22 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

She was underweight before because she hardly ate anything. She's way better now. But some people comment on her change of weight because they compare it to how she was before.

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They were accused of being auti-semites for criticizing Isreael, despite the fact that some of the protestors who are part of the movement are Jewish themselves.

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I just have a bunch of search addons for different sites directly in qBittorrent. I haven't made a website search for a long time.

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Speak for yourself! I have internal stereologue.

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"Anyone can download the app, but free users will be given a 14-day trial to test drive it.'

So it's only for premium users ?

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I think it's due to comments from people. She was underweight before because she hardly ate anything. She's now much better than before but people keep mentioning how she changed. It's really dumb when people keep commenting about your appearance, but I gets to her sometimes. The same people were telling her she needs to gain weight before. ( we are in a developing country where these comments are sadly so normalized)

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I live in Morocco. I keep leaving Facebook for months but I end up going back there even though I don't like it at all. The reason is that all the people I know and all local content is available only through Facebook. There are hardly any Moroccans on the Fediverse, I've only seen like one other person in all my years of using Mastodon. If I wanna see what's going on in the country, the city and anything related to the region then I am obliged to be on Facebook. I suppose this is the case with most developing and non-english speaking countries.

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We really need a philosophy memes community :(

Simple Mobile Tools have been forked by one of the maintainers. They have released the Gallery and File Manager so far. Check out their github :

If I could, I would. Sadly being from North Africa makes it hard for me to donate to my favorite FOSS projects. There are many restrictions and even getting a credit card that's usable internationally is a pain, and it only gives you an amount each year you can use online. Not to mention having a really low currency and bad economy would make even a trivial donation feel like a sizable portion of your income. My comment wasn't a dig at Firefox but a lament. It shows how complex things are. The FOSS and privacy oriented option has to rely here on Google having enough money to give to it. Google having enough money relies on data mining. So the monetization of privacy-respecting option relies on other users letting go of their privacy to Google. While Firefox is a superior option, it is worth seeing how ultimately we are still fucked. Even the FOSS option survives through ad revenue of another company. This highlights the problem of FOSS monetization that needs to be solved. Firefox should learn from Thunderbird.

I did an experiment where I used Distrobox for many apps not available on Debian. I installed an Arch distrobox and exported the packages. I found that it works great with simple programs, but I run into a few issues when using more complex programs. Jellyfin Media Player for example tended to have a memory leak and have a core dump on the desktop whenever it is closed. It uses twice as memory as the Flatpak for some reason. I had the same issue with Stremio which is also a video streaming app. For command line things it's mostly fine. But this too can get tricky. I tried to use Neovim (Debian's is a bit old) in the Arch distorbox. The issue is that if you need plugins that require some dependency with a given version then you have to also install those and export them which makes things messy. For example you may have a version of Nodejs on your Debian install but you'll need to install Nodejs on the distorbox too and export it. It's the same with many packages like that. You'll run into some issues and waste time trying to figure out where is it coming from. Is it your machine or the distorbox? I ended up just building from source. Overall it's a great project and might work for some software that you need. But it's not something you can always rely on for everything. The app devs are not testing for that specific use case. It's so great for testing and installing stuff and then destroying when you don't need it anymore.

That's how things are in so many countries unfortunately. Many people in the west tend to lose sight of that. I live in Morocco and we are struggling to just change the status of premarital sex. In the law you can get jail if you are caught having sex with your gf if you are not married. This law is rarely applied but it remains as a looming threat. The issue is that many people are in favor of that law and think the state should punish those who have premarital sex. This is sadly the case with many progressive laws and ideas. The majority of people in these countries are supportive of these conservative laws. It's not just a top down thing from a government, which makes it much more complicated.

FOSS generally puts more pressure on people to write better and safer code, because you know everyone is going to look at it. Even when vulnerabilities are found, they are usually fixed so fast compared to the proprietary side. There are stories of people waiting 6 months for Microsoft to fix a vulnerability, while an Openssh or openssl issue is usually fixed in a few days.

Need to rewatch this show at some point. Daria is so ratable

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Software information says you're already using Fedora ? Do you mean you want to switch distros ? If so, it'll be useful to say what you're looking for and why Fedora didn't fulfill those needs so we can recommend alternatives.

Piracy makes up for some huge inequalities in the world. The prices for digital goods do not usually take into account the economies of certain regions. I live in Morocco and our money is really low compared to the dollar. 1 dollar is like 7 Dirhams. The average salary for a normal job is really low if you convert it to dollars. So services like Netflix and HBO would cost 10 times more if you factor in wages and conversion to dollars. Why should we pay that just because we live in another place ? Why do these services pretend to be global and yet they are enforcing US prices on the rest of the world. You can't even speak of physical goods because Amazon doesn't give a fuck about Africa. Books would cost 3 times their price in shipping and you have to wait a month or so, not to mention that there are limits on how much currency you spend internationally. The fees for an international card are so high also. In short, without piracy 90 percent of the world wouldn't be able to partake in anything.

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Yea but I wish Firefox didn't survive completely on money from Google

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Gender tRULEble

When installing Debian, if you choose to enable a root account then sudo is not installed by default and your user isn't added to the sudo group. Next time try to opt for not enabling the root account to have a similar experience to other distros. Debian does this doe security reasons but it's annoying for users used to a certain way of doing things. Many distros just disable root account by default so you don't see that issue.

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We're all into lemmussy

Yes I did some searching and was confused as to which one is the legit site now. It seems to have changed a couple of times. I don't know if this is run by the same people as getintopc.

Is the sudden unannounced disappearance of Vlemmy related to this ? I had my main account there and it just disappeared

I haven't been on Reddit since that time. I am really enjoying Lemmy especially now that I can use Eternity, the Lemmy fork of the reddit Infinity app I've used so long. It feels so familiar

Well, for example the US immediately scrambled to talk to Lebanon and work to actually avoid a war in Lebanon. They can immediately put pressure when they want to. The idea that they are helpless is just used to justify what they are doing now and throw smoke in the eyes as to their guilt and complicity.

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They can do much much more when they want to.

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Eternity which is a fork of Infinity for Reddit. I've been using Infinity for ages so I really love Eternity

Twin Peaks

Meme Generator

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I think EF channel made a video recently covering some foundations while installing Arch. Maybe it's close to what you're looking for

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Chad move

He's literally me

Had me at "References >> 5 years old Chris Titus Tech YouTube video"

Well, Arch is not inherently better, it depends on your needs. If you want up-to-date packages and don't mind the do it yourself approach you'll love Arch. I've used Arch for a few years and learned a lot from it. I love the minimalism. Now I switched to a minimal install of Sway on Debian because I just want a tried and tested stable system. I am at a point of my life where I want a really boring install. Instead of tinkering with the system I use it as a base to learn more on the server side, and learn more coding, etc

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It's not even available in many countries. Even if it were, the price is steep especially in third world economies. It's probably not that big of deal for many in the US but most people in third world countries would find it so hard to squeeze it into their budget.

That's a bad analogy. A browser with 5 tabs is not like having 5 different browsers open.

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I don't think it's the content of what he is saying that his supporters are drawn to. Trump has succeeded in positing himself as a victim of the "woke left" and the "establishment". His entire project relies on this vehement opposition. He actually needs the political correctness because his opposition to it is what sustains him. There are theoretical studies of this, like for example Todd McGowan theory of left and right enjoyment. The enjoyment of the right is this enjoyment of transgression, the utterly childish thing of "I am gonna say exactly what you tell me not to say". The more dumb shit he says the more it goes up. This is what some leftists do not get. You'll never defeat Trump by showing that he said something bad and "transgressive ". This is exactly his appeal. The right succeeds in making a weird move. They cast the leftist as the "parent figure" that's out there trying to steal your enjoyment. "You can't say anything anymore these days". Ironically the right is the moralizing position, but they succeeded in casting the left as this moralizing figure and we play right into their hands. The early leftist transgressive "hippy" figure has been replaced, in popular imagination, by the uptight professor telling you what you can and can't say, and you saying it anyway and bonding with the class through that very prohibition.

I think it's because if dumb people commenting about every little change of appearance. Sadly we live in one of those places where people comment on these things all the time. They told her she is to thin before now they tell her she gained weight. There's no way to win with them, and sadly usually they are close family members that you can't just avoid.


Which OS are you using? Both my laptop and my server are running a bunch of docker containers and never had an issue

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