
1 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Until what? Until Russia is a dictatorship? That ship sailed a long time ago.

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I'm a 53 year old IT person, and I'm leaning towards 1. The level of technology incompetence in the general public is astounding. My wife only knows "Have you tried turning it off and back on again?" And that pretty much makes her a member of the help desk at her job.

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Maybe we should just draft this fucker and send him on a Middle East deployment as a private.

Similarly, the introduction of metal helmets for soldiers corresponded with an increase of head injuries.

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They were already lost by the late 60s, early 70s. The proliferation of evangelical schools was in direct response to integration. They didn't want their precious little children to have to go to school with black kids so they pulled them out of public schools and put them in segregation academies. Now they want to pull all the federal money from the public schools they abandoned out of racism and divert it into their segregation academy system.

They also shut down a lot of public pools because they didn't want to swim with black people.

It's 16 in Minnesota and 17 in New York, but 18 in North Dakota. Let's not act like a higher age of consent is directly tied to progressive policies.

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All my warrants are from Texas,

And Texas is a place I used to love to go,

But all my warrants are from Texas

That's why I hang my hat in Colorado.

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There is no establish procedure to get the rape exception in Mississippi, and even if there was, there are no abortion providers left in Mississippi. The mother asked about an abortion and was told that her best option was to go to Chicago. That's not really an option for lower income people.

FYI, since Mississippi's abortion law went into effect, only 2 exceptions have been granted.

You underestimate how shitty most software is written.

I've absolutely used timecard software that used the local device time instead of using a centralized time source.

Earth and human.

The high rate comes from estimating the number of miscarriages that happen in the first 6 weeks, often before someone knows they are pregnant and the miscarriage is dismissed as a heavy or late period.

The traditional miscarriage stat comes from only looking at known pregnancies, and even it is likely higher than most people realize.

Regardless which stat you use, miscarriages are way more common than most people think.

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Sometimes the best doctors have poor outcome rates.

Because they are often taking on the hardest cases.

After watching my cop neighbor try to drive a dog away with pepper spray, it's not going to help much. Even direct hits to the eyes didn't seem to affect the dog much.

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When I was 6, an 8 year old try to convince me to have anal sex with him.

I don't think it's unreasonable to have sex education for elementary school kids. I certainly don't think we should pretend like lgbtq+ people don't exist until a child reaches certain age.

If you over exert yourself and sweat cotton underlayers are useless.

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Yeah, let's just ignore that historically Israel has killed 20 Palestinians for each Israeli killed.

Did you not bother to get your wife her own card?

My wife never changed her name, but she's got her own card under her name, on my membership.

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It doesn't make sense to you that different hair types might have different likelihood of ingrown hairs?

You can have lemmy lemon🍋

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That makes zero sense. You don't have to be married to get the household card, just have to live in the same house.

You don't even have to go back very far. Look at the 737 Max. Boeing fudged the training requirements and allowed purchasers to cheap out on the safety gear and killed 346 people.

Don't confuse someone making money off of progressives to be someone supporting progressive policies.

Doesn't Australia include the tax in the listed price of the item instead of adding it at the end?

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And there's a Brooklyn Park in Maryland, Minnesota, Oregon, and South Australia.

But loons are half bird/half seal with bitchin' red eyes.

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My ADHD was/is pretty bad, but I learned to type just fine. Even learned on a manual typewriter.

Also lost a 10 page paper in high school because the computer crashed. Rewrote the paper during lunch and study hour because I had to turn it in that day. Learned to save frequently from that experience. Conveniently, deadlines help with ADHD concentration. It's one of the reasons ADHD people procrastinate. Once the pressure of the deadline gets bad enough we are usually able to focus on the task at hand.

Idalia ain't no ho. She's a sexually liberated hurricane getting her kicks

And my wife's hairdresser has a vizla that bit her daughter's face and caused her to get 100+ stitches and she'll be scarred forever. Dogs can bite without warning regardless of the breed.

It all started when they removed "Don't be evil" from their mission statement.

She was right about the Catholic religion, but she just converted to something else, so not entirely right about religion. You'd think that someone who suffered as much from religion as she did would end up an atheist, but I guess not.

When smoking, I find 1-2 minutes to start feeling it, 5-15 minutes for peak effects.

Absolutely try it at home first. Don't go out on a horse for your first time.

As always, start low and increase after you've waited long enough to peak out.

Talk to your budtender, but also be prepared to experiment, because everything hits people differently. Strains will give you an idea what the effect may be, but it won't be a certainty. Indica vs Sativa will probably be bullshit, terpenes and thc to cbd will probably have more of an effect. All of which can vary from producer to producer, and batch to batch.

You won't ever get this type of misalignment with the tiddy method. You can get distortion of the pattern.

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Cute naming schemes are for people who don't have lots of servers. At my work we have over 700 servers. We're not naming them after something arbitrary, we're being descriptive.

If I can't get my social security I'll substitute robbing banks to support my retirement.

White Americans, what? Nothing better to do.

Why don't you kick yourself out? You're an immigrant too.

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  1. Switch to the cheapest ingredients you can find.

Or sometimes an ID10T error.

Or a small purse.

I'm sure I'll play Portal this way the next time I play through it. I've played a couple of levels on GeForce Now. Looks very pretty.

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They will, it just will be some place like Liberty University, or Wheaton College.

Like naming a star.