34 Post – 2200 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you like international and eclectic news, come and join me at @worldwithoutus (Link for Lemmy = worldwithoutus).

I've also started helping out at @worldnews, (Link for Lemmy = worldnews), @movies, (Lemmy = movies), and am a ghost at @13thfloor (Lemmy = 13th Floor).

I remember being young and thinking middle-aged people are staring at me because they want me /they disapprove/whatever.

Now I'm middle aged myself, I know the staring is way more likely to either be something along the lines of "ah that kid is so 90s, I never had that green colour but blue Fudge used to wash out to green like that..."

Or "have we run out of natural yoghurt, we bought that 500ml pottle last week but we had curry twice, maybe I should get some more..."

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Selection bias. Lemmy users by default are probably more sensitive to/negative about enshittification than those on reddit.

Many of us came here in response to the enshittification of reddit.

The term "enshittification" is a useful neologism because without it we'd need half a sentence to get the same concept across.

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I'm trying to stop caring about it. On reddit I have well over a million karma, and what have I got to show for it?

Here in the fediverse I hope to concentrate on quality interactions rather than quantity.

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I don't, we split it or I pay or I concede gracefully.

If someone is my friend, I'm not going to engage in weird power-plays.

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The part that freaks me out is more that he was in an influential position in children's lives and he was making images of the specific children who were his patients.

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This is especially annoying because 6 months ago there was an amazing collaboration between both sides in the Red Sea to enable an international team to remove oil from a wrecked tanker.

All the people involved thought it was a great framework for more peaceful negotiations.

But now Israel has got its genocide on the Houthis are kicking off and saving the environment is no longer anyone's priority.

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That the next pandemic is going to be a Prion disease that develops within the factory farming system.

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Reddit is going to poison LLMs sooner than I thought.

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"Incel" doesn't just mean someone who is involuntarily celibate.

It's a bit like how "Democrat" doesn't just mean someone who participates in a democracy and "pro-life" doesn't just mean someone who likes life on earth.

Incels are a specific subculture, it has a violent misogynistic ideology and has spawned several mass murderers.

Ikr! Pretty sure its a reference to the Spanish Inquisition's expulsion of Jewish people in the 1490s.

In other words it's not just super random whataboutism, it's also a dogwhistle to the "chosen people versus antisemitic rest of the world" narrative that Netanyahu et al use to drum up support from their base.

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Ffs neither the US or the Palestinian Authority is in charge of the International Criminal Court.

This is just witness intimidation on a scale that also makes it collective punishment.

Which is a war crime.

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I don't understand why this writer is calling it "a new low".

The Guardian investigation he linked to seems to have established that it went on for at least a decade under QEII. Charles only inherited the right to do it when she died last year.

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Ok so Nestle for child murder, Bayer for AIDs blood, Union Carbide for Bhopal disaster and its parent Dow Chemical for Agent Orange (Monsanto too).

IBM for helping the Nazis with concentration camps and Degesch for Zyclon B. United Fruit Company and Dutch & British East India Companies for colonization, also everyone that was shipping rubber out of the Belgian Congo.

Everyone who makes landmines, cluster bombs, etc.

I think when this question is asked in 100 years Palantir is going to feature.

Nope, you're describing not being young, that's nothing like being actually old. Growing old has a bunch of stages:

  • joint pain

  • can no longer dance all night

  • hangovers last all day

  • dentists start talking to you about your gums

But then you get to the phase of

  • skin losing elasticity

  • liking dinner parties

  • marijuana is now a medicine

  • developed distinct preferences about stuff like threadcount

And then after that the next phase is more like

  • a lot of time worrying about your parents

  • all body fat migrates to one or two of its favourite spots

  • seriously consider putting everything on lanyards

  • your favourite singers are all dead

And so on, you get the picture. That's as far as I've traveled but as far as I can see the phases after that involve things like bladder leakage and losing friends to alzheimers.

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@fastandcurious don't give anyone perfume/cologne unless you know them well enough to know what they wear.

  • A card that has something meaningful about their teaching written in it.

  • Since she's early career, give written feedback to the school about what a great teacher she is.

They're not only blaming redditors, looks like at least one Hedge fund:

Bloomberg reports that Wednesday’s decline was in part due to a Hedgeye Risk Management report naming Reddit as a short idea, saying the stock could plummet 50%.

There's been a lot of talk of it being overvalued so it's not weird that some want to short it.

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The real answer is that the makers of Propofol specifically don't want you to use it to kill people.

Furthermore, if the US does use Propofol to execute anyone it will likely find itself suffering a shortage of Propofol to use as an anaesthetic in future.


These days I see it as a shorthand, a metaphor for dismantling the system of resource hoarding so that we can more equitably distribute it - let the world consume what the elite have hoarded.

It's also sort of a joke that reduces them to use value.

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Probably anything from this list of practices of eating live animals

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Maybe they didn't realize lemmy and kbin can all visit the same community?

I subscribed yesterday. Will have to check which one it is!

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Ben-Gvir also spoke at the march, saying that what the protesters are calling for was the "true solution."

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LOL that any brit has the guts to be out there protesting when literally they are one of the founding pillars of the conflict

Wait, are you saying that people should never protest against something their country is doing/was involved in?

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Wait when did "egg" in the context of gender and sexuality become a thing?

"You egg" is an old insult in New Zealand since at least the 1980s meaning you are a dork or loveable idiot.

Edit: there's heaps of examples in Taika Waititi's NZ films.

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Kissinger has done a supernatural amount of damage to the world.

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Ireland is a weird choice given that the Irish are not being allowed to leave Gaza.

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Got detention for having the wrong shoe texture.


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I think what's important here is discussing it with your partner because it is a form of sex work.

That's absolutely your decision and your right, it's your body - but your partner should get to choose whether they want to date someone who is doing that.

Having removed metadata and with nothing recognizable in the pic.

Not really relevant, that's like saying ordinary cheating isn't cheating if you wear a good disguise.

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As a late gen x/"xennial" myself I've noticed there's proportionally more of us here than on other social media.

Tends to be left of centre even without factoring in the communistanarchistsocialist nexus, but also wider political range.

Tends to skew STEM.

Loves cats as much as the rest of the internet but proportionally loves FOSS more.

Strong rainbow presence.

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I live in New Zealand so me rambling about "the fifth" would probably make them call Social Services to come and help me since I would seem to be suffering from a mental health event.

Either that or they would think I was trolling and send me on my way with a stern reminder that wasting police time is a criminal offence.

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50 Shades of Grey.

The film is silly and mediocre but the book is next level terrible.

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It is kind of getting that way already.

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No one credible will see proof because there isn't any.

This is like the WMDs dossier all over again.

Idk, sexual orientations are just labels we make up to make sense of the world.

"Femmesexual" sounds kind of cool though.

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@Fubarberry what you're describing is happening too.

But Google will no longer even show me results for certain things I know are there. It serves me shitty corporate bs with "no further results found" and I have to go to them manually or ddg.

That's why I switched.

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I'm sure Lula isn't losing any sleep over this.

Feel a bit sorry for the Ambassador though, taken on a holocaust memorial tour to be told off.

“It seems like he internalized the message,” says an Israeli official who was present.

The message that these genocidaires are batshit insane and really can't see why killing civilians and children is wrong, I guess.

Bonding with the vehicle on a spiritual level so that we can move as one.

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@Fermiverse the news that most of us are interested in is coming from respected medical staff, reporters, and humanitarian NGOs.

I have no particular reason to distrust those three groups.

There are more than two "sides" here. Personally I am on the side of innocent civilians, no matter what their ethnicity or religion are.

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I've been thinking about that, I could potentially get a few hundred dollars.

I don't feel like I owe reddit anything, but those accounts are bought for scamming and political influencing and spreading misinformation.

I don't want to be part of that. So I'm not selling my accounts.

There's no such thing as free speech as an absolute in practice.

For example patents, IP, defamation laws, copyright, state secrets, sealed courts, false advertising laws, all these things create limits to speech in the US.

It is pretty bad. The part where the Mossad guy "ambushed" the judge in a hotel room is blatant intimidation.

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