6 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Bitwarden and firefox

I don't use it but blender is another one

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I have a couple from the a warehouse job I worked at when I was 16. That place was wild lmao

  • Fired from unplugging security cameras to charge his phone
  • 30yo man harassing a 17yo girl
  • That man's wife fighting the 17yo girl for "flirting" with her husband even though she wasn't
  • Got on top of some shelves and took a nap. These shelves are really tall and you need a lift to get on top of them

These weren't on their first day, but I thought they are worth mentioning

  • Racing during lunch in the parking lot
  • 10+ person brawl in the parking lot over a guy stealing another guy's girlfriend
  • A guy left his keys in his car so another guy just broke the window. He said he thought it was funny and that he got the bit from a movie, tv, or comedian or something
  • A couple people got caught taking lunch on top of the shelves in a corner because the lunchroom was too loud. They also had a bed up there made up bubble wrap and yoga mats
  • Going full speed into a door with a forklift while the forks were fully lifted
  • Doing BMX tricks off the truck dock. I think people were riding skateboards off it too but I can't remember 100%

That's all the entertaining ones I can think of right now lol

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A few years back, I was going through a really tough time. It was a pretty dark phase for me tbh.

During one of those nights, I headed over to my then-girlfriend's house. We were just hanging out when I decided to take a shower. A couple minutes later she joined me, and we ended up standing there together under the warm water for a while lol. She noticed I was pretty down and offered to wash my hair. So, I sat in the bathtub while she gently washed my hair, and that simple, caring gesture somehow made my life 100x better. It made me feel like I was loved and there was someone helping me keep going.

She ended up cheating, but that's another story lol

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I recently started playing Divinity Original Sin 2, and I went through this problem as well until I changed the way I approached the game.

I just let go of trying to make the most optimized decisions and instead just make the decision I, or my character would make (if I'm role playing).

I just realized that no matter what decision I make, it will still lead me to finish the game. If I really want to, later I can go back and play it again to see more of the game. Only if I like my first play-through though.

Reminds of me of when I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey and was confused because I had heard great things about the soundtrack, but it was just a bunch of songs I had heard before.

About halfway through the movie I realized that it was an original soundtrack and it was so influential that it became a cliche. 2001: A Space Odyssey was a cliche, not because it followed a saturated trend, but because it itself was copied by everyone else.

AC1's concept and maybe even story has held up, but you're right that the later entries feel miles better.

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The same MFs on here that rush to tell someone that Linux is easy and intuitive are the same ones that can't keep a small talk conversation for more than 5 mins, a social activity that humans have been doing for thousands of years.

My words might be a little broad, harsh, and even hurtful, but just a reminder that not all of us are good at learning the same things.

We didn't all come out of the womb knowing how to socialize or use Linux, but if we look back far enough, we can all relate to the struggles it takes to learn something new, and how much it sucks when someone treats you like you're stupid just because things sometimes don't click

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Same. There is a certain comfort I get from adult animated shows I can't get from anything else lol

Can the sources where ChatGPT got it's information from be traced? What if it got the information from other summaries?

I think the hardest thing for these companies will be validating the information their AI is using. I can see an encyclopedia-like industry popping up over the next couple years.

Btw I know very little about this topic but I find it fascinating

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My supervisor uses ChatGPT to write emails to higher ups and it's kinda embarrassing lol. One email he's not even capitalizing or spell checking, and the next he has these emails are are over explaining simple things and are half irrelevant.

I've used it a couple times when I can't fully put into words that I'm trying to say, but I use it more for inspiration than anything. I've also used it once or twice in my personal life for translating.

I tried installing Zorin amd Pop_OS on my laptop, but the mousepad gestures, bluetooth, speakers, and a bunch of other small things didn't work.

I just don't have the time to tinker with it. I have an hour or two of free time a day and it's hard to convince myself to spend it trying to get linux to work whenever I have windows that just works.

Plus, i found that people just weren't helpful. Unlike some people, i didn't come out of the womb knowing how linux works. I did research and fixed what i could, but some things i could't fix. People were rude, condesending, and just not helpful whenever i would ask a question

Just not worth it for me at this moment

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Not only that, but it slows down discussion and more niche/focused topics are often missed

How has this been received?

I imagine that pretty soon using ChatGPT is going to be looked down upon like using Wikipedia as a source

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Question that might sound dumb.

Were they actually this vibrant back then or were they made more vibrant to make up for limitations of a CRT?

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I agree, and I wonder when stuff like this will begin to happen.

Also, I think that once the average person finds out just how smart aquatic life is, we will look back at stuff like sea world with more disgust than we already do.

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Maybe she wants to keep it crunchy 🤷

Tbh if i saw truck balls before they were popular, i would think they are pretty funny

I know what you were trying to say with your comment but Skyrim is about 12 years old now lol. Not quite a newer game

If you play other games from that era they play a lot better than Skyrim

Lol that's so cool

Do you by chance have a link to the article? I relate to your comment a lot so I might be in a similar situation

Personally I love that era of graphics tbh. I bought Valheim on the Steam sale just for the jank graphics lol

Yeah most older 3D games I've tried I just can't control that well.

A couple years ago I tried playing the original Tomb Raider and geez was that difficult to control. It really makes me appreciate how good the Mario 64 controls were

I was just thinking this exact same thing... but about Red Dead Redemption 2. I had to stop playing it because it had no respect for my time.

I'm used to driving to places to start a mission like in all the other GTA games, but in RDR2, it would be about 10 minutes of riding a horse before the real mission started.

The animations take way too long sometimes, and cutscenes and a lot of dialogue are unnecessary and feel like padding. Those 1-2 second animations add up when it's a 50+hr game

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I started using them in my adult life so maybe I can give some insight

it feels a little uncomfortable the first time. Not because it's necessarily uncomfortable, but more because it's a foreign feeling.

You get used to it after the 2nd or 3rd time though. Once you use a bidet it's hard to go back to TP

Personally I kinda like that feeling of an empty world sometimes. One of my favorite places in any game is the mall in GTA Vice City.

I can't explain why though lol

I got a camping tent from aliexpress and it was pretty good. I have used it a couple times a year for about 4 years now. I think it's called the lanshan or something like that.

I bought an Anbernic RG351P from Aliexpress as well. I have used it for countless hours playing retro games on it. Not quite nintendo quality, but definitely a lot better than other emulator consoles I've used.

I've also bought some great quality clothes from taobao. No reps only stuff like raw denim, hoodies, and styles that aren't too popular in the US like high waisted pleated pants or heavy tees that are 11oz

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Currently, I'm in between games. Tried Divinity Original Sin 2, my first CRPG, but it felt overwhelming. Planning to revisit it during Christmas break.

Gave New World a shot, found it boring, got a refund. I would rather spend those $20 on something better.

Enjoying the Tony Hawk remaster, likely to finish it in the next week or so.

Playing GTA IV, but it's gotten dull after 3 hours. The story is interesting, but the gameplay feels like I'm just running errands.

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I do the same thing with a space.

I have no idea why I do that and when I started

Hmm I think that for a lot of people, it wasn't a choice to get fat. I know a lot of kids who are already obese and they aren't even in their teens.

However, I do think it's a choice once you've realized it and have the ability to actually do something about it.

Kinda related but unrelated: it irks me when someone comments how easy it is for me to be skinny, bc it isn't. As a previously underweight person, I think gaining and losing weight are just as hard. I had to control my diet, work out, and have a lot of self control to not lose the habits I was building. I folded and stagnated a lot, and yeah it was demotivating but I still had to make a choice to keep going.

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What's so different about the first two Baldur's Gate games? I was thinking about getting the first one on my phone

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This reminds me of an old friend I had at work.

She was in HR and looking to hire a new employee and she complained to me about how all the people applying weren't from the country and they weren't capable of doing the job because they didn't know how to behave...

At the end of her small rant I guess she realized I was one of those "outsiders" and then she said "oh but you're one of the good ones!"

What I Use

  • Forkyz (crosswords)
  • Antimine (Minesweeper)
  • LibreSudoku


  • Dolphin Emulator
  • Lemuroid Emulator
  • RetroArch Emulator

Couple suggestions

  • Oh Honey - Delegation
  • a song by the beegees
  • a song by sting
  • robyn has an album and song called honey

Yeah same I just had to login to the shitty Rockstar app

I definitely felt that. It's demotivating to feel like you're being looked down upon for trying to learn an OS that they themselves promote so much

They definitely weren't a highlight, but they weren't common enough to be annoying to me tbh.

But yeah I can see it being annoying to some people

I went through a glasses addiction myself as well lol. I found an eye-care clinic where they would cut the lenses and have them ready within 3 hours.

I would go to garage sales, thrift stores, and swap meets to find glasses to put lenses on. They were like $60 for the lenses and I never spent more than $10 on frames.

I ended up with 3 seeing glasses and 4 sun glasses before I realized it was going to be unsustainable to get new lenses for my new prescription every year.

I have nothing to back me up except my experience, but I've been using Dr. Bronner for the past 2-3 months and I'm going to switch to something else once I finish this bottle.

I liked it, but it cleans a little too well if that makes sense. I felt like my skin wasn't left with any oils and it would dry my skin out too much. I currently have to use a bunch of lotion for my skin to not be dry, and I already used to moisturize a lot before the soap.

I don't even use it on my face unless I have been really sweaty. There is a woman near me that makes charcoal bars of soap and that's what I plan on using afterwards.

In my opinion, I think their goal was to control the platform. If you think about it, the amount of information that they can gather from users is wholly controlled by Google and Apple through their OS'.

Apple and Google have continuously decreased the amount of information Meta can gather through their apps, and I think with VR they made a huge bet that would be the next platform so they jumped on the ship to make sure that this time they would be controlling the platform and not another company.

I don't think they want to make money through software, I think they want to make money through data collection. The amount of data they can gather from you just through the setup, is incredible. They can literally know your height and have cameras on at all times.

I think VR can be successful, but I don't think Meta will do it. I don't think they're be the ones getting the ball rolling at least. If anything their marketing and the bad name they gave to VR set things back. I think they're too early and have a pretty bad brand image for people to trust them. I don't think the hardware or the software support is there for things to fully take off either

Also, wouldn't their goal be to sell VR headsets? How would people buy their software without a headset? I think their goal was to sell headsets. Pretty sure they sold their budget headsets at a loss just to introduce people to the platform.

The Truck Simulator Series is pretty good

Same. I wonder if they'll ever release Spiderman. I know that God of War is coming soon too