29 Post – 1031 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I gave up coffee as part of my daily routine, so, tea. I try to switch up with camomile in an effort to moderate the tannins intake.

I don't speak German but I also don't have any kind of language filter on Lemmy so I'm a bit disappointed I haven't seen any pizza memes. I miss the Bean and Beef Stroganoff times

Yes I hate teeth whitening in general. I really dislike that unnatural shade of white. What gets me of their advertising methods is that they usually prey on people's insecurities based on the myth that the whiter your teeth the healthier they must be.

I see, thanks for sharing!

I don't understand why someone would downvote you or why this opinion would cause an impact of any kind? People say all sorts of crazy things online. Was she particularly rude, trollish or baitey?

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I'm missing out on this particular bit of Lemmy Lore, did something happen?

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I think your experience sounds like the benign fasciculation another lemming described. Look for the video link among the comments

Why is this question considered medical advice? Also, considering most common facts are parroted correctly out of LLMs, why is it wrong to search for answers there first?

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Yeah, nothing moves, it feels like a pulsation on my skin but nothing is moving. Neither my skin nor my muscles move. I'm trying to understand what causes this sensation. What is point with that quote?

Fair enough, this could be it

That's so interesting, thanks for sharing the link. But in my case, nothing moves. After reading some replies and googling more I'm more inclined to think it's just the capillaries and small arteries delivering blood to the skin with different amounts of delay.

I never said my skin moved either my dude. It's a sensation, not a movement

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Because it seems to happen as a consequence for the movement, and it's consistent. My hydration levels aren't. Regardless of how much or what I've been drinking, of how much I've been sweating, I still feel it. Also note I don't feel it as much after doing an intense workout in which I sweat bullets. And I've never felt it if I've been resting the whole day even though I'm sure I must have been dehydrated occasionally on rest days. Also it feels more like something on the skin and not like a regular muscle spasm.

That's just why I don't believe it is dehydration, but you could be right, it could be dehydration.🤷🏼‍♀️

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I've been deceived all my life!

Okay, so you're saying even though I feel it on my skin and not my muscles is still on my muscles. Fair enough. But then why does it happen only with mild activities like walking but not with something more intense?

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No, this isn't something bothering me in any other way than making me curious about it. I'm not seeking medical advice, just physiological or biological information about this phenomenon. It doesn't really feel like a twitch in my muscles, it's more like my skin is pulsating. My body doesn't move. It's just a sensation

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This is the theory I side with the most, I just hope I'll find someone who can confirm or debunk said speculation

No, I don't have the means. Why would it be the blood pressure?

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I've met plenty of people who do experience it, but nobody knows what it is. I even encourage you ask people you know, you'd be surprised. I've never met someone who would be alarmed by it though. But you are right, it is something I should be asking a doctor. I always forget unfortunately

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Is it possible to feel this flush pulsating at different rythms simultaneously on different areas of my skin? I would think it's just blood flow but it's so erratic and not matching my heartbeat

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I can get to take home a device to chek my pressure for free?

That's an interesting point, usually I don't stretch for walking. Often I don't even consider it a fitness activity per se, it's just that I need to walk fast to get somewhere on time. It happens regardless of whatever shoes or clothing I'm wearing

I used to believe the same but the thing that puzzles me is that it's not with the rhythm of my heartbeat. It feels like skin flushing from blood flow like you describe, but in patches, and they all pulsate at different speeds.

Mom's veal schnitzel. They're thin oven baked schnitzels but they're always so tender and the crumbing is so tasty. Tastier than anything I've ever tried at any pub or restaurant

No, your sneakers are most likely to be okay but I wouldn't be so sure about the washing machine. I'm also unsure it would be effective in removing the brown stains.

My recommendation would be let them soak for a day in water with a bit of laundy powder + laundry enzime solution ( Vanish, Sard or whatever brand is sold in your corner of the world). Remove the laces and the inside of the soles if they're a separate part. Then the next day gently brush the stained areas.

I think you should be able to get to use them somewhat effectively for free. I've never paid for any. Not sure how much this has changed, haven't dated in a couple years.

I would bet my success would not exist, that's what I'd bet

I know my legs are fine. All I want to know is a name for this sensation and what causes it. Yes, I want to know about the weird stuff the body does, why is it wrong to ask chatGPT or google?

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Maybe it's what you are subscribed to? If anything I see an increase in content

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I think once upon a time alcohol was illegal somewhere? That's what would happen. And I'd totally join a mafia

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Time relativity always boggles my brain, I accept the fact but I find crazy that if I strap my twin and his atomic clock to a rocket and send them out to the stratosphere at the speed of light, when they return he'll be younger than me and his clock will be running behind mine. Crazy

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Ridiculously bright headlights on cars, in particular those the driver cannot control when they dim. I can't fucking see when driving at night against incoming traffic. Yet the majority of people seem to love them somehow.

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I think I get it, and maybe I'm wrong but it could be that you find it annoying because you don't know how to set up boundaries.

Basically if someone tells me to come here without telling me what's all about, and I don't want to go all the way there- I don't go. I just yell back at them, "what is it?" Until they tell me. If they don't, I don't go. If they insist, I can explain I'm either busy or don't feel like moving my lazy arse for something I don't know what is it about.

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Once on Reddit I read of someone who grew up in a house where they had a poop knife as part of their standard toilet tool set.

This person once found themselves asking for a poop knife elsewhere, casually, like anyone would ask for toilet paper.

I think a commenter called it "the Mashitty" in the replies, which I found hilarious. That story and comment will forever be remembered.

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Most men who would say yes to any beautiful woman without much consideration to anything else are probably good for a night but not for something serious. If this is okay with you, just smile and agree to anything they say and do, it shouldn't take long, for example at a pub or bar.

Most men I've known who want something serious though, will take into account the other person's personality. So there is no way to "seal the deal" other than hope you two are mutually attracted. It will happen eventually, just be nice and you're good to go (if they like you).

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Marketing well done

Today you have the bidets you can install on your toilet, but traditionally they were a thing on its own, that required about as much space as a toilet and all the extra pipework associated with it.

In some European/ Mediterranean countries (I suspect France may have started the trend) this caught on well, and bidets were a must have in most houses that had toilets as part of their main architectural structure. Most people in South America had bidets this way, it's rare to see a house without at least one bidet, and this comes from the culture inherited from colonial times .

Now, things are different in othe parts of the world. England seems to traditionally have the toilet separate from the house and for some reason the bidet trend never caught on. This is in turn reflected both in USA and Australia. I don't know about bidet popularity across all of Europe, but this is definitely a cultural thing and I suspect distance and language may have kept UK without bidets until relatively recently. And as you know, old habits die hard, so... Yeah in Australia I use the shower.

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Yes that's right, it means salami and in spanish it's used to call someone an idiot. Soft insult, but I use it, and saying so and so is a salami in english would only get me weird looks.

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I would prefer for no public figure ever to become the community logo. Especially if it's a political figure.

Krita is closer to Photoshop than Gimp, although still not up to it. Just in case you ever need PS, try krita first.

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