
6 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Charles Whitman — Texas Sniper. Killed 14 people in 1966. Autopsy found a brain tumor pressing the amygdala, which presumably caused uncontrollable "fight or flight" response.

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Nobody name their new product Gitler for some reason. Such a good name.

Prigozhin allegedly had a massive influence on 2016 USA elections with his troll farms.

I don't think Kremlin gave up on the 2024 elections, it's just now they have Musk.

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What choice did they realistically have?

Victim blaming as it is. The choice was not to murder people.

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That's interesting considering that Hamas is one of the closest allies of the Kremlin.

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I actually encountered a cougar on a trail a week ago. So fucking scary. It's huge.

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Well, the original source is Russia Today, which is arguably worse. Reuters and BBC didn't happen to take an interview with this person during his Moscow visit.

Biden will be alright. Who would be fucked is US.

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"Kill your masters" T-shirts and bumper stickers are already a thing. I wonder how long it'll take to see similar stuff for landlords.

Putin just got an unexpected ally.

Everything that starts with B.

  • Breaking Bad
  • Better Call Saul
  • Barry
  • Bojack Horseman
  • Black Mirror
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It looks like he was beaten to death by mob.

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It named after a book "The Narrow Corridor", and in the book it's a metaphor of democracy: the narrow corridor between anarchy and tyranny.

The danger of this approach is that you start treating other people as NPCs, dehumanizing them. When others are not real people, you don't have any problem with robbing, raping or murdering them. See the "Westworld" series for more deep analysis.

Simulation theory comes from solipsism, and it's not that modern. According to Wikipedia it originated in Greece in 483–375 BC.

Every human is solipsist until about 2 years old, when they start to realize that the world is not revolving around them. It is called "crisis of 2 year old", or "terrible twos". Some people don't get to go through this at 2, especially the children of billionaires, who have no reasons to think that they are not the center of the universe.

Yes! I run towards it, trying to step louder and scare it away. It worked.

I'd appreciate if you added !narrow@lemmy.world to the knowledge section

I understand why people don't want to interact with others: it's usually quite stressful. For me as well. So my goal was to make it less stressful and less serious, it's just a game after all.

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I tried to get a shot today after lunch. About a hundred people in the line, and only walk-ins are available. I guess I'll wait for couple of months.

Eraserhead by David Lynch

Dwarf Fortress

I don't support age shaming. Let's not be those people.

IP multicasting works when many clients request the same data at the same time, it makes sense only for realtile streams, and you need to implement caching by yourself.

In NDN caching is already included in the protocol and implemented in the forwarding daemon. It works similar to CDN. If all lemmy instances were connected to one NDN, the cache data would be spread across the entire network. So even when lemmy.world is offline, you'd be able to read it from the nearest (by ping) lemmy instance.

I stated that getting rid of IP is the goal of NDN, but it obviously cannot happen right away, because lemmy instances currently don't have any direct connection to each other. But it will eventually happen, so we better get prepared.

Is anyone interested in applying this to fediverse, or is it only me?

One application, different servers and databases, but federated search and users: just like mastodon and lemmy

I completely forgot about the delivery part, thank you

What ethnicity are you talking about?

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Looks like it works only over IP, which is by design one-to-one. The point of NDN is to get rid of IP connections

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Palestinian is not an ethnicity, it's just where you live, like Californian, or New-Yorker.

The ethnicity would be Arabs.

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Name one.

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Could you upgrade to 0.18.0? The android app doesn't work with 0.17, but it seems to work with 0.18.0

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Context matters. If you post something pro-Russian and against the Kremlin in 2020, some people might understand you. But if you do it a week after Bucha, don't expect any support.

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I don't think sellers on ebay may host the database server

Just a reminder, that every Gaza official represents Hamas.

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New location opened on a map

It doesn't require you to interact, it just gives you that possibility, and shows how different political/economical systems work.

*I didn't describe my game in full here, neither gave any links, because it might be considered as advertisement

Nukes could help

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You just repeated what I just said, adding "religious" in bold.

There are plenty of Muslims in the Israeli army, and some of them are currently fighting in Gaza for Israel. There's nothing religious about this conflict.

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The term "nation" along with "nationalism" was invented in England in the 1600s. Before that, people didn't know they belonged to any nation, they identified themselves with religious groups.

And again, Palestinian is not a nation, it's just where you live. If you moved to Gaza, you'd become Palestinian.