11 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Creative burnt out gifted kid just trying to exist On Mastodon

Well, I don't know about you, but I came here to make such a reference

I do appreciate the transparency from the Lemmy devs and re their views (whether only alleged or actual) on controversial topics, I think the issue is not in the software itself and in how the devs themselves are using it. However given the nature of the fediverse and how Lemmy is programmed, you can use the software however you like, as we do here on Beehaw.

Similarly, we can look to the "death of the author" debate to settle this. I'm not going to discuss what that is and what it isn't here (as that isn't the purpose of this post or this comment), however, I will state that my definition of "death of the author" involves critically enjoying a piece of media despite its author's bad views if and only if those views aren't inherent to the work and they aren't profiting off of my consumption of the work itself. Beehaw is like that. Sure the creators of the software are involved in a controversy, but the way the devs use their own software is not an inherent feature of the software. Beehaw has a fantastic setup and ethos, so I find my home here. Sure, there's not that many specific communities, but that's what federation is for.

Another analogy, however accurate (no analogy is perfect): people lobby governments with money to get them to pass problematic legislation, but people still participate in the economy.

::: spoiler note on that analogy because I feel it needs saying Yes, I know that participating in the economy, especially in the United States where I live but really anywhere is a bit necessary to, well, exist most places if not everywhere, but people unknowingly support controversial people all the time. See Nestle and their controversies. Even bringing that up reminds me of the illusion of choice and how everything is owned by five companies (and even then mostly everything is owned by like two VC groups). I'm digressing, of course, but I hope you see my point in bringing this up. :::

TL;DR: The way the devs use the software should not impede our use of the software given that the devs' views are not inherent to any use case of the software.

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Singleplayer games have no reason to require an internet connection to be able to play the game.

There is, however, still the concept of the Chinese Room thought experiment, and I don't think AI will topple that one for a while.

For those who don't know and don't wish to browse off the site, the thought experiment posits a situation in which a guy who does not understand Chinese is sat in a room and told to respond to sets of Chinese characters that come into the room. He has a little booklet of responses—all completely in Chinese—for him to use to send responses out of the room. The thought experiment questions whether or not the system of the Chinese Room itself can be thought to understand Chinese or even the man himself.

With the Turing Test getting all of the media spotlight in AI, machine learning, and cognitive science, I think the Chinese Room should enter into the conversation as the field of AI looks towards G.A.I.

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Personally I feel that asking a marginalized community to "be nice" to those oppressing them is complete hogwash; I believe it was Martin Luther King Jr. who said "riots are the voice of a rebellion."

That being said, I think that what Kolanki was trying to say is that a majority of the time, transphobes aren't looking to have their mind changed when they log onto the internet to spread their bigotry; they're looking for an outburst of violent reaction from the people they torment.

Oftentimes they may be looking for this as evidence to support whatever claim they're making about trans people (they're violent, they have an agenda, they want to take people's kids, etc). Coming from a background of abuse, I agree that we shouldn't feed the bigots much like one shouldn't feed trolls; they never leave once you start unless removed by force (i.e. banned from a community, in this case).

I do agree that people don't withdraw allyship because we're not kind or nice or patient enough or what-have-you; that is something that I have not seen personally and anecdotally from other marginalized people (in fact, I've tended to see the opposite).

I do hope that Tumblr gets on ActivityPub soon because I do love the idea of interacting with Tumblr posts here on beehaw or on Mastodon, or whatever other thing uses the protocol.

Just a note that Proton VPN doesn't allow P2P on their free plan.

Don't listen to your parents; for all of the advice out there in the world that says that your parents know what's best for you and want that for your future, that does not apply here. Also it's okay to be gay and agender, so go slay and get a sweet boyfriend.

If you scroll all the way to the bottom, there's a link that says Instances; it'll show you every instance Beehaw has blocked.

On top of that, you'll also have to make sure that your instance admins defed with Meta

Just Spotify at the moment. I might look into trying to stream from Netflix without streaming from Netflix sometime while using friends' passwords for other places. Once my currently roommate but soon to not be roommate (moving back in with parents soon) doesn't renew their Dropout subscription, I'd be willing to sign up for that only because I am willing to support the people over at CollegeHumor.

As far as I am aware, downvotes do not federate to us. Don't quote me on this tho

Also didn't Jenny and Madame Vastra kiss or am I misremembering

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it would take you 257 years to meet everyone alive on earth at this moment

Sounds like a terrible sorting algorithm /jk

I won't make myself a broken record by repeating some in these comments, but I'll add to the disagreement here. Or at least partial disagreement. As an ADHD person, I stand to benefit from apps like Duolingo and Habitica, something that engages my monkey brain to be interested in topics I want to be interested in but I don't have the discipline to do or the focus to either. Now, of course, listing those two apps together is a bit misleading as one gamifies learning languages while another gamifies building good habits/discouraging bad ones (whatever those may be for you), but I don't think it detracts from my point.

Now does Duolingo actually succeed at teaching you a language? I will say no, or, at least, not by itself. I will tend to recommend Duolingo either as a beginning tool to get your feet off the ground or with the caveat of "you should also use X, Y, and/or Z tool/study method". (Side note, a: are there any language learning communities on Lemmy, and b: would it be worth creating one on Beehaw if not)

The downfall of Reddit has increased my usage of the Fediverse, namely Lemmy, but it has also reduced my usage of Twitter as I've moved to Mastodon. I barely used Reddit prior to the API announcement, but now I don't want to use it at all. I still have Infinity downloaded on my phone which I intend to delete on the 30th.

ETA: I pretty much only use Twitter to promote content things I'm doing and that's only because there are people still on Twitter.

Tbh I was surprised they're still using them

Vs code

I would actually recommend VSCodium; it's the same product but without the Microsoft telemetry.

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Currently I'm just waiting out job applications to hopefully pay me more than my two part time jobs (or at least one of them) and have me working less for it

Wow, I thought this was a real picture

I'm glad I'm not the only person to dislike this game! After going through like three of the chapter 1 missions for the characters, the game felt very very samey, and on top of that, it's probably one of the only story games that I haven't finished.

Effectively, console manufacturers should agree on some kind of standard architecture, which, to be very realistic and blunt (apologies as this isn't necessarily the tone of the post, but I like trying to make things work in some way), as long as Nintendo is in the console game, it's gonna be a bit difficult (unless we just let them do whatever they want console-wise and have the others create some kind of standard home console arch). As someone who is dipping their toes into game development, that is something I would love to see.

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Congrats mods! Here's to more users!

This is the cutest thing I've ever seen

I would, in no certain order:

  • Work at a coffee shop part time making coffee for people. Preferably a locally owned shop, but it wouldn't matter too much if not.
  • Work as a bartender similarly as above
  • Potentially garden if I have the time and interest for it
  • Create more YouTube videos
  • Write, record, and release more music
  • Learn to paint
  • Get a film camera and take photos with it
  • Contribute to FLOSS projects
  • Finally make that D&D table that doubles as a dining table that I've been wanting to make for a few months now
  • Actually follow through on learning my several languages I'm working on learning
  • Become an interpreter (probably in ASL)
  • Develop video games
  • Create more art in general
  • Do research on how art and society mingle together and interact

I think it does have a multiplayer mode, but not sure why it would require SSL of all things

Edit: a clause

Show empathy towards those that have different experiences than I do

Trying to find a new place before my lease expires next month. Also trying to find a better job. So altogether, I'm doing.

As someone who is already in debt because of a bad month with work, I'm not sure if I'm able to put out for a VPS. And as for the "server" thing, what I meant was I don't have a computer I can dedicate to near 100% uptime for running the instances I'd want to.

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I've been trying to explore here and there and I'm doing the same thing with catching one of every 'mon I come across (with the exception of the Terra types). I've been doing Terra raids as well as trying to fight trainers when I can but since the game makes it easy to ignore trainers and with my upbringing of always being stopped by trainers at the worst time, I tend to skip them. As for rotation, I've really only been rotating my team based on type (e.g. I used my fire starter to beat Artazon, I used Fairy 'mons to beat Giacomo, etc.).

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Exhausted. Working 52.5 hours this week between my two jobs.

I would as well

What they attempted to claim was rights to it being performed on television (and similar). If I'm sitting at home, I can sing whatever song I want. I can sing the entirety of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and no one would care (except maybe my roommates and neighbors). It becomes an issue of copyright when someone tries to then use that creative work, whether that include lyrics or melody (often called the composition) or any part of the recording (called the master). The composition and the master could be owned by the same person/group, or it could not. It depends on the contract set up for the song.

Note: Obligatory IANAL, I'm just an independent musician who at least vaguely needs to know about this stuff for my creative work.

I do video editing myself in Linux and Kdenlive does pretty much everything I need. The UI is a bit odd to learn but I'd imagine any new editing software is gonna have a learning curve of some sort.

Pay off mine friends and my student loans, pay for moving costs to a European country for me and my friends, pay for US citizenship denouncing for me and my friends, set aside an amount of money for myself and my friends for savings to live comfortably, pay for first month's rent for me and my friends, pay for food for a month for me and my friends, and then if there happens to be anything left, donate it to charities.

The 196 community on shit just works was literally like half of the posts on the all filter yesterday before I blocked it.

tbh I'm not even sure what that community was for

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“The Good Place” TV show also made this a major plot point. Essentially the argument boils down to that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Ah yes, I'm familiar with the scene. It's a great scene and a great show.

In fact, I’d say donating at all to one or the other party (bribing) overall is negative.

Agreed, 100%.

Ah, gotcha, didn't see that

Since I'll be moving to LibreWolf and it's based on FF, I'll check out Mull. Unfortunately I don't see my device on DivestOS's site (it's a Motorola Moto G Power 2022), but it's also quite new so it's understandable. I'll switch it to Lineage or something like that whenever it gets support for it but I'm fine with a degoogled Android for now.

See Citizens United v FEC. Basically, it was ruled that corporate lobbying counts as free speech under the 1st Amendment.