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Joined 1 years ago

Easy: leave all emails that might be important as unread. That way, you know they're important because they're unread. Continue to never read them until you've got over 400 unread emails in your inbox. Then just mass delete any more than a month old, because they can't still be important or relevant. Continue to feel guilty and not read emails.

Absolutely flawless system for me so far.

This is toxic masculinity, and the idea that men have to be successful, strong, brave, etc. hurts everyone.

Being 'soft' or 'weak' should be perfectly normal and accepted human traits. How about we allow men the space and patience to access and acknowledge their emotions, instead of placing some patriarchal ideal of how they have to be big, strong, rich, successful, dominant etc. on them?

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Absurdly long video essays on video game lore.

Do I want to watch a 90min movie? God no, that's literal torture.

Do I want to watch a 3.5hr video essay evaluating the story of every mainline Pokémon game? Yes please.

We don't even have front pockets, just seams to give the illusion of a pocket!

This is extremely reductionist as it's actually a fairly complex school of thought, but it's essentially just: everyone is equal and thus should have equal rights and treatment under the law. A basic example:

I have a cake and take it to a party with 7 others. We agree everyone should have equal right and access to the cake and so cut it into 8 equal slices.

Where as Capitalism is like: I decide because I came up with the idea of getting cake, I deserve more of it, so I take 50%. The host of the party gets a 20% cut. And the remaining 6 guests divvy the remaining 30% amongst themselves.

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Okay, but we had that same issue in 2010 before Chrome started to become mainstream. And before that, IE had to compete with Netscape.

Mean Girls - this is my absolute comfort movie. Elf is mandatory watch every Christmas and I never get bored of it.

Movies I'll always sit down and watch if I see them on TV that I've not seen mentioned yet:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Time Bandits
  • 12 Monkeys
  • Muppet Treasure Island

If it is a Katamari reference, it's kinda on theme with some of the extreme horror that comes out of FromSoft games (a barely perceptible alien causes minor inconvenience by rolling up your paperclips, suddenly causes total global extinction and sacrifices everyone and everything on the planet to the cosmos).

Isn't that essentially what Patreon is for though? How is it different (other than I assume no 'bonus content' for your sub)?

For a while I thought they might be a 60 person dance crew.

My current theory is that they're training for some sort of furniture moving marathon. Or maybe running an illicit 24hr gym.

Team Orca right here.

Guess it depends on the country.

Right now, UK public sector is absolutely dire. A lot of us are wildly overworked and underpaid. I've honestly considered going back to the private sector because I could be earning about £10-15k/pa more, but at least in my specific sector I have guaranteed job security and some (largely false at this point) sense of making a positive contribution to the society I live in.

Job progression isn't easy, especially now because of cuts and recruitment freezes. There's no benefits other than always getting public holidays off. Our pensions were wrecked in 2015 and won't even compensate for it.

Wild they put you on ritalin first. I don't know much about the chemistry but would trying a low dose of lisdexamphetamine maybe not be helpful, and less stressful on your heart?

Assuming you're in England/Wales, can you contact ADHD UK for any help in advocating with your health board? Or any local networks?

I'm not even sure this was coming from a place of misandry, seems like the sorta shit Podcast Bros peddle about 'Alphas' and 'Betas'.

It was last revised under the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 where it was raised from 13 to 16... so I would think it probably was designed exactly that way. None of the parliaments in the UK seem to have any intention of raising it.

Not only could it be almost anything that's increased in our general environment, but better means to identify specific diseases. Diagnostics and knowledge have advanced in the 30 or so years this study apparently covers, and can account for an "increase" in the prevalence of auto-immune diseases.

In theory, there's still some diseases that while well understood, HCPs still take excruciatingly long to diagnose and prefer to explore routes like mental health and exclusionary diagnoses first, which could suggest prevalence is higher still.

Oooh this is what I did too - recent convert here, I saw them becoming the new 'fashion' and I'm weak and decided to try them because people would not shut up about how comfy they were.

Now my favourite part about coming home is taking off my outdoor shoes and getting to put the Crocs on. They have no business feeling that divine. If I lived in a more temperate and dry place, I'd buy more for outdoor use. Any shame or embarrassment I may have initially felt about wearing them is gone.

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Brian Blessed is probably the most known person I've met. He is exactly like his appearance on any TV show you've seen him on. He wants to tell stories, endlessly. He's always got a fascinating story or fact to tell you. He wants to speak to literally anyone about anything.

This was at a convention years ago, and he had two handlers who were ripping their hair out from the frustration - they were bitching about how impossible he is to get from place to place but he's just so goddamn nice.

Other notable meet (to me) was Regi Fils-Aimé. I was wearing a Zelda necklace and he went "ooooh I like your necklace!" and I pretty much resembled that scene where Troy meets LeVar Burton in Community.

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Screaming into the void and therapy.

But fr, the one thing I'm working on unraveling is the guilt I tie to "non-productive" time. I will sit unable to do anything because there are too many things, and mentally torture myself for not being productive. That then uses up so much emotional energy that I feel a thousand times worse. It's not easy to undo a lifetime of this belief, but I'm explicitly trying to be more gentle with myself, and say: "Okay sure you need to do XYZ, but right now you are not okay, so let's lie here and have a little rest, watch some crap, and work on recovery."

I've been thinking about this for a while. I lost touch with all my 'friends' from University. They all seemed to stay together as a group after graduation, but I always felt sort of unwelcome. I thought about trying to reconnect recently, but the only thing that actually connects me to those people was a shared time and space well over a decade ago. Apply this to everyone I ever knew as a friend - most of the time the relationship was based on proximity and necessity alone. I'm romanticising old relationships (like an ex), when in reality we've all lived different lives and grown in different ways and likely no longer align with each other.

Truly right now, I have no friends. Just connections to people I no longer meaningfully identify with. I want to go out and make friends, but I don't know how to. And I want those friendships to be deep and meaningful, but I'm not sure how I'd find that. I've made a sort of peace with that - friendship will come, when it's the right person and the right time. I don't want to force it.

Surprised you could only think of Idris! Would say he's definitely female gaze in most of his roles. Off the top of my head, and as a woman who talks about celeb 'crushes' with other women, the tops are:

  • Stanley Tucci in literally anything.
  • Tom Hiddleston (Loki had way more female attention than Thor)
  • Jack Black as Bowser
  • David Harbour as Jim Hopper
  • Sean Austin (in general, but also as Bob in ST)
  • Paul Rudd (again, in almost anything)
  • Pedro Pascal (particularly as Joel)
  • Hugh Jackman in musicals (as opposed to being Wolverine)

All examples of men who, for the most part, are not obvious sex symbols in their roles, all of whom women go absolutely wild for.

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Ah yes, @bikini.bottom.news!

Honestly I like Daylio so much I pay for premium.

The only thing I don't like (not sure if this feature is present on desktop) is that you can't extract and chart activity data over long periods of time. E.g. I want to see patterns of activity, but not relative to mood or other activities.

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Me too - it has weird quirks that at this stage may be turning potential users away.

To be fair though, it's something that's been put together very quickly. I think it's had 2 updates even just in the last 24hrs, to resolve some of these teething problems (and accidentally introducing more). I'm happy to stick with it and be patient; it's still in beta and would be unreasonable to expect a fully functional product at this point.

Some frustrations will also be coming from the decentralised nature of Lemmy. I've noticed issues with using my lemmy.world account or looking for content on lemmy.world from a different instance, and this isn't really a fault of wefwef or anyone to be honest (as .world is really struggling with excess load atm). It's early days, it's going to be rough, we just need to be patient and mindful.

I'm just annoyed about the lack of consistency in what products do and do not support a dark mode, especially when other products in the same suite do.

I'm limited to using MS Office at work and love that Word, Outlook, OneNote and Drive all have dark themes and a quick toggle button to check accessibility/accommodate light-lovers if I'm screen sharing... But why was Excel left out ☹️? And a bunch of other apps, like Planner and Forms.

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  1. Not just Jebora, it seems to happen on Wefwef and I think Connect too.

If you open Lemmy on your standard browser app and navigate to your profile, you won't see a points total, just a Posts made and Comments made total.

A significant amount of subs were text only. I get the majority of Reddit was memes, pics, videos and linking to content off site, but there's still a wealth of text only posts covering thousands of niche topics.

Simple for me too! I use Google Tasks (RIP Reminders but Tasks is already better) just out of ease. It's right there on my phone and if something pops into my head, I can just call out to Google Assistant to add it to the list for x day/time.

I actually love OneNote - I use it predominantly at work to organise and info dump EVERYTHING. We have pretty strict IT policy though so it's really my only option. I wish the phone app was easier to navigate, as I've not found a reliable notes app on Android (I have so much stuff split across multiple notes apps that I just kinda gave up).

Yeah that's exactly why I paid for it. Think it's a great app and want to support them over time. Agree that free version serves the purpose just as well though!

Why specifically the implants do you think? I appreciate more studies especially looking at extended usage are definitely needed. At least so far there's no evidence of increase in certain kinds of cancers or reduction of bone density (unlike depo). Still, I've just realised I've been using nexplanon for 15 years and I have no way to know what impact it's actually had on me.

Your front pockets are actually pockets?! On most of my jeans/pants they're just illusionary!

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Agree, the shame and embarrassment I felt about trying Crocs disappeared the moment I took my first step in them. I now hate wearing any shoes that are not Crocs.

So I think "kill" is fine for the Tiktok censors as it can be used in various contacts that don't necessarily mean death. Murder, suicide, and rape are definitely words that will get your content or comments removed, hence "grape" (or r@pe), "unalived". Which is a bit frustrating when educational creators can't actually talk about their specialist subjects but oh well.

Have you ever tried some sort of stimmy food like pepitas? They're kinda a pain to eat if you're not used to it. I can do one at a time and don't have the best success rate of even getting the seed out 😂.

Appreciate the further insight! Do you really think any ill long term effects would become a scandal though? I feel like I've heard women shouting from the rooftops, but also directly into the void, on how awful most chemical BC is and essentially no one cares.

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Not sure if you actually meant that in response to me?

I was pointing out to that guy that GAC isn't exclusively for trans people, and that by their logic, if you want to deny it for one group then it should be denied for all people unless life-critical. I think certain people forget their little blue pills are about affirming their identify as men.

Hmm, I see your point now I've looked up the actual theory of female gaze.

It seems in the modern social media space, female gaze has been used to mean something more like "the male characters who women find attractive are the ones that show more emotional, loving, nurturing and supportive traits". So if used this way, it's not a direct contrast to male gaze. Maybe we need to call that observation something different!

I wonder if Bob (Sean Austin) does fall into the proper definition though? His character does exist for the most part to lift every other character around him, especially Joyce Byers.

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I watched GG on repeat for literal years. Must have seen it over 20 times? Then AYITL happened and I can't watch it again, because it really took it out of being a 'product of it's time' and made it almost impossible to look past how much Rory sucks.

Tomie isn't as meme-ified as Amigara fault, or as widely adapted as Uzumaki, but is another of his bigger works, would recommend!

Also, you may have seen a few images from Uzumaki (the hair, the face) but the story is quite long and really unsettling! Would still recommend giving it a read.

Honestly I love this idea for Orkney. If they actually managed to get a mandate from some sort of island referendum then good for them.

Sunak already commented on it saying the usual Better Together lines. I'm waiting for a proper Scottish Government response, will be extremely interesting to see the SNP position on this...