U de Recife

@U de Recife@lemmy.sdfeu.org
0 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Dangling on a hyphen.

It's crazy to think that this level of intrusion is considered fair game. The way these behaviors are normalized is completely dystopian.

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When you're about to face a high risk, high reward situation, you should willfully, willingly start to hyperventilate, as this helps your brain ...

NEVER take any stranger's advice on the internet as credible without checking it with a specialist. This is especially true when said advice relates to your health and/or safety.

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I want to celebrate two things. 1. Your awareness of the potential dangers looming over the fediverse. 2. Your proactive attitude curtailing the problem at its root. From one human to another, thank you!

That's the thing, right? Those giant networks' admins surely know how inflated their userbase is. They surely know that a lot of the activity is bot faked/manipulated.

But since the end goal of those networks is generate traffic to sell something (ads, user data), they never purge the bots. They need fake engagement. They might even promote it. The human user is just being used (Cf. Stallman's use of this term).

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We all have our bias. My lemmy is not like that. Which means you're not curating your feed.

I block every community with content I'm not interested in. It works. My lemmy feed is very interesting.

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From the top of my head, I would name Okular. No other FOSS pdf reader is as complete and easy to use.

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... without checking it. If that's your understanding, you're correct.

On the affirmative, ALWAYS check whatever advice you hear/read on the internet. Be ultra careful with your health and safety.

Lemmy, currently. This comment proves my point.

I'm so thrilled right now! I'm already typing this reply on OpenBoard and I'm loving it.

Gboard was also a big hurdle to my need to degoogle my phone. But not anymore!

Thank you so much. You've brighten my day. I'm both happy for knowing this and for finding about it on the fediverse.

Curate your feed. Block unwanted communities. My lemmy feed has no memes.

I'm techie by gift, not by trade. I'm an MA in philosophy. Teaching is my main activity.

Well, I'm here. I'm loving the fediverse. And I'm kinda from outside tech, although being IT literate. So perhaps I should be counted as having a technical background.

Howl's Moving Castle. I had an obsession with it at the time.

Sorry, please don't take this as an attack. It's just that I'm so tired of that lame joke.

I tried to present this as an observation. When filing a bug report (which I tried to emulate here), you have to take into account the distro, as it may influence the behavior of the software in question. Namely here Firefox.

Now, does that make you laugh? Good, laugh about it. But please think about it in this context. You are laughing about a personal choice. Prejudice is taking hold of your mind. You're turning someone's choice into a strawman, easy to be laughed at just because.

It's a bit like attacking vegans. Now it's not about this or that person and their choice. They're evened out, ridiculed, just because it's memetic to do so. The same with Arch users, so it seems.

I don't use Arch btw. There's no btw because I don't care about that. This just reminds me of how certain groups always have to hear the same old tired jokes about them, just because, individually, everyone telling those jokes feels it's so clever to do so.

Sorry. I think we can do better than this here at Lemmy. Again, this is not an attack. Perhaps just a reminder.

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I too have this issue, and I use a similar solution.

Case in point, for those asking for examples: exporting Reveal.js slides to PDF. Never works on Firefox (my browser of choice). Solution? Any chrome based browser.

OS: Linux, Arch (updated).

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Emoji Dick is a crowd sourced and crowd funded translation of Herman Melville's Moby Dick into Japanese emoticons called emoji.

Any BBC production of Jane Austen's novels.

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I find useful not to think both myself or others as smart/not smart, but wise or wiser. Being smart is not always wise. Playing dumb may be wise at times. Wisdom goes way beyond smartness, as it's a mixture of kindness, experience, sensibility, and virtue.

Now that you mentioned, I remember seeing that Reddit's alien balloons image.

Yours is waaaay cuter! I hope we get to see it more on lemmy.

You'll have to look for the 'block community' button. Depending on the UI you're using, this can be in different places.

In Lemmy's default UI, you first click the part under the title identifying the community under which it was posted. Let's say it was posted under darkmemes@lemmy.world. What you do is:

  1. click that darkmemes@lemmy.world;
  2. on the community page, you then click the 'block community' button on the sidebar.

click that button.

On a phone app, the process may be less cumbersome. On Thunder, an Android app, you just have to click and hold the post, wait until a menu appears, and then select 'block community'.

like this

Thanks for posting about this extension! It's a very welcomed addition to make YouTube more bearable.

Dogs are a good example of how wonderful our selective breeding has been. Well, it's great for us, no doubt. Who doesn't love a tiny tiny dog? But for the dog? Probably not the best.

Cool, we have better paper making factories with better trees for the purpose. But what about all the unknown unknowns of changing the genes of the tree? How will that affect the environment? Is this carefully tested, monitored, giving it enough time to truly understand the consequences? Or are we just breeding a nice cute little dog again, without caring about what happens to the thing modified?

You see, this has nothing to do with taking sides. I wonder. Just that. And yeah, it still feels dumb to me. But being no expert, perhaps reality will prove me wrong. I do hope so, because I hope for a brighter future, not a gloomy one.

A lot. I lost count, really. I'm a professional 'middle of the book' reader. It's a way of living.

Binary solo: ‎ 0000001 00000011 000000111 0000001111

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Long press the enter/return button (round, with an left point arrow). It'll show you the emoji and clipboard buttons. 💡

Alternatively, you can turn on the dedicated emoji button on OpenBoard's preferences.

You can also long press the comma button. There you'll find the preferences and emoji buttons.

Vorta (Borg GUI). It's simple to use.

At first I thought it was a minor thing. But it's still down. Any news?

How do you remove that? That being an almost endless pool of workers.

(Not antagonizing: just curious)

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Arch Linux. Because... it's rock n' rolling!

Thanks for pointing out Consent-O-Matic. I'm EU based, so that really comes handy.

I'm having a blast with this kind of suggestions. And because of that I'm loving Lemmy. Thanks!

Does I find better help here? Definitely!

Thanks to fellow lemmings, for the past 2 weeks I have discovered a lot new solutions/apps/plugins! My workflow has improved a lot. So much so that now I spend more and more time on Lemmy, looking for new things. My productivity is almost down to zero. I'm loving it.

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Here's my point. We live under global capitalism. It's just how things are, right?

And capitalism, just like, say, life, has its ways. It creates an environment where certain outcomes are more likely than others.

Making an observation about it does not make me partial to other systems. I have no such preference. What I observe is just that capitalism, just like life, always finds a way—its way.

I heard someone mentioned the danger of using CRISPR to make better soldiers. It's crazy, right? But why isn't crazy to tinker with a tree? Yes, it may make those trees a better product. And all seems good. But once you do that to the tree, and it becomes profitable, the incentive is there to make that true for everything else.

I think it's dumb because such power (CRISPR) should be treated with great care. Curing a disease? Go for it. But be careful. Now, to make a better product? I dunno, it just rubs me the wrong way.

Perhaps I'm not seeing the whole picture. Or maybe I should take some bioethics class again.

But whatever may be the case, my point is not there all proletariat the world over should unite.

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I'm already exploring it. I just happen to travel on spaceship earth.

These are just a few of the new things I've added/discovered recently thanks to Lemmy:

  • Consent-O-Matic plugin, a browser extension that recognizes CMP (Consent Management Provider) pop-ups that have become ubiquitous on the web and automatically fills them out based on your preferences – even if you meet a dark pattern design;
  • DeArrow plugin, an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube;
  • "Activate Windows" watermark ported to Linux, which always makes me laugh;
  • If you're using zsh, it has tetris built-in as a feature. To activate it, you run autoload -Uz tetriscurses, then run tetriscurses. A whole afternoon goes away;
  • whateveritworks searxng instance. It's part of a collection of speedy and reliable self-hosted instances of popular FOSS projects, like Piped, Nitter and Hyperpipe. I'm again having fun searching the web.

These are the ones that I can come up with from the top of my head. Try them out. If you heard of them from me, know you are actually learning them from Lemmy.

Capitalism always finds a way...

From all the uses one could find to CRISPR, this is probably one of the dumbest.

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