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The takedown request on was submitted by Because Music : Home of Christine and the Queens, Manu Chao, Justice, Metronomy, Parcels, Ed Banger Records…

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I don't know if it will happen in the next century, but we definitely should focus on moon and Mars colonies before thinking about leaving the solar system. I'm 48 and would love if we had a moon colony in my lifetime. At the very least some station where astronauts have an extended stay like they do on ISS.

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what if all the current vegans started eating CEO's and politicians instead? Would that not help more?

Calckey sounds like it should be a spreadsheet name

A typo by Stephen King

That's worse than my story, sorry they had to go through that.

I married my wife while I was living in her country, Georgia. Then I came back to the U.S. and started the process for her to come. It took 17 months. I didn't need a lawyer for it. We did later try to get a visitor visa for my mother-in-law and it got denied. I always say that if I had it to do over again, it would have probably been cheaper and quicker to fly them both to Mexico and then cross the border.

gnome on postmarketOS works well on my pinetab. There's been a lot of improvements for gnome mobile in the past year. I'm not sure about getting postmarketOS on your device. There might be something or you could try Alpine. Maybe any other distro with gnome, but i think pmOS has specific packages with the latest improvements for gnome mobile.

I've been thinking about getting Allen Carr's book "Quit Drinking Without Willpower". I used his book " The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" to stop smoking in 2008. I had smoked for almost 30 years and then quit immediately after reading that book, with no cravings.

Rule #3 on says "No porn", but there's a lot that's considered NSFW that isn't porn. I'm not sure where they draw the line. I did see an instance that might be a good choice.

If it's not de-federated from your instance, you can follow from your instance. If your instance does not federate with it, then you could just make an account there or another instance that federates with it.

there's been a lot of work the past couple years for gnome mobile. It looked nice on my pinetab and pinephone about a year ago. Would be great on a more powerful tablet

eye contact, then lick the chair

I looked an hour or so ago and there were many posts of fire foxes, but now it looks like most are gone. I sorted by new and only saw one. After that was posts from 20 days ago

I drink a cup of carrot juice every day. I eat other fruits and vegetables too, but always have my carrot juice. I made it a habit to drink a cup every morning.

neither have I, but it's who is listed on their website and perhaps who they're worried about people downloading via newpipe?

do they still get to peg you after becoming best friends?

congratulations EU citizens!

I’m a bot

but are you a humanoid bot?

Atari: Tanks, Pong, Pole Position, Frogger, Pitfall, Pac-man, Megamania, Donkey Kong

I use aliases on my own domain. For example, for lemmy I might use or for my bank i use Everything goes to the same inbox. There have been a couple times with job applications where I've had to reply and then they find out I'm not really but I guess I could set that account up if I feel the need.

Yes, I was thinking Requiem for a Dream or The Fine Art of Love

edit: Pi is another one from Aronofsky that's fucked up

I agree. I use Pelican to build my website and I don't use any javascript. It's simple, it's fast (it doesn't really have much content that would be interesting to anybody, but it's mine and I like it!)

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Websites prove their identity via certificates. Firefox does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for The certificate is only valid for the following names: *,

edit: another old post showing up on top for me! I need to pay attention to the date before I comment

They're saying that there is a 2 for 1 special! If you delete Threads, there is an automatic bonus of deleting Instagram with no extra steps!

also, you now are required to log in to view twitter. I don't care that much, but sometimes people would link to tweets and now I won't be able to view them when they do.

I can't confirm if all features are working, but possibly. My case is that I have LineageOS on my phone and my son has an Amazon tablet that I've used Fire Toolbox on to install Google Playstore and services. I'm able to approve/deny apps for him to install (I get the notification on Family Link on my phone), but some things aren't working because I'm having trouble with Play services on the tablet.

same for me with SG-1 and Atlantis. I've also watched SGU a couple times. I really liked where they were going with that show and wish it would have continued. I check every once in a while for news of new series or movies. Sometimes I'll see things that sound interesting and then for some reason it never happens. Recently there is this: I'd watch it!

edit: not as recent as I thought, that was last July... but still would be interesting

Trump says special counsel told him he’s a target in Jan. 6 probe

If you haven't joined the community, you should see this button to block it below where the Subscribe button is.

edit: Also, if you only want to see what you're subscribed to in your timeline, you can click on "Subscribed" where you see "Subscribed Local All" at the top of your timeline. Subscribed will show you communities you're subscribed to on all instances. Local will show posts from all communities only on your local instance, and All will show posts from all communities from all instances (at least, all instances that your local instance is federated with.)

no jail, but you'll be voted off of committees

weird, I was just about to post this but I have a different URL:

I agree. I use it mostly for music, but there are many other ways to find music. I've been listening to a lot of internet radio lately. I've occasionally watched howto videos, but for most things I prefer to read instructions for something, with a photo if necessary.

I had a script in termux that used exiftool to rename and organize photos and then rsync them to my backup. That was on an older phone. I need to do that again!

so is Barf

If you decide to try the, let me know if you want some help or to see what I changed. I don't know python well, but I did change a few things in it to get it to work right for me and to include the photos. Or if you come across anything else that does similar, I'd like to have a look at it.

southern Midwest

i always preferred to /query

playing catch with a wiffle ball in the hallway with my grandpa when i was probably 3 years old. Had to have been 3 or earlier, since he died when I was 3.

don't worry, you'll forget all about potty training when you're in your 80's and your kids put you in a home

i searched for 55 inch dumb tv on amazon and found this:

not sure how much you're wanting to pay, but this doesn't sound too bad. I'm looking to upgrade soon myself. I have a 40 inch dumb 1080 Element TV. It works well still, but wanting bigger and 4k. I'll probably move the one i currently have to my son's room.

edit: there are some better deals I think. That was just one of the first links. It's only 60hz, you might find one that's 120hz for not much more.