1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tailscale's free tier is unbelievable.

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Physical keyboard. I miss touch typing one handed.

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Only time tipping should be observed is when you're at a restaurant that seats you at a table and takes your order. And when you order delivery. Anything else is just people gaming the system to get whatever they can from people.

Edit: I missed bartenders (sorry!). Tip your bartender! They will take care of you if you tip well.

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I saw the struggle on the main instance, and wanted to help.

I pay $12/month for a dedicated vps.

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Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

What's this about bubbles? I never heard anything about it before until last week, and it didn't make sense.

Android user.

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Digital Ocean. It's just a small 2gig server, but it's doing the job like a champ so far.

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I haven't used it since I was a teenager 😂

Not require sleep, ever, with no ill effects (fatigue, mental issues, shortened lifespan, etc).

So much time is wasted sleeping. I have too much shit to do! It's 2am because I was up getting some code working for another team at work, and we just moved, so I have tons of unpacking to do!

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PS5 and PC.

On PS5 it's usually games like God of War and Horizon.

On PC it's the occasional shooter, and I spend many hours on Satisfactory.

Occasionally I'll find a fun game to play on my steam deck, but overall I don't use it much. Make sure you evaluate the games that work on it before you spend to make sure you shouldn't wait for the supported list to grow.

My bartender. They're great listeners. Sometimes you just need to get it all out to someone that listens. They don't need to provide advice or anything.

Define "illegal". Like, marijuana is legal for recreational use in my state. I'm looking forward to some edibles when I get home, hahah

The article did mention the rotational pole moves my meters on its own every year, so it's not as scary to me by itself. What scares me is how this clearly illustrates that humans are having a far bigger global impact on the planet than many are in denial about.

Buffy is the most watched, hands down.

Nowhere Man is another one I love to watch over and over again, it's only one season, but I haven't seen it as many times as Buffy. It's pretty dated, but it's a great premise, and really enjoyable.

I have not noticed any issues like you describe. Everything seems to dtrt. To be fair, it could be happening and I don't know it, but I'm not going to go out of my way to look for comments that clearly don't like me, either.

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30 years ago, to start creepily leaving teenage me notes to make better decisions

Starfarers by Vonda MacIntyre

The treatment of same sex partners in the story was just mater of fact, these are love affairs same as any other. She made it feel just like a natural thing, and progressive for the time it was written. I read it when I was still in high school in 1992.

It taught me to be acceptance of everyone, and eventually myself.

I have to many computer languages in my head, I'm terrible at even English😄

Seriously though, I think in code. My wife tells me it's weird. I have a hard time with human languages.

I love my Bose wireless headphones (quiet comfort 45). They sound really great, but I also paid $200 (on sale) for them and regret nothing.

The battery is user replaceable with some care.

Any Timothy Zahn books are quite good. I love Thrawn.

iirc, in the 90's the older books had a set of guidelines they had to adhere to, like no stories that take place before episode 4, or Luke couldn't have sex, I don't remember much more than that, but I think they were pretty free to tell any story if they stayed within the guidelines.

TBH I have no idea what the rules are now.

A deeper kiss than usual with a little more passion so it wakes up the idea in her. Light playful touching of sensitives areas when we're laying in bed; her reaction quickly tells me if she's interested or just wants to go to sleep. She usually says "lets to take a 'nap'"

That we ingest several petabyte of data from our customers every month.

It's worth spending the time figuring out, I think. They do pro rated pricing, so play with it and make mistakes, it won't cost you much to create and destroy some servers if you start from the cheapest to play around with.

Being a highly technical guy, I struggled to get everything running on the server that I am hosting other things on. The biggest hurdle was letsencrypt, but other things weren't working quite right. I ended up just paying for a new ubuntu vps so I can run the ansible playbook (I use arch linux everywhere else). That turned out to be super simple and "just worked".

People are not perfect suck

In a hot second. It's the greatest wonder, to leave the planet and be a part of the bigger universe at large.

'kill me"

I say that a lot. Usually when I'm alone and frustrated, tired, in physical or emotional pain...

I don't want to die. What I'm saying is "make whatever is causing the current situation to suck to stop". It tends to be cathartic, and occasionally leads me to thinking about how to fix the situation myself.

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Sounds amazing!


I read a lot. I used to always keep a paperback book with me ever since I was a teenager. My Kindle goes everywhere with me, since I got my first one in 2009. I just wish they'd make them smaller, the first Oasis was the perfect size for carrying around all the time (I'm a guy, no purse).

Sean of the Dead and Clerks.

I just moved, but my previous house has fiber 100 feet away, but the ISP wouldn't hook me up because they insisted that they needed at least 10 houses to commit in a neighborhood before they'd put service in it. I tried to get my neighbors on board for 3 years before I sold my house to move an hour away. Still no fiber, but there's no fiber to tease me with now, heh

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before it opened for companies to be allowed to do registrations I paid $70 for my first .org domain. Back then you were also required to do 2 years up front then you could lay $35 a year after that. This was back in the late 90's, so $70 was a lot more back then.

$20 is nothing now.

Keep my job, but not stress about being laid off ever again. I like my job right now. Pay off my house. And go on a couple really nice vacations a year.

I think in code, and compose most of my projects in my head before I lay hands on a keyboard. It's weird to most people when I describe it, but to me it feels like an expression, and it needs to get out, like some might write a poem that comes to them maybe. But don't expect me to learn a human language, I will struggle.

I was getting ready for bed, having been up several hours past the time I normally go to bed because of work, so my comment may have been situationally motivated

fwiw I'm in Michigan, where minimum wage is $10.10.

2190 * $10.10 = $22,119

I make more than that, but I'm salary, so more work actually lowers my hourly wage. I couldn't tell you how many years it's been since I've worked only 40 hours.

I'd like more time to do fun things like read, play video games, run or go for walks, or house maintenance, etc

Ah, tbh I wouldn't have ever checked other instances for something like that. But I'm lazy, ha

I always preferred the general commandment of "don't be a dick", and everything else is just kind of a given if you follow that.

Have a care with some of those.

One year I tried a couple of those free services, and they told me I owed over $5k. Not even exactly the same number. But turbo tax told me I only needed to pay $2k. Guess which one I used?

Not saying it's always that way, but made me a lot more cautious about the smaller tax filing sites. It's worth doing your taxes twice or more before submitting them to see the difference.

I usually break my phone within 12-18 months because they're so damn cheaply made. Why so much glass?

If I could go back to a Treo600 I would do it in a hot second, that was a great phone. I had it for years, it was mostly plastic that I beat up quite a bit, but they use gsm bands that aren't supported anymore.