That pattern to Mildly – 903 points –

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You won't ever get this type of misalignment with the tiddy method. You can get distortion of the pattern.

Very true, but the person above was downplaying how difficult aligning things would be. You are right that with the tiddy method, the rubber/silicone (I assume that's what they are made of) comes down in one shot so the pattern could distort, but not misalign as shown.

The original picture was almost certainly a ceramic glaze decal that would be very hard to get to line up perfectly.

Even with slip cast porcelain, where the actual ceramic piece isn't going to vary that significantly from casting to casting, it still would take some expertise to apply it without a very visible seam.

The original picture was almost certainly a ceramic glaze decal that would be very hard to get to line up perfectly.

Even with slip cast porcelain, where the actual ceramic piece isn't going to vary that significantly from casting to casting, it still would take some expertise to apply it without a very visible seam.