. This has been something like 4 rounds of violations for at least a year and a half.

While there has been vague talk of more serious consequences, so far nothing of substance has materialized. The only reason the site even gets inspected, is because it ends up affecting the neighbors.

Before, it was just not wanting to do things properly, but at this point, I'm pretty sure he's just trying to get approval to dump all the "treated" wastewater into a nearby river that's used for recreation. Probably something along the lines of...if you want me to stop inappropriately managinging my wastewater onsite (in a historically residential neighborhood, mind you), give me the permit to put it somewhere else.

The community and the nearest city object to the idea. The ability easily monitor for violations will be nonexistent and nobody has any faith that what will be discharged into the river will actually be clean and up to standards. But of course, the permit isn't going to be decided by those it directly affects.

Also, shouldn't this dingus be in jail? I thought he was charged with corruption so egregious even the nee-haw state couldn't ignore it.

The felony trial isnt until april. Eariler this year the state moved to hold an impeachment trial, but he paid off the almost equally corrupt, "Seniors should sacrifice their lives for the economy" Lt. Gov, and then...everyone changed their minds and he got acquitted.

No, definitely people wouldnt quarantine like that. But, H5N1 can have a really high mortality rate. From what I can tell, a near 100%. for birds and some marine mammals. I.e. every animal that catches it, dies.

Not to be macabre, but I don't mean how long would people have to quarantine to beat back the virus. Im asking how long would an individual have to hide from everyone else, before everyone else, who refused to believe it was real, and whatnot, caught the virus and just...died.

Seriously, what tf are they thinking?

Hes in my head. But. He might be dead.