1 Post – 689 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I shove the bar of soap strait up my ass and just express the foam into my hand from there until I'm done.

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The Democrats were discussing working with him. Then he basically told them to fuck off with that interview. So he lost with 8 republican votes. Such bad strategy. It just makes you think, aren't you supposed to be a politician. You ever politiced in your whole life?

I guess this is the kind of stupid, horrible strategy you can expect from the current Republican party. They don't have to make deals are negotiate. Their entire platform is scream Democrats bad.

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Ive had multiple people get so mad at me for comments about how poorly this shit works. I don't understand how this is the hill so many people want to die on. It doesn't work.

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Woman scared for her life because officers immediately pointed guns at her for no reason is proven correct when killed by officers for no reason. Just another day in America. Cops just love pulling their guns and using them for no good reason. The only time a cop should be pointing a gun at someone like this is if their life is in immediate danger from that person.

How would society feel if these weren't cops? If a guy just runs up to your car pointing a pistol at your head you aren't going to be calm and rational. It's bullshit we expect anyone to be.

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Or they'll give them even more money and say some angry things about it.

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This is what happens when you treat education like a business instead of a public service.

In America, every job. People make it their identity. It's the first thing they ask or tell people they meet most of the time. They make themselves what they do.

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People like to claim any big ticket game that doesn't get like 8/10 or higher is being review bombed. Seems as if people have legit criticisms of the game and it's pretty fairly reviewed.

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That'd be great, if they had any content. They're about on par with Paramount plus in my mind. Which I'm also never going to pay for.

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If love is code for being forced to by horrible corporations that can do whatever they want because we have no consumer protections at all. Yup. If you mean buying cars, we kind of have to. Public transit is a joke outside like 3-4 major cities. I remember my first job out of college, had a light rail stop within biking distance from home and one right outside the office. Looked into riding it. Near 2 hours each way, multiple transfers. 20 minute car drive.

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Taiwanese company upset people don't work 16 hour days without breaks and demand living wage. Should be the title of all the articles about this. I'm sure that means they have unrealistic expectations/timelines. How dare these construction workers not act like slave robots.

The sad truth of the matter is the reason we don't have much tech manufacturing in America is it costs more And takes more time. Workers expect better pay, less hours and benefits. Through in that we're more picky about industrial waste and other things that cost these companies money and they're all located where they are for a reason. The government subsidizing the costs for national defense is the only way companies (which are companies and only care about profit margins) are going to produce electronics in the US.

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I'd rather get shot than work at McDonald's. Have you worked a low wage customer facing job? Literally anything is better. I'd rather have children kick me in the balls all day.

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I mentioned lemmy in a comment reply 6 months or so ago, and it very obviously had an effect on my account. Akin to a shadowban but not quiet. I think they've been doing this for a while. It's just public info now...

Don't forget to read down to the part where they are planning to continually tie this up in court until a Republican lets them off. Same thing they did with the anti-trust lawsuit. Same shit different day until something changes. I'll believe they pay this when I see it happen.

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Ah yes, history according to the hexagoons. I'm so glad to not see their bullshit anymore.

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I think it's incompetence really. They've basically started over on shit multiple times. It's sort of that perfect is the enemy of good mantra at work. They're never going to finish it.

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Woah, woah, there.... Telling all the trannies and colored folks to die is their protected free speech rights. How dare you cancel them.

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It's almost like we don't have enough funding and employees for the government to operate properly. Like maybe we should tax the rich at the rates we did 50 years ago and have a well run society.

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The human body produces a lot of electrical impulses. What if they just took all their workers and put them in some type of "work pod" and harnessed the energy to run the large scale AI?

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Hey, stock market number and GDP go up. So that means we're all doing better somehow. Right? RIGHT!?!?!!?!!

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It's funded by people who are typically Republican/Centerist donors. They're talking about possibly running Joe Manchin as a third party candidate. Aka, the whole thing is just an obvious attempt to run someone who might pull away enough votes from Biden for Trump to win again.

Manchin is a corrupt money funneling bag of shit. He has no stances, no morals, no real platform. He loves oil, coal and gas because he gets paid to. I think he has interest in a coal plant even.

They don't even require email validation. I made dozens of burner accounts with the same email over the years. It's wild. They are like actively against controlling the bots. It's like Twitter, the bots inflate the numbers so they don't want to go after them.

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Shortage of workers that will do 16 hour days with minimal breaks for third world pay is likely what they mean... The US is going to have to throw money at this to keep it on track because TSMC is going to have to pay a livable wage to support staff and construction workers. Which they aren't used to.

Flip the panels and we got a hot new suicide meme format.

Israel warned them though. So it's totally fine if they commit genocide.

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Have you never seen the traffic jams caused by these things getting confused and not being able to figure a way out?.... the drivers there so people don't get stuck behind them for an hour while someone from fuckyoutech comes out to fix it.

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That dependapotomous was on every deployment with him, drink wine on the couch!

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I clicked at least a few ads a week average on Reddit. All entirely on accident, closed them immediately. So, your numbers make perfect sense to me. Funny to think reddit charged someone near a dollar for that millisecond before I closed it...

If I had to guess, plenty of them are "influencers" the more of a disaster this is the better for their views on how horrible it was. It's a no lose situation for them.

I can't figure out why anyone bought this garbage to behind with. Obvious retread with heavier monetization. Just an obvious cash grab of a game.

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Pretty sure there are NATO nukes sitting in Turkey already.... it's like the whole reason everyone pretends they aren't a circus run by a toddler pounding the table to print more money as economic policy.

Ukraine is the only country to every voluntarily disarm their nuclear arsenal. Now invaded by Russia. Turkey gets to wave their dicks around and make demands at the big boy table despite being a complete joke of a country. I honestly can't blame countries wanting to develope or obtain nuclear weapons anymore....

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This is just hilarious. America has been a plague on its southern neighbors throughout it's entire history. The tankies around here are a bit extreme, and China definitely isn't the good guy.... Trying to pretend they're any worse than America in their relationships with South American countries is laughable though. "Extraction" is exactly what America's goal has been with South America forever.

And teens he confronted killed him? He typically posed as a 15 year old girl to catch people it says. I guess these teens are in the wrong if they're 18-19? Story just seems a little strange.

Confronting people by yourself is not something a level headed individual does. This guy was clearly getting off on some type of vigilante hero complex.

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I don't know if it's the way they're sorted or the voting, but the comments sections are well less mind numbingly stupid. People at least make logical arguments and have a point generally. Not a whole bunch of recycled bullshit. On Reddit I could guess with about a 75% certainty what the top comment was going to be before I even opened it.

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Any version of the flag has basically become a racist, nationalist dog whistle. The thin blue line, black and white, upsidedown/backwards ones are the even more extreme folks typically. There's a slim chance someone with a regular American flag isn't a nationalist twat.

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Based off the amount of fury porn communities I've blocked, half seems very, very conservative. What's the old joke, if a bomb went off at a fury convention the Internet would go down?

There's a reason they've been trying to avoid drafting soldiers from Moscow/major metro areas. They're intentionally pulling more people from the ethnic minority rural regions. Problem is, they're running out of soldiers...

Nothing says definitely not a racist Nazi like blaming the Jews for your failings. Nazis would never blame the Jews for everything.

Lobster probably. Ocean cockroaches have the perfect texture to put flavored butter in your mouth. Particularly love lobster rolls with some nice herbs. Crazy how we like ocean roaches so much we've made them expensive.

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